from me.
SweetCheeks responds with..
Ih loveh yoah too, Nana!
I tell her she will always be my
baby girl.
She tells me ..
Ih amn't a BABY!
I am Foarh now.
When I wus three
I wus a baby!
Nowh Ih'm a big girl..
An' I not gonna be
yoah baby eny more.
She walks away and come back
a few minutes later.
this is whut babies does..
Did yoah effer see me do this, Nana?

See?! Ih'm not a baby enymore!
She pauses for a moment
to think things over..
to size up the
An' Baby Effan chan't be yoah

baby effer.
Why not? I ask.
Cuz...Him's a boy and boys
is Papas' babies..
and girls is Nanas' babies..
So yoah ARE my baby?
No...I jus' kidding.
Got it?
(Got it is her new by-word)
Yep- I got it!
and I whisper
to myself..
to myself..
But you will always be a
baby girl to me!
Good Morning Sweetie...
What a doll baby. I love hearing her conversations with you. Isn't she just precious? (My Daddy still calls me his Baby Girl.) Boy does she ever have BIG dimples. Love that little smile of hers. She is a pretty big talker for only 4. Quite the little grown up.
And Ethan is so darn cute. Just look at all the beautiful hair of his. Love the curls too.
I bet you guys are going to have fun with those two this Christmas. Has she given you her list yet?
Have a great day sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
Awwww what a sweet conversation! She is such a doll, as is her competition lol! Adorable!
So precious!
Have a great Monday.
I hate telling people my baby is 4 now. She is growing up way to quickly.. I think we will be referring to the blog for many years to come. Thank you for capturing her spirit Nana. We love you.
Well, if Sweet Cheeks is right (and she usually is) than all of my grand babies will be MY babies! Poor Grandpa! Maybe someday, someone will have him a boy. But, I'm thrilled to be getting girls!
Diana, this kid cracks me up. Love the grin behind the pacifier. She can sure think on her feet.
Tell her my baby is 25. He hates being called that, but has gotten used to it.
Hope you all have a fun day!
SweetCheeks ~ she sure is as well as a beautiful little lady!
Oh wow, look at her dimples! And those eyes, those teasing grandma cute! :D
What a cutie. The babies get all the good stuff - doesn't she realize that yet. If I were her I would be fighting tooth and nail to still be the baby of the house.
Oh, it is soooo hard to stop thinking of them as our babies! My youngest keeps trying to get us to stop saying "baby girl" when we talk to her but I just can't! It's painful!
Hi Diana...I know what you mean about wanting our little ones to be our babies forever. I keep telling my grandkiddos to stop growing so fast.
Sweetcheeks has gorgeous eyes, and sweet dimples.
How do you keep from sucking her face off?!
They are our babies no matter how old or obnoxious they get!
She is just so cute. I don't even know what her real name is? What is Miss Sweet Cheeks real name?
This is just precious! Truly my friend. Don't you just love childhood? They grow up way toooo fast!
I love to to smile with to feel your heart and share you muse!
HAHAHA that's adorable !
Love your blog and it looks like mine ! A lot of little kids keeping us entertained ! LOL
Good luck with my giveaways and the follow...Returning the favor !
Awe...don't they grow up so fast! She is a doll though and I love how she talks, its adorable, I can just hear her!
Thanks for the info on my little secretary and that maybe she's fibbing about her age:O) I do think she is a older than she tells everyone:)
Thanks for coming by!
PS love the new profile picture!
Oh Diana, all I can say is that one day Sweet Cheeks (and the other grandkids) are going to be able to read this blog when they are older!! What a beautiful thing and how much enjoyment she will get out of it!!
They are going to tell stories about Nana!!
Since our little granddaughter Abby was born her big sister has taken to 'stealing' the paci. But that's only because after seeing the baby nursing, she declared, "Dats is gross!"
Sweet Cheeks is the perfect name for your little one. I've never seen sweeter cheeks (with dimples) to boot! I love your post. As always, it warms my heart.
So cute Diana! She is such a little sweetheart and her little brother is so adorable too!
Hugs and stay warm cause it's miserable cold over here!
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