The first place SweetCheeks heads
when she wakes up is into
a little "room" we have
with a settee covered with library fabric.
Shoved under the seat are a
couple of baskets,
and in these baskets are
dress up clothes.
SweetCheeks was rather disturbed when
she pulled out the basket
and saw this...

Pwrincess gowns and stuff?
Ahh..go with Papa..
Hims doesn't know whare thems are.
Oh yes HIMS does.
Go down the steps..
And look in the little cubby hole.

It even has a Christmas curtain
for your dress up closet.
Ohhh..Nana they iss all hanged up!

Did the fwaries do thisss?
The Fairy Godmother did it.

Hmmmm...I think I will whear this one

And to accompany this beautiful dress
we must have accessories to match.
Hello Kitty bracelets...

And her favorite
red shoes.

And while she is dressing
we have some good discussions.
Yes, honey?
I have a big Whish bottle
at my owhn house.
Did yoah know that?
Welllll, when I gets it all fhull..
I can mhake a whish.
Yoah know whut I gonna whish for?
I gonna whish that yoah wusnt so
old and whish yoah could be
young again.
(Pardon me while I cry a bit)
Well, that's a nice wish, SweetCheeks.
Iss eiffer that or I gonna whish
I could go to Dizzy Wurld again.
I'm betting I just keep getting older.
LOL- this one is either going to make you old quick or keep you young forever. I love that the fairies hung up her dresses.
I have only done boys, so if I ever get a granddaughter, I will coming here for help!
Have a great day. I think we will finish up with the living room today and laundry!
Bear hugs and snow at ya- Tete
This is so cute. Those outfits are adorable. Does she get dressed up in one of the outfits in the morning and play in it? This is precious. And yup - your out over Disney World!
Out of the mouths of babes! Hahaha...
I just love that little princess.
Enjoy your day, my friend. It's back to work for me tomorrow...uck.
Well...a nana can dream, can't she? LOL
Can i have that wish too Nana? lol!
I love love those red mary jane shoes!!! Oh if i had a girl...lookout clothing stores!!
Cutie pie Diana she is!!
Pamela xo
Grands..The lifeblood through our veins...
How we love them!
Love on her for me...
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
QUICK! Go to Disneyland! You'll stay young there.....!!!!!!!
xoxo laurie
Oh, the fun of playing dress up! I'm getting two grandbabies next year, already know one is a girl, not sure about the other one yet! I can't wait! My grandson will be 10 soon, so I'm ready for some little ones around the house!
How adorable. And to have your very own dress up closet at Grandmas's is pretty darn amazing. Hope she gets to go to Dizzy Wurld again AND you find a time machine for yourself.
Hilarious.... Is there anything better than grandkids???
Warm blessings,
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