This happened earlier
but is a story worth
The Trio have all been bathed
and snugged into pjs.
We are having
S'mores..made inside..
in the microwave.
But wait...
someone has spit a glob
of sticky white marshmallow
on the floor.
Who spit the marshmallow out?
There are 5 players involved.
Papa & I are exempt from
that leaves 3 would-be culprits.
The one that turns her back
and ignores me is..
of course..
the most likely suspect.
She is the winner!
We have a winner folks.
So SweetCheeks, I ask her rather sweetly,
Why'd you spit the marshmallow out?
The response...Are you ready?
Ih didn't !
Yeah right! And I am 25 and weigh 129 pounds!
You didn't?
Do I look stupid here?
Don't answer that because there IS
No. Good. Answer.
Threatened with a time out for all of them
if no one fesses up.
two of the players start crying.
Player Number Three
finally fesses up.
I do'ed it~
Players 1 & 2 think this is very funny.
I finally get an..
Ih sez Ih wus sorry~
Really? My hearing must be going.
Cuz I didn't hear you.
Ih sayed it befoarh~
Player #2 (the peace maker) says..
She said it really soft, Nana!
Okay- SweetCheeks..glad you are sorry...take your place
on the time out step..
How long do I haffta sit there?
(As if she has a concept of time) are 3- 3 minutes.
Player number 2 jumps in.
But, Nana...she is just turned 3 so
she really is just over 2..
This bargaining chip has been thrown
out because later,
if Player #2 gets in trouble,
she feels she can bargain her time down.
I've been in this rodeo before.
As I am hauling
Little Miss Naughty off to Step #3
I ask once more..
SweetCheeks..WHY did you
spit the marshmallow on the floor?
Ready, folks? Remember apology
has already been accepted.
No answer.
Huh? How come you did that?
Ih sayed Ih didn't Nana!
This is accompanied by large
crocodile tears...
which almost sways me..
On the way to the steps
I notice that
has written on the wall.
Who did that? I ask~
I doan know, Nana..
Yoah already know iss not me
cuz Ih was spittin' murshmullow
overah therah.
An' Nana?
Ih not gonna spitt eny more!
Somedays I wish I drank.
Thanks for starting my day off right. I am so glad you remember and document these stories. Just wait til they get older and read them! Have a wonderful day.
Aww, I love how the other one sticks up for her and tries to get her sentence reduced. Those smores look pretty good. Never thought to make them in the microwave.
AAhhaaahahahaaa! never a dull moment with Sweetcheeks around. Great story Diana.
Very cute! We always had a Mr. Nobody that lived in our house! ;D
hehe... three little ones doing what little ones do :)
Well, did she or didn't she. I'm not sure there is enough evidence for a conviction. But, she's got the concept of a good alibi down. *LOL*
:o) another sweet memory for the heart bank. xo
Diana, those smores look yum! never heard of them before!! naughty little sweetcheeks, I thought she was older; she looks older!! Love her christmas wishes; guess she will be going back to disney land huh?!! shame about that!!
It was very cute of her to think about you in that way though! Hope you are having a wonderful week lovely,
Laura xxx
This is hilarious!! How do you keep a straight face with this trio of little cute clowns???
You really do need to write all of this down...oh wait, I guess you just did!
Hi Sis,
Those girls will keep you in writing material until they are grandmothers, themselves..
About the drinking: go over to the liquor store, and buy some whipped cream in a can, they have it up to about 38 proof, so I hear on Fox News...You can have whipped cream on your coffee, on your donuts, on your cake, and you can just have whipped cream with your whipped cream...No need to hide it, no one will notice.
This is AnonyaMouse being Anonymous
Oh, I don't know how you can kept a straight face during that trial. LOL
I looove that her older sissy stood up for her! I would have loved that!!! I had 3 brothers...enough said! Hugs, Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs
Oh so funny! I was so glad when I got a baby brother so I could blame him for everything.
I love that her sisters stood up for her. My kids always did that too and even though my husband and I usually knew who the guilty party was, we were so proud of the one who stood up for her or him, we were lenient on the sentence!
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