Well..it's not quite done.
However, I wanted to show you
I have done to decorate
for Christmas.
Saturday night we had a blizzard.
and my daughter and
son-in-law, Lulu, Ria &
Sweetcheeks were traveling
about 100 miles in those
awful conditions.
So..to keep myself occupied
I dragged out
She stands about 3' tall
and is in pretty good shape
for her age.
You know where I found her?
It was in the
'deed it was.
The junk pile my
father-in-law created
when he
cleaned out his
parent's house.
To me~ this is one
of my greatest treasures.
And..because I am
a camera idiot
(watch it- I said CAMERA IDIOT-
NOT just any old idiot)
I took the first picture at night
using a flash..And..
it looks almost
nothing like the real thing..
But here she is..
She sits in front of
a chippy old
leaded glass window
from a house we re-habbed.
The windows were replaced
so I kept the only one that
could be saved.

Flanked on either side are
two sugared snowangels.
that I got for about $5.00 each
many years ago.
Someone returned them
after Christmas when
everything was marked
down 90%.
I was standing in line behind
the returner and bought
them on the spot.
Foolish woman!

I guess this is the way to go.
I might need to figure out some
back lighting in the future..
Duh...do you think so?

of the Feather Tree story
is that sitting right next
to the
Feather Tree
was a box.
Can you guess what was in it?
AHA..I see some of you
have your thinking caps on..
It was the ornaments for
the little tree!
There are beaded garlands
like none I have ever seen..
And funky little birds with

real feathers for their tails.
And this is one of my favorites..

A little bell~
And several little plastic angels

in various poses.
And I love this little drum..

which seems to have lost one of
the drumsticks..
which looked to be a toothpick
with a pearl on the end.
And a few old glass ornaments.

And I see I didn't take one of
the few mercury glass ornaments
that are on there.
And there she sits..

lighting up the side window
in our little front room...
I smile everytime I walk by it..
because she reminds me of
a softer, gentler time..
and I am tickled that she
is my own!
Hmmmm...wonder which one of

my kids has their name written
on her box ..for someday..
Which reminds me of something
I hadn't thought of in a long time.
I once owned an opal..
(which, BTW, is supposed to be bad
luck to wear if it's not your birthstone..
my bad luck was that I lost it);>/
Anyway.. I wore it and my daughter, Mimi,
who happens to HAVE an Octoboer
birthday loved that necklace.
I used to tell her that
it would be
When? She wanted to know.
I told her that someday
when I was old and
in Heaven it would belong to her.
One day as she was fingering it..
she looked at me and asked..
Momma, do you think you
could die pretty soon?
Do you suppose she is after
my Feather Tree now
that I have lost the opal?
Now, if you are nice to me
and promise not to
steal my chippy old window
when I am not looking..
I will tell you the
story of SweetCheeks
and Santa.
Good Morning Sweetie...
What a beautiful share. I love, love, love this old feather tree. The ornaments are priceless of course. Can you believe she was going to be thrown out like an old shoe? Oh my, I could hardly believe my eyes when I read that part.
I love the little angels most of all. They are so precious. And the strands of beaded garlands and those two angels were perfect for either side.
How gorgeous she stands in the window, and I so adore the little glass window behind her. Gives her a glow all of her own.
I can't wait to hear another story about SweetCheeks and Santa. She is a doll.
Have a beautiful Tuesday sweet friend. Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry
I love it and so glad you got it! What a wonderful family piece to have with all the little ornaments and glass garland!
Flash help- tape a small piece of white card stock- or two layers if you wish over your flash to tone it down. You will have to do a trial and error then on your distance, but it stops the white out effect.
Do you know why we don't have feather trees anymore? Because green chickens are ugly!
Have a good one and can't wait to see what that kid does with Santa!
How fortunate you were to recover these special things!!!!
What a gorgeous and very special tree ~ You are very lucky indeed. that glass garland is just yummy.
The tree is such a wonderful heirloom, here's hoping you don't kick the bucket any time soon :-)
Oh my gosh! I can not believe that someone would throw this gorgeous tree out! It is amazing! And I am literally oooohing and aaahing as I look at all of those beautiful ornaments! The little birdie is one of my favorites, I think! I am so glad that you rescued such a treasure! And such a good idea to display it in front of that awesome window! I think your kids just may have to draw straws for this one!! Oh, and I also love those sweet little angels. Such a funny story about Mimi, too:)
What a beautiful tree! I love the way you have it decorated and displayed. I loved the post, too...you always make me smile :)
Oh sweetie...beautiful tree. But please...don't hurry up and die (hysterical by the way) on us. What would any of us do without you and our daily dose of muse?
You bless me friend. You do! I love the JOY and peace that flows from your life.
Love to you~
Hello Diana,
I just love that little feather tree and all its decorations!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the angels.
You do have some beautiful things in your home...I will be packing my car soon, get out my GPS!!!! ;=)
I did not know owning an opal if it wasnt your birthday would bring you bad luck....so now I know why my luck has been so bad :(
Suzann xoxoxo
I love it! And I love the little angels with muffs very much! ;D
I'll take the feather tree, but what I'd REALLY like is the bracelet with pearls and diamonds.....just saying - oh and maybe your diamond wedding ring. :)
Oh, what a sweet little tree! And it looks perfect in front of the window!
Oh Diana...I love it! It looks beautiful in front of the window! I have had to tell my daughter the opal tale too every time she wanted to borrow my ring! I am October, she is September!
Oh, this feather tree is precious! You must never part with it. How fortunate that you saved it and love it. The little ornaments are fantastic. I love them all but I especially love the little birds and angels. I am so glad you saved its life and treasure it. Just seeing these pictures brings a smile to my face.
Oh, that tree is so special. And the ornaments too. You lucked out by pulling it out of the trash.
What a darling treasure that tree is with all of those amazing ornaments! I love something with a story. That must be why I like you so much! :-) Whenever my sis and I are together and chatting away, my mom will walk in and say "I know you girls are deciding who gets what after I'm gone". I don't think she realizes we've already taped our names to the backs of the things we want!
Oh wow! What a beautiful treasure! You lucky lady! I'm so glad you saved it! Oh, and your photos are lovely :)
That looks great!
I am a new follower, maybe you'll return the favor? :)
What would you do with a $75 gift card? I have a giveaway on my blog right now for just that!
Come on over and enter!
Your stories are priceless. I love that little tree, yes I do, I would have scooped it up as well. I am so glad you did. Now of course I want it, but I am not going to ask you to die or anything crazy like that. Can't wait to hear the sweet cheeks and Santa story, it's going to be a good one!
hi sweetie,
the feather tree in the window without the flash looks amazing. like a christmas card. what a treasure it is.
thank you so much for your very thoughtful comment on my blog post. so comforting and appreciated.
That is quite the treasure!! How lucky for you! Love the story about your opal too! Kids are so funny ;)
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