Here they are..
in the car..
just before Thanksgiving..
headed out to
The Tree Farm.
They needn't go far..
They are OFF..
They are OFF..
(not OFF like me-no I mean they
are on their way)
OFF to get a Christmas tree.
They go to the same
place every year.
This year there was a lack of snow..
but it was a nice day..
not too cold.
You will notice that
looks like a little
stuffed sausage..
sweet little
candy cane girl.

They get to the tree farm
and set off on their great adventure..
in quest of
The Perfect Tree..

There she is..
tall and green..
looking like a queen..
a real dancing machine..
there I go rhyming sorry..
Down she goes..
She went the opposite
way they thought she
was going to go..
Now for the trek back..

The two older girls
rush ahead..
SweetCheeks brings up the
rear because she
just trudges along.
Smile girls...
Where's your sister?

Where is SweetCheeks?
SweetCheeks..What are
you doing?
Ih'm stuck in a twree!
(She said it was a tree-looks
like a big ole bush to me..
but then..what do I know?)

We'll help you, SweetCheeks.
Come on..We're gonna
go see Santa now.
The tears are right
at the surface..
I doan kare iff I effer see Santa..
(Uh-oh- Someone lost their
sense of humor in the
non-burning bush)

Do you want to sit on my lap,
little girl?
I hear it's your birthday tomorrow..
Tell Santa what you want for

The soft little secrets
are whispered
to Santa....
followed up by the
saga of
Killer Tree That Catcheted Me..
(look at Santa's face);>)
Finally, they all snuggle up
to have their picture
taken with Santa..

The Saturday
AFTER Thanksgiving
is always a special day.
They get all decked out
in their Christmas dresses..
They go to a special
Santa brunch with
Uncle Paul.
(He's my brother-in-law-
Is he just not the most handsome
in-law ever? We love our Uncle Paulie!)
And after eating a wonderful

(where SweetCheeks eyes actually
rolled back in her head when
she saw the big chocolate cake-
After that..
They get to see Santa!
First our dear
Little Lulu
tells Santa what she wants.
Then Ria & SweetCheeks take a turn.
And, tell me, Little Girl...
What would you like for Christmas?
SweetCheeks puts one hand on her hip.
Doan't yoah rehmembarh from befoarh
I jus' tole yoah the offther day
whut I wanted, Santa!Santa is just checking to see
if you want the same thing now.
We have to double check, you know.
Well, ohkay then..
I wanna PINKULICIOUS crown
and dress and slippahs..
You sure are a
sweet little girl!
Thank yoah, Santa!
Later.... Nana? Yes, honey? Didju know I luvff Santa Claws..
Yep! And he loves you too..
Hims does?
Yep! Hims sure does!
You've got me laughing so hard I'm crying here! The picture of her stuck in the tree is priceless. Next year, remember to dress her in something that is not so attractive to the bushes.
What a fun adventure, seeing life through the eyes of these beauties! Being a Nana must be the best! Merry Christmas Nana Diana!!!
How could that bush snag little Sweet Cheeks! I can see the book now, The Adventures of Sweet Cheeks :)
The book isn't a bad idea! Love those holiday dresses and banana curled hair.
So cute. I heard we has a tree farm nearby and I can't wait to let my daughter know. It seems the pre-cute trees are drying out faster and faster and one of our neighbors already has theirs out by the curb waiting for the trash man.
And what kind of car are you driving? It looks like it has a third row seat, but it looks like a car, not a mini-van. With one grand baby and two on the way, I will soon need room for 3 carseats, so I'm looking for something bigger... but not too big.
I can't even imagine how that bush reached out and snagged her. Maybe it just wanted a taste of the candy cane? Love that photo!
Isn't that tree a bit tall for the average living room?
The look on Santa's face is priceless! He doesn't know how lucky he is that it went off that well!
We have a friend who plays Santa every year and the tales he can tell!
the girls are beautiful in their dresses.
Adorable, adorable!! I laughed out loud as
I always do! I have to show this one to my
husband...I am always telling him your stories.
Merry Christmas!
PS Save these stories!
Flora Doora
Cute stories! Have a great day.
Oh Diana
Thank you for my dose of happiness!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your stories.
Suzann xoxoxo
You always make me laugh!! They are all so pretty in their dresses! Good thing you always have a camera ready for those "Sweet Cheek" moments! You never know where she might end up!
Have a very Merry Christmas, Diana!!
I still think the Sweetcheeks outfit is one of the funniest things about Christmas.......
You have me laughing again! Sweetcheeks does look just like a candy cane. Amazing how that bush just reached out and grabbed her. The tree is beautiful and it will be extra gorgeous once the monkeyducky is hung on it! Beautiful little girls! You are a fabulous Nana...and you keep us in stitches.
I swear that SC is going to grow up to be just like her Nana, D! No question in my mind at all... :) What an absolute hoot she is!
Merry Christmas to you, sweet friend! ♥
xoxo laurie
Very cute. Love Sweet Cheeks candy cane hat and scarf. Her expresson coming out of the bush is priceless....and what a gorgeous tree. It is so large...I am not sure I could even fit that one thru my house. I can;t wait to see the opening of the christmas presents post. Your gonna do one right? You have too!!!
Sweet Cheeks candy cane outfit is too adorable and all the girls dressed up in their Christmas finery make Christmas, Christmas. I get to see my Grands Christmas Eve, in all their Christmas outfits. We're going to the Children's Mass together, singing our favorite carols, then off to dinner and presents. Family, that's what it's all about.
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