I just got home and I have
to be up by 4:45am tomorrow
for the early shift
at the hospital...
so this
will be short and sweet..
At least sweet for you..
I may be pulling my hair out..
because I have to upload
(or is it download-geezh I can never remember)
my pictures taken at
Lulu's concert tonight.
And...not only do I
not know what I am doing
with the camera..
I am even worse at Photobucket.
Photobucket...who thought of
More like
BARFBucket for me..
just sayin...
back to the story.
I talked to SweetCheeks
earlier in the day.
Mama was upstairs
getting dressed and
Daddy was busy
so I talked to SweetCheeks..
or rather..
I listened.
Nana- Arhe yoah going
to Lulu's concert?
Mee too! An' I gettin' my
haihr all done in a Fwrench brwaid..
an I gonna wearh my
gwreen dwress that
matches Ria...
and I gonna wear my
bhlue coat wiff the
fur collar..
an I gonna see Lulu
be an angel on sthage.
I can't wait..
Can yoah wait, Nana?
Nope! I can't wait either..
Me effther.
I'll get there early
and save us front row seats..
that way you can see Lulu
really, really good
because you'll be right up front.
Yep! Our little SweetCheeks
is very excited to see this production.
the excitement comes to a head,
the audience quietens
and the 3rd & 4th graders
take their places.
Oh! There she is...

our sweet Little Lulu..
She will always be a little angel to me..
And here she is again..

Doesn't this look like one of the
angels you see in a painting?
All I did was crop it..to
cut out the kid with the red eyes...
Okay...and the kid behind?
No photobucket fix for glasses..
at least not that I can do..
Soon the concert is over

and Lulu steps off the stage to
join her family..
She smiles...
and we give her hugs and kisses..

But wait...
SweetCheeks has been quiet the whole time..
Here she is at the start of the concert.....

And here she is at the end
of the concert...
Sweet Dreams Little Angel~Sweet Dreams~

I just love this! How very precious. Your conversations with Sweet Cheeks make my day. Thanks for sharing with us even though you are probably exhausted. Sweet dreams.
Must have just wiped her out getting her hair done, jumping into her dress and pretty blue coat with fur- and of course the long ride there.
At least you can show her the pictures you took of Lulu!
Can't wait to hear what she thought of the concert! *lol* You are going to ask her, aren't you?
Visions of sugar plums danced in her head!!!
Lulu looked so pretty!
As for pictures, I have a Kodak easyshare camera that came with it's own software so they load there. I know alot of people use photobucket to upload to their blogs but I don't. Not sure if that is good or bad. Just how I do it!!
I love the way you tell a story! Such cute angels! ;D
Poor SweetCheeks. The anticipation of the night wore her out!! Lulu looks so sweet. SweetCheeks looks like a little angel too.
aww... sweet angel!
Some of the most enjoyable concerts I have gone to where when one of my children did what SweetCheeks did. :)
I am still laughing. How precious is that?? And it's upload. luv ya! xoxo
P.s. I don't use photobucket. :)
Precious pics!!!
Lovely photos Diana especially of the sleeping beauty!
Pamela xo
I love LuLu's hailo (or is it halo). It's all sparkly and silvery. Enjoy your work tomorrow.
Adorable, adorable, adorable!!!! Love your
stories. So cute, so real and so clever!
Again... you should write it all in a book!
Flora Doora
MOL - well it would appear that Sweet Cheeks suffered from a sugar crash....maybe if she'd saved a bite for Nana....hehehehe Okay, I admit it....she is really very cute. Even if she didn't save either of us a bite of that Bear Cookie ;)
P.S. - Sorry, forgot to mention that Lulu the angel was beautiful!!!!
Romeo (who was too busy thinking about that cookie)
And then to add to the excitement: She slept as we carried her to the car. She slept as we stopped at the Irish Pub (classy, I know) to sit by the wee-old fireplace and have a classic Mexican Hot Chocolate (yes, it was called Mexican Hot Chocolate served at an Irish Pub)and she slept as we carried her back into the car from there. She slept until we were about 5 miles from home. THEN and only THEN did she wake up. Funny because the car was silent.. every where else she slept was not. Then she asked the dreaded question "Whennnn (crying of course) doah whe get to seeeeee Lulu asf an angel????" Do you think we told her she missed it? Nope.. we said it was canceled and we will have to watch a video of it, instead. Then we got home and she stayed up until 12 am. Awesome way to cap off an angelic night.
Aww this is just precious! You sound like an amazing Grandma too. <3
Thank you, thank you for your kind words on my blog. I actually read your comment to my husband because it touched my heart so much. I appreciate YOU. :)
I hope you're getting good sleep right now...waking up that early sounds miserable...aghh.
How sweet! I wanted to let you know that I am passing along to you the Versatile Blogger Award, for blogs that I find Fantastic! *giggle. I always get a smile when I stop by your place! You can view your award on my blog, if you like.
How precious both Lulu and Sweetcheeks are! It's funny how excitement can be so exhausting.
You are a fabulous grandma and tell a fantastic story. I love visiting your blog!
Awwwww a sleeping angel... the excitement must have been too much for her lol! You have such precious grand daughters!
Precious pics!!!
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