When you heard the words
Baby Steps..
I just bet you thought
I was going to be
telling you another
tale about
my grandkids,didn't you?
And then you groaned a bit
but thought that as long
as you were already here you
would read anyway.
Am I right?
Yeah...well...big surprises..kiddos!
This is a picture of Bay Beach.
Bay Beach is a wonderful city-run
amusement park that has
been in operation since the
early 1900's.
Rides are still a quarter..
or two quarters for the "big" rides.
I am lucky enough to own
one of the limited prints
signed by the artist,
Carolyn Barnard.
Bay Beach is where our daughter,
Mimi, got married.
She got married in the open
spot between the little train
and the big back veranda.
here's what this post is about..
Behind this picture..
cleverly hidden is a little "closet"
It is on a spring loaded release..

You take the picture down and
press the center of the wall
and the doors open
Presto- Chango-
Open Sesame~
THERE are all my Christmas dishes!
Well, Baby Step One
is to drag all those
little suckers out
and empty them...

Notice how neatly I have re-stacked them?
Aren't you impressed about how
particular I am?
No need to lie to placate me..
They're a mess~
I threw them back in there.
And I store my everyday dishes
there until January.
For those of you that
red & green..
you can't eat here!
Because...MyHero's Gramma
thought every family ought
to have Spode Christmas china.
So, every year from the time
we got married..
we got a place setting..
and when we had 12 settings,
we got the other pieces..

All the kids in this generation have them.

For those that want them.
Mimi decided she wanted Lenox instead..
so each year we have added to her set.
My oldest son has a complete set...
My youngest son & his wife haven't decided
if they want any..
And my oldest daughter is waiting for
me to kick the bucket so she can have
all of mine. I hope she doesn't want
them anytime soon...because...
I have decided to live to be 100
just for spite!
Merry Christmas, TPot!
They're gorgeous! Love that you have Christmas dishes! My mom has given me the special red and white china (don't ask what kind, I have no clue) that we had Christmas dinner on every year and was handed down to her by my Grandmother. I refuse to take them for fear she'll die. So they sit in boxes in her basement waiting for me while I use the Winterberry Pfaltzgraff. I figure I've ensured her to live to 100 too lol!
I loves them Diana! I am glad you made that decision to be here til at least 100! Me too:) What a great pictures of the amusement park, I can't believe how cheap rides are.
Woah! The dishes are really lovely but that hidden closet is the coolest ever! How'd you do that! :)
I know that amusement park Diana! My brother Jeff always talks about it.
I am a huge red and green fan and love your dishes! I love the little secret closet, soooo cool!
Happy Weekend!
Well, first of all, that little hidden closet is just too cool! I need those all over the house. And I love your dishes and the traditions that go with them! I bet they make you smile every year!
I want one of those hidden closets! It looks like Grandma had a very easy Christmas gift buying list. Spode, Spode and Spode. Done. I love those dishes actually and they look gorgeous in your cabinet (glass one, not hidden picture one).
Hi Diana,
I think that cubby in the wall should hold all of your millions and jewels! Love the spode, very festive!
That is a cool idea! I love red and green! I like a traditional Christmas. I do like to look at the other non-traditional colors as they are breath taking trees and decor but for my house it is red/green/gold!!
You crack me up! Wow! That's a great little hiding place....I need one of those! What a great tradition and a beautiful set of dishes. I love traditions like this. They make a family feel grounded. I donated my tradition this year and I miss it. The Dicken's Village....my kids decided they didn't want to keep the tradition after all these years :o( and didn't want to carry it on themselves. Bah! Humbug.....
Sweet! I've always wanted Christmas Dises, but don't want to store them. Plus - my dishes are already red, so all I have to do is add Christmas accessories and my table looks Christmassy. But, I do love the Christmas China. So pretty!
Darn it - I thought this post was going to be about you giving me that framed print of Bay Beach for Christmas this year! Oh well. And by the way, I just got all my Christmas China out last night! Table is set and China cabinet is filled!
Oh, my Mom did the same thing with Christmas dishes for her kids. By now I've got dishes enough for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Love your hidden storage. In our last home, we had a closet hidden in painted paneling in the family room, next to the chimney -- and I used it the same way! Christmas dishes during the year, everyday china when the Christmas boys were out of the closet (so to speak) and doing their thing.
I have a hidden closet here, but it's under the attic stairs -- too far from the kitchen for dishes!
Fun post -- thanks!
Diana- I love the hidey place! That is so cool! Since you have such a big collection- that must mean you have been here awhile! (OLD) LOL
I have Christmas dishes, too! Made by Chinette! Bwahahahaha!
I think we will use them this year for sure with the dish washer being down.
I love how you have yours arranged! I would love a cabinet like that just for all my crap!
The picture is so fun.
Hope you are having a fun week goofing around there.
Love your names for my TP rolls! Wait until I show my guys!
Thank you so much for cracking me up every morning!
Bear Hugs- Tete
How cool is that hidden closet! I have always loved that christmas pattern, just beautiful.
I have one little plate in that pattern. We use it to leave Santa cookies!!!
I absolutely love your dishes and the whole history. How blessed you are to have them. I hope they contribute to another very merry Christmas dinner for you. :)
OH my, and I thought my Christmas Dishes were special...now I find that Tete has the same set. Guess I'll have to run to Dollar Tree and get a new set....
Diana, the dishes are lovely, and I like the china cabinet. That hidden closet, you'd never find it here, everything is hidden, under something or other.
Wow, that is so cool about the hidden dish storage! Bet you have lots of those around your house, hiding all sort of treasures! Those dishes are gorgeous, you must be setting a place for me.............
How cool to have hidden storage like that. My sister in law has all the Christmas Spode too. I will see it I am sure when we go to their house on Christmas eve.
These are so beautiful, Diana!!! Happy Holidays!!!!
OMGOsh, you are soooo lucky... that china is gorgeous. What a thoughtful thing for your Grandma to do Ü
Wow what a great set you have there!! My mom just gave me some china f my late grandma and me & my sister split it up! After christmas I'll put them on my Hutch! Happy Holidays!
Hi Diana, Of all the strange things... I am lusting that little closet:-) Old houses = no storage, I have to pack everything up for the attic (stairs to the attic are on the top of my wish list!)
What a great family tradition, the giving of the dishes is!
Love the Spode dishes. What a great family tradition!!
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