Remember Christmas when you were a kid?
If you were fortunate enough
to have parents that could
afford to make some of your dreams
come true?
When I was growing up
we had very small Christmases.
I didn't realize until I was grown
that there were families that had
BIG Christmases.
I don't ever really remember asking
for any specific thing..
but I always got something I liked.
Our two little granddaughters
both had something on their
"special wishlist".
Ria, has the heart of an artist,
she is blithe soul...
a slip of a girl
with a grace and beauty
that enchants those around her.
She really enjoyed her first present..

and grinned over her second one..
(She has a BIG time crush on Justin Bieber)
Not only did she get Justin Bieber
pjs...she got a Justin Bieber shirt
with matching leggings.

She was a bit perplexed looking at the
next gift. It was a long box..
WHAT could it be?

Oh- it was a violin!
A violin that she wanted last year..
A violin that she didn't get because
really thought she was SERIOUS!
A 5 year old that wants a violin?
This year she STILL asked for
a violin...and her
Auntie Mimi found one!
This little girl hardly put
her violin down long enough
to eat.
We heard her
"practicing" all day.
She has
The MAGIC Touch!
Not ONCE did we hear
the screeching that is common
when one first starts playing the violin.
I see lessons in her future.
I see an elfin child
with talent here.
I see music scholarships
in the offing..
I see dreams being fulfilled.
And she got a wonderful
pillow pet~ and ~ being the
sweet little girl that she is
she immediately gave her
other one to her cousin,
Our dear Little Lulu~
A sweet little girl
who doesn't ask for much of anything.
She loves listening to her Mom
read the Christmas story..
And she has her special pjs on.
Every year at Christmas we buy all
the grandkids new pjs and drop
them off on Christmas Eve.
They get to open that one present
Christmas Eve...and wear their new pjs
to bed.
The ones this year said..
Staying Up For Santa
Lulu was excited to open
her presents this year.
Auntie Mimi made her some
papier mache hot air balloons to
hang in her room...which is
going to be decorated in a Paris theme.
She thought it was quite funny when
Papa, quite seriously,
asked if they were pinatas.
I said...Sure they are!
Go get him a stick, Lulu!
Lulu looked horrified until she
realized it was a joke.
(I forget how literal she is sometimes)
But by far-
was realized too.
She is our athletic girl..
full of cartwheels and bounce
and sturdy outdoor activities.
She got a snowboard from Santa..
And, Nana & Papa,
trusting that Santa would provide
gifted her with a helmet.
She begged someone to take her
snowboarding down their backyard hill.
Uncle MamasBoy said he would
as soon as he tried on his
that his sister so lovingly sewed for him.
Sorry folks, we won't be taking
any more orders for this item.
It is sold of a kind..

SweetCheeks wants to see it
up close and personal because SHE
thinks it is really cool!

So, MamasBoy agreed to take Lulu
out back for a hour or so of
His wife, being the practical one in the family,
asks him what he intends to wear..
being as he came in dress clothes..
and shoes.
He will wear his
and his
Of course he will..
Doesn't bother him a bit.

MyHero looking at him,
turns to me and
Doesn't he just make
a Dad proud?

'Deed he does!
'Deed he does!
LOL.. wonderful family days INDEED. I love your tradition of bringing PJ's on Christmas Eve. I think when I have grandchildren I'll do the same!
My Christmases were like yours and I do not remember asking for anything specific either, but I always liked what I got.
I expect Ria will grow up to play background violin for Justin in her leggings and matching shirt.
Lulu will be in the olympics with her uncle coaching, in more masculine attire, I'm sure. Perhaps even with Pizza Hut as a sponser.
I expect BIG things from these 2 very talented young ladies...who could not when their family supports them and their dreams?
Hugs- tete
I enjoyed your post--what a sweet family you have -How wonderful that she wants to play the violin -You will have to share some you tube videos of her in the future
Looks like the best Christmas. That snuggly is too funny. He looks good in girl's clothes!
Very fun! Snowboarding is so fun. When I was a kid I loved doing activities like NO WAY! Cute T shirt too.
Oh what a happy family! Glad the girls had a wonderful Christmas! Mamas boy looks great in those girls clothes! It takes a REAL man to pull it off!! lol
Sorry, that didn't sound right!!! To pull off wearing girls clothes is how I meant it!! lol
*LOL* For awhile I had two boys with hot pink comforters on their beds. And - one is now happily married and the other has a super cool girlfriend. So, I wouldn't worry too much about a guy wearing his sister's coat.
What I really wanted to see was the MamasBoy snowboarding in his cute new pizza snuggie! Now that would be the makings of a great Christmas card photo for next year! Glad you all had such a great time!
So much FUN at your house!
Two of my girls play the violin (Jill plays occasionally in her church for worship). Jamie took cello lessons and is now so excited to get back into it than she rented a cello recently (we never bought one for her). When Jill was visiting for Thanksgiving they played together and Jamie was amazed with herself that so much came back to her.
Your little granddaughter will always have a love for the violin in her heart!
What a sweet guy that MamasBoy is!!
What a wonderful post!
There is nothing as terrific as getting your heart's desire at Christmas.
I asked my Dad, who is 90, what his most memorable Christmas was --- and he grinned and said, "The year I got skis."
LOL, I love it that Mamasboy is secure enough in his marriage, that he'll let his wife see him in those two getups. He is a great person, and you can tell him I said so.
I'm glad the girls are enjoying their gifts so much.
Oh my, how I love your family...wish you lived near me as I bet you are all so wonderful to be with..I love that your son wore his sisters clothing..what a fun guy he must be..we really need more like him...the children are wonderful and I so enjoy your warm words describing them to us..what a great nana you are..Blessing for the coming year and I'm so glad I will be part of it..
That is all just so wonderful...I have a feeling that little gal is going to do great with that violin and what a fun Christmas you all it! :D
May your New Year be filled with many Blessings and abundances of Joy for 2011. From my mountain to yours, Until next year
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
What a happy post Diana!
So glad your my kind of neighbor too!
I hope you have a wonderful New Year and stay warm over on your side of the state!
My son plays violin and I love it. Such a beautiful way to express yourself when done right. Encourage that for all its worth.
That dang gum pizza snuggie is the coolest one I've ever seen, including the one that fits two people and the one for dogs. You could seriously sell that on one of those celebrity infomercials. I love Christmas at your house!
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