There is nothing more fun than watching
the excitment a little one feels when
they finally "get" Christmas.
But, because the real reason for Christmas
sometimes gets lost in the overwhelming
outpouring of gifts from Santa...
I have a tradition that
I would like to share with you.
This was not my idea..
but something
my daughter, TPot,
does with her children,
her three little daughters,
Lulu, Ria & SweetCheeks.
She does this because
she doesn't want them
consumed with the idea
that Christmas is all about
Santa and presents...
lots and lots of presents.
Presents that
they don't need.
Presents that are there
just to fill every space
under the tree.
The year Lulu was born
she started this tradition...
They each get 3 Santa gifts.
It is something they want..
but can be as simple as
a hula hoop...
or as intriguing as a guitar.
Here is how it happens here.
Come Christmas morning
everyone gathers round the tree
and Mama reads
a simple child's version
of the Christmas story.
When they get to the part
where the 3 Wise Men
come to the stable
(each bringing a gift)
each child goes and finds
their 3 Santa presents
under the tree.
They come back to sit
next to Mom and
then she reads
the rest of the story
of Bethlehem.
Then, and only then,
the opening fun begins.
Of course, they get gifts
from grandparents
and aunts and uncles, too,
as the day goes on...
but I thought this
is a very
special thing to do.
Now, as you can see,
here is SweetCheeks,
last year...in one of
Nana's special gifts!

It has been used for
great entertainment..
and if you want a
you can read about that
I promise it will bring a
smile to the surliest face.
Love this family tradition! How easy for little ones (and big ones) to get the gimmies and forget the real meaning of Christmas as well as others. Great idea :)
What a sweet tradition! Great way to bring the two concepts together!
Hi Diana~~~Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving? We did..great fun with the little ones!
I love the tradition your daughter created for Christmas!
Looks like Sweet Cheeks liked her gift from last year.
Have a nice weekend.
What a great tradition! You raised her right. We have always had many things that we do every year and I want to do posts on them this month. Working on the trees today- snacking- and waiting for DH to get home. Tomorrow will be nuts!
Hugs- Tete
I love Diana...you are such a good Mom and Grammie too!! I am tired and full still! Today is my Mom's last night here..so sad!
I meant to say I LOVE IT Diana, lol. told you I was tired,
What a beautiful tradition, Diana. I love it. I'm definitely going to pass this one on to my grandkiddos this year. Bless you, friend! :)
xoxo laurie
What a wonderful tradition! It's so easy to get lost in all of the commercial stuff about Christmas, that it's so refreshing to be reminded of the real reason for the season! Have a wonderful weekend!
What a great tradition. Sounds much more peacefuly and meaningful than the typical present-fest. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
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