This is MamasBoy
and his niece
You do remember them don't you?
Their birthdays are only a few days apart..
So, we celebrated them both at our
Thanksgiving gathering.
I think most of you will
remember that MamasBoy is
an idiot entertainer--
and laughs are his pay.
He showed up wearing an outfit
his Dad would have worn in the
1970's and proceeded to speak
with a Polish accent all night.. funny you want to beat
him with a stick laugh right
out loud.
His sister, Mimi made the cake.
The front is a Barbie Doll
and the back cake is a guitar.
See what I mean?
The whole family is nuts.

MamasBoy couldn't wait for SweetCheeks
to open hers first...
So he opened his!
He got a leg lamp.
His wife was more than thrilled.
He wants to put it on their mantle.
She wants to shove it up the giver's nose
put it in the closet.

SweetCheeks got her first Barbie.
Neither of the other girls are interested
in Barbie..but SweetCheeks likes her
for her Princess Qualities.
Little SweetCheeks loved her Barbie Cake.

Little SweetCheeks loved her Barbie Cake.

Uncle MamasBoy blew the candles out
about 15 times before SweetCheeks got
a chance to blow them out. She didn't
know whether to laugh at him....or cry...
The laughter won out.
As soon as the candle was out

MamasBoy yanked Barbie from her skirt.
Gasp...He handed her to SweetCheeks.
Here-he said...lick her dress off.
SweetCheeks started giggling.

Come On SweetCheeks-
Lick Barbie's dress off..
Noah-yoah is cwrazy Uncle MamasBoy
an yoah isss nott funny efther!
Then why are you laughing?
Look-you CAN eat it...try it...

Hmmmm...she's thinking about it!
There-See! How is it?

Does it taste good, SweetCheeks?

Yoah know whut it tastestes lwike?
It tastestes lwike a icing dwress!
An now I gonna eat it all!
That was almost the best part of the night.

However, to me, the best part was watching
our son-in-law, TheIslandScout, drop down
on the almost empty four person couch.
He sat right next to MyHero,
up close and personal.
MyHero does not like other
MALES invading his space.
TheIslandScout snuggled up tight.
It was a picture not to be missed.

Now doesn't that just bless your heart?
I love your family!!...
That cake is the weirdest cutest thing ever. Y'all are a fun family. Never a dull moment there.
You are the family everyone wants to live close to, just not too close!
That trailer is still across the street, anytime you and 'myhero' wish to move south.
Before coffee- this is what my DH and I read every morning. He said, " I thought we had a disfunctional family, but they are more weird than we are!"
I love the lamp! I need to go back up and see if it says FRAGILE on it!
Ok, I'm back- I had to go pee. If they ever throw me out here, I'm coming to live with you.
The last photo is priceless- you need to blow it up and frame it and stick it on your mantle. LOL
Boy, have we had a night here. The oldest showed up with a massive ear infection- thought DH was taking him to the ER this morning- but got up and 100% better. Going on 2 hours of sleep right now.
I got up to get a drink and check your blog- so now I'm on my way back to bed!
Hugs- Tete
PS- I hope I don't dream about that lamp!
Hi Diana...this started my morning off with a laugh or two. Parties at your house look to be very fun!!
Have a great Sunday....
Loved this post! What fun! Great family!
Thank you for sharing and making me laugh..
Flora Doora
This is precious....truly a beautiful moment of family fun. I love it!
Love to you~
Oh Diana I would love to be around you much fun! What a cute cake, really cool, never saw one like that. I was a Barbie freakazoid when I was I am just a freakazoid in general:) Have a great day!
Hey Diana!!! Im your newest follower and LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your blog! Love your stories! Im in amazement as we JUST HAD a BARBIE Party for my 7 year old daughter with a BARBIE CAKE!!!! My jaw is LITERALLY On my laptop! I thought our Barbie cake was so original...That is too funny...our Barbie was a Blonde with a Pink dress...I have GOT TO post the pictures of the cake! ANYHOOO! I will be spending LOOOTS of time on your precious blog! I would BEYOND ADORE it if you would visit my 14 days of xmas trees! I have a giveaway too!
Hello Diana.
You must laugh every single day at your house!!
Do you wanna adopt?
Hi Diana your family sounds about as nutty as mine! Gotta love them! Traci
Absolutely does!!! Love those moments....
You are a sweetheart. All of your comments warm my heart. Thank you so much. Looks like you had a fabulous Thanksgiving and Birthday celebrating. ox`kerrie
Ok, you really do have one wacky, I mean silly, family! Love the Barbi cake! Sounds like you all had a great day! Bet your dil is looking forward to decorating with that great lamp!!
I love how you share your family times with us!!!
Oh I love this!
Can't get the smile off my face.
What a wacky bunch and what a good time you all have when you're together. I can tell.
WHO made that cake??
It is a one-of-a-kind!! LOL
This sounds (and looks) like an episode
of a sit-com!!
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