This is SweetCheeks taken
about a year ago.
She is sitting next to her
'visable friend, Bob.
Bob was quite the character,

as we understood him.
Sometimes he was her
older friend.
Sometimes he was her "baby".
Sometimes he was just
SweetCheeks often had long
conversations with him
on her "phone".
She would tell him to pick
up mulhk on his way home from work...
and then scold him when he got
there for buying a candy bar
for himself and forgetting the mulhk.
SweetCheeks used to tell
us how naughty Bob was.
One time he ate all
the Junior Mints.
When I aksed her who did it
she said that BOB did it.
An' now hims takin' a time out
wright now oveah on the timhe out step.
(You remember, the third one from
the bottom where we can SEE him..
NOT the third one from the top).
The other day I realized that
Bob hadn't been around in a
Where's Bob? I asked.
Him's Dead!
Yup! Him's Dead and
iss in the ground.
Oh No!
Where's Bob's friend, Deed?
Hims' Dead too!
And Rainbow?
Hers gone!
Gone where?
Hers Dead too,
you silly goose.
Poor Bob, Poor Deed,
Poor Rainbow..
They have faded
into the never-never
land of a child's imagination.
I will miss them.
They were a lot of fun.
But- I think there might be
just a spot of fun left.
SweetCheeks informed me that..
Rainbow hass a sistuh..and hers
is REALLY naughty!
Great! Can't wait to meet hers!
That is adorable! I'm sorry for the loss of the 'visable friends. I think she must get her imagination from you :D
Hi Diana,
The story is great, but what I really like is Sweet Cheeks holding the Starbucks cup. 2 cute!
oooooh boy, this one is gonna give you a run for your money :-)
My sincere sympathies to SweetCheeks on the passing of her special friends and to you for the ones yet to come...
She's a chip off of the old block, this on is. It's in the DNA!
Hugs- Tete
PS- I didn't get yesterday's post- it was a blonde day.
It's funny, but a few days ago, I wondered where 'Bob' and 'Deed' had gotten off to, and if they still appeared occasionally.
I don't remember 'Rainbow', but if her sister is really naughty, I can hardly wait to meet her.
Anonya Mouse.
Oh my goodness, she is cute....
Our daughter Ashley had an invisible friend for a couple of years. She sat at the dinner table with us, etc. We laugh about it now. "Suzie" used to get into mischief....not Ashley, of course.
Love, love....loved it! Thank you so much!
Flora Doora
Such an imagination!!
That's too funny! And it brings back memories of my son's imaginary friend Jack. I think it was Jack KaKlonkey. He was pretty onery, too. But - I don't hink he's died off yet. I think he's just over there living in that house with Andrew and his wife, and when the baby comes in February I'm sure they will be properly introduced. Or - it will be Jack that wakes her up at 3 am. *lol*
Actually... I think I'm going to have to ask where Jack is. *lol*
She is such a cutie...takes after NANA :)
She is so so cute! Love that face! What dear sweethearts granddaughters are... ;)
Blessings to you and yours dear Nana Diana! Love ya!
My oldest daughter had "friends" too. We started calling her Cybel. They eventually passed away, but we still call her Cybel.
Love SweetCheeks little shoes..she's a cutie pie, for sure.
One of your funniest posts, ever! HA!!
There is nothing like a little kid's imagination!!
Especially SweetCheeks'!!
(And her Nana Diana's!!!!:)
That is so cute. It's funny that they are dead and in the ground rather than on vacation or moved away! You can tell she loves her Starbucks.
Oh my goodness Diana what memories you just stirred today!
My daughter's "friend" was Shelley Martin and my son's was Cooper.
I miss those two!!
Wild imaginations that sweet cheeks has! Oh I love her, and I can tell she is a real PIP to be around. My Mom could NOT believe the story of the Tureen, we kept saying how weird is that. I laughed so hard because here I was bragging I had the MAC Daddy of all Tureens and NO ONE would have it...go figure, I am glad it is you though:)
Laughing! Such a cute story! And you are SOOOOOOOOOO and i are two peas in a pod!!! LOTS of LAUGHS!! You are ADORABLE! So glad i found are so much FUN!
Ohh to have the imagination of a child! She is very sweet! How do you keep yourself from not eating her up!! Traci
Heeehehehe, this reminds me sooo much of my little self. I had an invisible friend, John. John was a girl and mama had to set an extra plate on the table, put on John's coat when we went somewhere but never ever did John DIE!!!
You sweet little gal must be some character and a half!! What a doll.
From the happy hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa, ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!! :o)
I just want those shoes!!!!A-dorable!!
m ^..^
Those shoes come with a story, too. You should share that on your blog, Nana. ;) Tpot
That is so cute Diana!
You tell a great story and that little girl is so adorable!
It's really cold again over here! Dang! I want snow, but not the bitter cold.
What! Nobody messes with the Jr Mints cept me. That Bob... May he rest in peace.
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