Nana- Tehll him thass a
And isss a REAL TATT TOOO!
Hims thinks itss a bruise...pfffttt!This makes MamasBoy
laugh at his funny little niece.
Issss not funnneee, Uncle MamasBoy!
I doan't like it when you laff at me!
Tell him to go hohme nhow
cuz he makes my head hurrtt!!
He made my head hurt for 18 years....
and now I can send him home to
make his wife's head hurt...
God bless my daughter-in-law.
And God bless MamasBoy
who brings as much joy to
others as an adult
as SweetCheeks does
in her childhood innocence.
I am beyond blessed~
Ria, sweet little Ria,
doesn't eat much of anything.
She eats everything,
but not much of it.
I never make my grandkids
"clean their plates".
I find that most kids
know when they are full..
and making them eat
sets them up for
a love/hate relationship
with food....or......
eating disorders,
and makes them
dread mealtime.
Each, and every, girl
announced that they
were too full to eat
another bite.
We cleaned up after
our meal and the girls
dressed for the evening....
2 brides and
the Princess...
They said they were
However, when Papa
pulled out his
secret stash
of these....
3 sets of eyes
brightened up.
I thought you were
I ahm full..but Ih'm full
of reggyoular food
but nott doughnuts...
cuz doughnuts are my
Ih'll share mine with Lulu....Look...we cahn each
haff ouhr owhn cuz therhe are
threehe donuts and
threehe gurls...
Look...we arhe so fhull
they arhe cohming right outta
our moufths!
Seerreeusly, Nana!
Seriously? Hmmmm...
Maybe we should just put them
away if you are so full?
Noh...Ih'm jusss' kiddin'..
Arhe there eny more lefft~
Cuz that one sinked down
to my toes and I cahn
haff another one now.
Seereeeously, Nana!
Let me check...
Nope-all gone!
Seereeeusly, Nana...
yohu are nott effen funny!
(pffft...maybe I'm not funny
but I know someone who IS~
and I'll let you guess who that might be)
Did you pick out SweetCheeks favorite
new word? Seeerreeeusly, did you?
Well, then...
How about a bit of alfresco dining
on the patio off the dining room?
Would you like iced tea or coffee?
Your choice!
Never one to miss an
opportunity to tattle
on a sister, Ria, the
soft-spoken sweetheart
Nana, Do you see what
SweetCheeks is doing?
She is getting more swords..
and, Nana...those aren't
You told her not to get anymore,
RIGHT? *sigh*
Right-o- I am now trapped into
SweetCheeks...What are you doing?
Huh? What are you doing? NOTTHHING!
Really? You aren't getting more swords,
are you?
No...they iss nott swhords enyways, Nana..
They iss jus' sum old paphar or sumthin..
Well, leave them there!
I amhm leaffing them hehre!Who telled yohu I wuz gehtting morah swhords?
I thought you said you
WEREN'T getting more swords!?!
There is no response to that
Ria? Ria? Did youh tell Nana?
The quiet one knows when to stay quiet.
She just stares at SweetCheeks..
No????....Good..I knhew you wouldn't tehll
cuz youh are my best fwriend~See the eyes? The eyes say it all!
It is now MY secret...
MY SECRET to carry....
because how can you
let someone know that their
"best friend" has betrayed them...
I just can't do it because
there is nothing like
sisterly love, is there?
Youh'll see,
Is it good?
Yehsss...but I really wanted to see
whut the other thinhg looked like...
maybe they'll hafff that nexht tihme!
Yeah, MAY-BEE.
let all the heads we see in
Applebees be firmly
attached to someone's shoulders.
Thank you- Amen!