First off you thought I
was an idiot and couldn't spell,
didn't you?
Well...that was a
SET UP and
I would not
for anything!
Nothing in the world..
Any takers?
(sorry Donna-the
$500,000. is a
number I can't resist)
See this blue-eyed gal
just below?
Yep! That one!

Her name is Donna.
My friend, Donna~
My friend, Donna, has a blog
She also has an etsy shop
Well...I think it is called
(correct me if I'm wrong)
She sells all sorts of
items she has found
and redone...
let me amend that
She is definitely
The Glitter Queen..
See her hat?
It used to be white.
Now it is blue and covered with
glitter- Okay..it's not- I lied..
but I'll bet you scrolled back
to look at the hat, didn't you?
Well, the other day
I went to my mailbox..
and there was a package there
for me.
Now MyHero has been
ordering crap stuff
(don't ask cuz I don't want to
talk about it..K?)
so I was sure it was
just some junk stuff
he had ordered.
But NO!
Lo and behold
this package was for me..
From one state over, Michigan..
With my name on it.
Now, being a BAD BLOGGER
I immediately ripped open the
package without taking any pictures.
But inside...
Well...first I saw this...

and then I looked a little closer
and it was painted white..
with little ball feet...

Ohhh...There she is...in all
her glory..
A beautiful tray..
Just for me!
It is hard for me to put
things on a tray...because
I like to SEE the tray...
but these two little birds
hopped on before I could
blink an eye...
And then I thought they
needed a nest...
but..a paper nest..
because I might need a napkin.
The next thing I knew there
was a cup accompanying them...
But wait!
It was lacking something...
WHAT was it lacking?
Well, coffee, of course..
You know me and my coffee...
And what goes with coffee?
Cookies you say?
Naughty! Naughty!
I am NOT succumbing to
the cookie temptation..
I am having an apple!
Yes. I. Am.
I NEVER eat cookies..
I only eat apples.
I hope God doesn't strike me
dead for lying about the cookies..
Donna-Thank you SOOOO
much! You are a friend that
I have come to love...
I will think of you everytime
I look at this tray.
It is a special as you are!
What a beautiful and thoughtful gift. Glad you are so healthy and picked an apple over the cookie *winks*. Now I will go and check out Donna's glittery site.
That is awesome! Donna is a very sweet talented gal!
I love your tray! Donna is the sweetest ever girl on the blog block. The cookie lie will catch up with you, you know. Yep it will, from now on every ounce you put on from cookies will be doubled. Trust me, I know about this...
Hugs- Tete
Seriously... I know where Sweet Cheeks
gets it.. : ) I had gone back to look
at the hat.. : )
Very cute tray... Very cute post... now I am off to visit Donna...
Aaawwww! You are making me blush, Diana! I am thrilled that you love your tray! It had your name on it (well, actually it says something in French!), since you mentioned that you love the color lavender! And the birdies look so cute on it, now all you need is a cookie to go with that cup of coffee!
That tray is sooooo pretty. Love the edgeing and the embellishments. And Diana the birdies are too cute. Now, never forget, the broken cookies don't count.
Lisa xx
Oh Diana, I am sooo excited for you!! And Donna is a total angel, isn't she? I know you must love this to pieces...and the best part--it comes from such a good friend!!!
I wouldn't "tray-ed" it for anything either!!!
That Donna was very nice wasn't she?!!! However, I'm wondering what happened to the cookies. I mean cookies are ALWAYS on trays. Well at least until someone eats them. Did you eat those cookies Mz. Diana? Well, I sure didn't eat them. Really. Burp. No really I didn't. "She" just told me I better stop it or the lightning bolt is gonna hit me instead. What's "she" talking about? Zapppppppppp........
Mz. Diana.....my tail looks like a toilet bowl brush. What happened??? Got any more cookies?
Purrs, toasty ones at that....
Awwwww....Diana.....what a sweet friend Donna is! That tray is so sweet....and I'm in love with those darling little birds. Where did you find them? Yeah....I don't eat cookies either.....I scarf'em. lol!
xoxo laurie
Awesome, sweet and sooo talented. LOVE THAT TRAY! Love Donna! Love YOU!
Diana, thats soo cute!! How nice of your husband to do that for you!!! Yes, i almost scrolled up to check, then i knew!!!!!
Hugs to you,
laura xx
I will admit it...I scrolled back to look at the hat! What a lovely tray, and you added the perfect accessories--except for the apple! LOL
Oh another special treasure just for you, how exciting! It is beautiful!
I hope you enjoyed that apple..hee hee!
Love the tray Diana...will check out those links as well!
Happy day!
What a beautiful tray.I would hate to put anything on it too! Thanks so much for always leaving me such sweet comments.
That is one gorgeous tray!! And I love the vintage sheet music. Donna is such a creative and wonderful person.
Donna is amazing! She is so creative and so sweet. The tray is beautiful. Donna is amazing.
I have been reading your blog faithfully but haven't had a chance to leave a comment in a while because I've been working hard on a project(I finally posted today after two weeks!)but I haven't missed any of your posts. I loved Sweetcheeks wondering about her hair and also her sword. You have also been very fortunate and received a gorgeous plate and a lovely bag.
Enjoy your weekend with the wee-ones.
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