I apologize for not
visiting your blogs this week
as I faithfully try to do....
It's been an awful week...
don't ask..
Now that you HAVE asked..
It's been busy at home
and busy at work...
people out sick..
people in training..
short-staffed to begin with.
As SweetCheeks likes to ask...
even during a crummy week,
you can get some good news..
Some Very Good News!
I'm not pregnant..
the stick didn't change colors
(but that's a story to be told
another day)..
Did you know you can
pick a stick up in the yard
and pee on it to find
out if you have a baby
in your tummy?
You didn't?
Well, obviously you
don't have access to
a 4 year old!
What's the good news
you ask?
See this little monkey?
Last year about this time

he looked like this...

at my daughter's house?

I even think he's pretty cute
when he has a cold and
is sucking a bottle
(which he doesn't do anymore)

was pretty cute too!
They loved this picture of him...

of him...
He was signed up by a modeling
agency that represents
Midwestern stores...
Toys R Us...
Watch out world~
You might be seeing this little face

our precious little
as SweetCheeks likes to call him
Baby EEEEfan!
I wonder how she will
ever stand the competition?
I don't know about you
I don't know about you
but I do think this is about
the cutest little butt
I have ever seen!
The End!

Awww...that is so awesome Diana. Really no surprise, he is a super cute kid. All your grands are gorgeous! Good genes baby!
Awwwww..... he is cute! Congrats on the modeling contract! And - I hope the fame doesn't go to his head. *LOL*
Awwww, what a sweetheart.... Those baby blues will woo the women one day, Diana. Thanks for sharing your good news!
Wow, that is SO neat! I can not wait to see your cute little monkey in print! I just shopped at Kohl's today, I am a big supporter of them! haha! And hey, I see the resemblance between baby E and you, I really do!!
How exciting! We will all be able to say we knew him when! Do you think he would drool on my autograph book? :-)
Can a boy get any more adorable??? I think not. Those eyes are just so gorgeous! And that little booty is the cutest!
How wonderful.........that you aint pregnant.....no seriously, about BabyE. That was my first thought - watch out sweetchecks there's a new kid on the block. She might like to be his manager. Imagine the tutoring?
Lisa xx
I'm not surprised ... he's just to cute!
Wow, how exciting! He really is a cutie-pie!
Im not surprised...he is such a little beauty. That is the face of an angel.
Bet he will be getting booked soon!
Well he is cute as a button! Can't wait to see him model! Have a great week, Vicky
Baby E and his big blue eyes is going to do very well in the modeling world. He is gorgeous! I am not at all surprised by this news.
I have been laughing at Sweetcheeks American Idol performance and how you're going to look when you die! Where does she come up with this stuff!?! I don't know how you can contain your laughter!!!
A STAR IS BORN! Wow, how cool! SweetCheeks is going to have some cranky moments with this. LOL.
She's going to want to be in the ads too!
Tell her not to give up- I think she should be the spokesperson for StarBucks!
BabyE could even make it to TV or movies! OOhhh, that would be cool, too. I want his autograph before he gets too big to want to deal with old ladies who blog! A thumb print will do.
Hugs- Tete
CONGRATULATIONS TO BABY EEEEFAN. ALL YOUR GRANDCHILDREN have those beautiful eyes but none as expressive as Sweet Cheeks. There is still fame in her future, also. Ethan just has that ring of stardom.
I did not know you worked in a hospital,and I am so sorry it has been a bad week. I was a nurse for 20 plus years and it took quite a toll on my health...that's a whole e mail in itself.
They said Arthur Godfrey apologized the next day but it didn't fly...he was fired any way...I didn't hear what he said but it must have been pretty bad as you know the news will repeat anything and they have, not one, repeated it. Maybe they are getting smarter.
HAPPY SAINT PATRICKS DAY and I will pray you have a blessed day.
Simply Debbie
I am not surprised one bit. That is on cute kid! Very cool news!
What Pam Said!!!........
Hi Diana,
Wow, this is exciting! And he is totally adorable!!! This is the most awesome news!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
My look at those eyes!!! He's just too cute and those curls are too adorable!. He is perfect model material!!! Very blessed with such cuteness!!! Congrats!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! & thanks again for helping me out with my bloggy!!! Ur too Sweet!!
xoxo Lisa
He is adorable! Congrats!!
He is adorable, the first time I saw his picture, I thought he was gorgeous! How cool, (maybe his cousins will get a fab deal at said stores)! :) Congrats, it will be fun to look for his adorable face, and of course I'll take pictures to show you what he looks like in WA. State!!! Hugs, from one Nana to another! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs
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