I know I alluded to the fact
that I would do a post
The Twins
(who are not really twins
at all)..
but I want to write this
post while it is
fresh in my mind..
Youh know what isss sad?
No, what?
Youh arhe gonna die!
I am?
Youh gotta die!
Well, when am I gonna die?
When youh get old.
I thought you said I WAS old!
Well, you iss only a littdle bitt old.
But..when youh gett reahlly old..
you iss gonna die..
Isn't that sad, Nana?
Well, it sure is sad news to me,

Yeah...thaht is kinda sad, Nana..
You know whut else?
I'm afraid to ask!
No..this is sumthin' good.
Okay..What is it?
You know when you die?
Well...youh are gonna look
like this!

Can hardly wait for THAT
Whut opphoroonidy?
Dying...I can't wait to look just
like that SweetCheeks.
Well...youh won't loohk 'zackly like that!
I won't?
No! Cuzz I ahm jus' a kid showing youh
how youh arhe gonna look..
but YOUH will look
and dead!
Youh're welcome!
Thank you Lord for giving me this
child to remind me of
how short life
really is!
It makes me want to live
every moment to its fullest
I was just thinking...
do you realize that someday
could have a grandchild
just like her?
I would pay to see
THAT show!
Aww... what a sweet conversation. Bless her little heart!
You & Sweet Cheeks certainly have some amzing conversations :) She really makes you smile!
I would love to look that cute when I die! Congratulations on being the blog of the week at At The Picket Fence too! You deserve it.
Well, when you get really old and die, maybe God will give you front row tickets to see it. That is if you are really good and earn those wings...and it's sweet that she's going to be sad. It beats being happy to get all your stuff!
I love this kid- Tete
The two of you are quite the team! And congrats on being the featured blogger of the week over At The Picket Fence - very cool!
Hi Diana,
Well you have given away the secret now!
You said she will have a grandchild just like her... I am thinking, she must be just like you?
Big smiles and hugs for you today:-)
I would pay too hear that show!
Kids think those deep thoughts sometimes. I remember well thinking that about my Gram, and my Mom. Jack from time to time will talk about it too...except he can't bare the thought so he just says you are only half way through your life Mom....gosh I can only hope so:)
So sweet Diana...you will appreciate this, I just got good news today, I'm going to be a grammy again in September, big smiles here:)
Gotta love that kiddo! Oh sweet innocence!
There is something incredibly sweet and downright funny in Sweet Cheeks description of old age and dying!!!
My daughters going to love this one. It brought the tears of laughter. The pictures just make these posts perfect. I get asked to read them over and over. Scroll up mum, scroll down, I want to see her. Was I funny like that (you still are dear),
Thank you so much for the joy you bring us Diana and grandchildren.
Lisa xx
You just made me scrinch up my shoulders and giggle. That was so cute!
I came on recommendation of Vanessa and Heather. I'm glad I did.
Ok, the two of you need to have a tv show, for sure! Maybe you could take over Oprah's spot! And I bet you anything Sweetcheeks will have a granddaughter just like her!!!!!
I wish you could see the smile on all of our faces at reading these sweet words, but I guess you only need to look in the mirror, because we're all smiling just like you :-)
That is just to precious! Enjoy every second with the ones you love! Blessings,Vicky
Oh my, how precious was that? Sweetcheeks is such a cutie pie. Thanks for sharing and for the early smile this morning.
Ouch! Sometimes the truth hurts.
But, hey. Maybe you won't really die. Maybe Jesus will come back and grab both you and Sweet Cheeks up in the rapture.
I get to laugh every time I visit here...
Always makes me wonder about Sweet Cheeks when she is older.. Will she write for Hollywood? Will she be a lawyer?? Will she have her own show on Broadway??
She is a hoot!! You are one Blessed Nana!!!
Thanks for stopping by earlier... & Yes, about 2/3 the way thru, I wanted to quit & I did actually until she called & asked me for them... otherwise they would still be sitting here, with me frustrated... : )
Trusting you are having a good day!!!
I can hardly wait to have this conversation with Madison! Thanks for sharing :)
Out of the mouths of babes!
You guys are just too cute!
Oh gosh, Diana, where does she get her material? Sweet Cheeks is amazing!!!
Being a grandma is the best, isn't it? :) The girls at the fence sent me over.
Thank you for sharing this post! It is wonderful!
Flora Doora
Kids still say the darndest things don't they? I just love being around them...they are so honest, clear about life and anything else. These are special times to treasure!
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