Our little
SweetCheeks is quite taken
with the whole
American Idol
Because SHE is a
performer extraordinaire
she watches every week
Last night she said
she would like to
for American Idol.
Never one to dash
dreams we sat in
a row to watch
her performance..
We were the judges..
She was the
So, SweetCheeks..
What's your story?
Why are you here?
My name is Rose.
Yes Rose! Hhhhnh~
My fathahr is dead
and my Mom drived
me all this way in a bus
to try out for the show.
An' now I gonna sing
forh youh!
(said to the invisible band)

A song sung to the tune of
Are You Sleeping
(as best we could figure)
Ih'm on American Idol..
Ih'm on American Idol..
Yes Ih ahm,
Yes Ih ahm,
An' Ih gonna sign a song.
An' Ih gonna sing a song.
Yes Ih ahm..
Yes Ih ahm..
An' thatss it!
How'd I do?

Well, you were a little pitch-y
starting off but I'd say
all in all you did pretty good.
You got a YES from me (Nana)
I thought you did really, really
You could sing the phone book!
A yes-definitely a yes from me-
Ahhh.. I thought you were a little off
and it's a NO from me (big sister Lulu).
Never mind Lulu cuz I got
an' I goin' to
Hooooorayyy forh me!

This was just one of the
American Idol contests
we had this weekend.
If you get
tomorrow I will
share the story of
The Twins!
God Bless Us All-
It is Sunday night!
Ahhhh! What a precious little princess ... I see wonderful horizons for this little beauty.
Happy St. Paddy's Day ~
Have a beautiful week ~
No joke, she is going to hollywood!
Bless her sweet heart... because she blessed mine!
Yeah, you're gona laugh all the way to the bank when this one wins American Idol for real. I could so see her on something like Big Brother, too.
I'm not letting my grandkids watch TV. LOL\
Hugs- Tete
Just don't let Sweetcheeks watch the Bachelor, and you will be fine! Quite the little performer, isn't she:)
Yay Sweetcheeks! Congrats to her on the big win! She is just so cute!
She belongs in Hollywood! She's so much cuter than any of girls on the show. And you can't deny that she's loaded with talent.
Di, that kid she be on tv. She would be great on Art Linkletters, Kid say the darnedest things. (if it were still on). But I would shutter to hear what she might say!
Love that her mom drove her in the bus!
She is adorable! Watch out American Idol.
So cute Diana!
I just love how you write it out so perfectly!
She is a little ham isn't she.... and so much fun for her grandma and grandpa!
I think were finally going to get some spring this week! Can't wait!
Have a nice week,
she is adorable. thats so cute
and btw, i really love your blog! today i did a refashion that i think you'd like, a lace-cut out t-shirt that is no-sew! and easy to do with very little time.
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thanks! sharde
Hi Daina,
How lucky you are to have a front row seat!! Someday when she is a star (no doubt!) you may have to sit in the back, unless you are very good...haha:-)
I wish that were water out my window just an old road and wavy glass in the kitchen window:-)) I LOVE the wavy old glass, but when we first moved here it would freak me out, it always looked like a fun house and someone was looking in.
Will you please send me her autograph! I want to say "I KNEW HER BEFORE SHE WAS FAMOUS"....
I just love her to pieces...
She has my vote.
Lisa xx
What a sweetie
Loved this post and I am an American Idol lover....some amazing talent this year....
so glad that I stopped by tonight
Have a wonderful week
What her number? I want to call in and vote for her. I love her family "story". What an imagination!
Little Miss SC has my vote too!!
she certainly has it figured out!
So sweet! I love this post. It warmed my heart. Really!
I just came over from At The Picket Frence and I see that everything they say about you is true!
I'm your new follower. (Can I say that without sounding like a Stalker?!)
What a little sweetie!! And guess what she made it through to Hollywood!! Have a great week, Martina
Oh Gosh this is toooo cute!! My son says he wants to be on American Idol when he gets older. I told him he better start practicing now!!!
Oh and about the comment thingy can you please help me out!!?? Maybe that's why I can't comment on my own posts!!?? hehehe!! I tell ya this bloggy gives me more problems!!! Thanks so much Diana
Oh and how did you get a new text?? I saw someone with cursive and I really want that on mine. I gotta learn how to make my blog better. I love looking at everyone elses cause they are so Amazing!!! xoxo
That is so sweet! I love that show too! Tell Sweetcheeks she has my vote just for being so darn cute! Thanks for the sweet comments on my eggs too! Have a great day, Vicky
She is so sweet and I bet she hit all the notes! :) I would say yes as well!! Coming over from At The Picket Fence! Love your blog!!
I'd vote for her!
Hi Diana..this was too cute!
Guess what?! YOU are my GIVEAWAY WINNER!!! Contact me as soon as you can and I will get this all mailed out to you this week. (julieharward@gmail.com) Yay for you and Sweetcheeks! ;D
She's such a little darlin! I think she will be a big star soon.
Well, I will vote her through. I like that mansion they get to live in in Hollywood too. Big enough you could live with her. Although none of the other contestants have their Nana living with them.
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