We caught him in the act...
This little boy..
Our little
Baby E..
who has always
turned and slid
down the steps backwards...
came down like a
big boy..

Only one more step to go...

he is off and running...
There's no stopping him now!

We love you, BabyE..
But..could you slow
down just a little?
We don't want you
to get too big
too fast!
What a gorgeous little boy Baby E is! I can't believe he's already coming down the stairs by himself. You are so right, slow down...we are not ready for you to grow up so fast. Wow, those beautiful baby blue eyes!!!
Oh Mimi.. this is just the beginning! I miss that Baby E.
They grow up SO fast!!
Happy Wednesday!! I am blog hopping today and decided to stop by your blog.
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Have a blessed Wednesday!! :0)
Oh, he is purely ADORABLE!!!! And by the way, I got tons of beads, but didn't have to lift my top...lol
You are right...there is no stopping that adorable little guy now!
Awww...he's getting too big, too fast! What a head of hair :) I'd love to have those locks!
Put a brick on that little head before he grows any more! What a big boy he is becoming. Sniff, sniff.
Love those eyes and curls and cheeks!
Hugs- Tete
Oh my, he is just too cute. Those curls and that sweet little face. He already looks pleased with himself in the first photo. He knew he was going to make it.
Lisa x
What a cutie. He'll be running off to college any day now.
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