We love the Upper Peninsula
The UP, as the locals call it.
We love to go to
Pictured Rocks,
Munising, MI.
While we stay in Munising,
we always take a day trip
to Marquette -about 40 miles away.
Why do we go there?
Well, we go
it is the ONLY place
in the UP that has a
Can you spell
Yep- I am and proud of it.
Thanks, but no, thanks
on the offer for an
AH- I am smiling now..
because I SEE IT.

insists we
take the downtown route..
*big sigh*
This is when I love it best..
I love Autumn in
The UP.
The main drag looks like this.
However, Autumn is

short-lived hereabouts
so we also go in the
where the
Chamber of Commerce
promises it will look
like this...

We always drive along
Lake Superior..
from Munising all the way to
we head back downtown
and ride up to the end
of the peninsula..
to Presque Isle..
make the loop and head back.
For several years we
have been noticing
this abandonded building..
and having
sawdust in our veins,
we are always imagining
Lo and behold..

there is a white sign on
the boarded up front window..
Closer, Diana..closer
MyHero shouts..
What does that sign say?

Sign what sign?
(driving a bit faster)
There's a SIGN on the building!
I only want to
I don't want to do it!!!

Too late!
MyHero has his cell phone
attached to his ear.
(He's deaf in one ear-
how do you feel about
people that repeat themselves?
Welcome to MY world!)
Hello (again)
Yeah..about this building you
have for sale..
What ?
How much?
Over a
We'll call back if we are interested.
Geez, Diana..
The guy wants a
million dollars for that place!
No kidding?
I dodged that bullet!
Cuz even WE know..
It's $999,999.00 too much~
Thank you, Lord!
Oh, shoot... thought you were going to say you bought it.
You know what they say?? It's all about location, location.
Been there, seen that building.
Just what would you have done with it?? A coffee shop?? A gift shop?? A cottage of your own right there near the water??
AND Hey... It's not sold yet... maybe ??? : )
That looks like an old fire house! That would be so cool to make over- who knows- the pole might still be in there. Just had thoughts of you pole dancing- maybe it's a good thing it was over priced. LOL
Laughing all the way to bedtime tonight!
You always crack me up.
Hugs- Tete
Oh come on buy two..one for me and one for you...we are getting to be like family!~ XO
Great pics...gotta hit the sack, it's been a long day around here...all good:) XO
green bay as in super bowl
chicago burbs here
glad we met ...
Oh, this post is so cute--I love it!!
I just love the UP!
I could live there if they didn't get so much snow! But now we have that much snow too so maybe I can rethink that!
Wow, so your guy will do spur of the moment things like that? Awesome. Mine does sometimes, but not usually when it comes to buying a building. Happy for you that it didn't work out lol.
Lisa x
Aren't heroes fun?
It is just the opposite in our family.
When I see something n the side of the road, my husband speeds up!
What do you like to order at Starbucks?
White Spray Paint
LOL... great building for SOMETHING anyway.
Tall white chocolate Mocha with whipped cream, please.
It does look like it has potential, but who could pay to bring it to it's full potential after paying a million buck for it. I think I'd pass.
And I found your post funny because last week I stopped at Sonic for a coffee because I didn't want to go all the way to Starbuck's. Starbuck's was a whole two miles away. *LOL* But, I learned my lesson. That Sonic coffee was terrible!
I have to say I love that building, and after fixing it up, it should be worth at least part of what he is asking.
The trailer is still empty down the road....and I can say it won't cost as much..probably get it for the taxes owed on the property, I'll have to post a picture to you, lol.
Ok, I am getting a much neededlaugh over this right now, Diana! We are here in Seattle, and I was just telling my hubby about your post, he said "How much is it?", like he was going to call and put an offer in ! Ha, just kidding, but it is scary how much our two hubbies are alike, scarey, it tell you!
I have a few family members that can't hear however they try to figure out what you said and get it wrong!!! Or they say HUH???? like you are the one that is mumbling!! lol
I think you lucked out with that there building!! I am sure you have better use for a million dollars!!
Hey.....you could always sell The Pearl. Isn't SHE worth a million bucks????
xoxo♥ laurie
Oh that building! Fantastic, however, lots of
work. I love Michigan...never been to the
UP before though. Have to do that someday!
Great post...I really enjoyed it.
Flora Doora
You are just too funny! A million dollars.... WHOAH! Would have loved to see the look on dear hubby's face when he repeated that figure. Love your music.... Joan Baez was a favorite of mine and I haven't heard that song in years!
What a sweet story!!! I lived in Sault St Marie for 2 years while my ex went to school there. And he is originally from Hancock....that is wayyyyy up where the uppers live :)
Thanks for the pictures it sure is purty!!!
Suzann ~xoxo~
I have been catching up on a couple of your previous posts that I missed and also newer posts but I had to leave a comment on the one with the Starbucks sign! I now think of you every time I go into Starbucks! I am still laughing over Tete's comment about the fire pole!!! That would be so funny. Better you than me!!! Thank you for all the wonderful laughs.
That would make the perfect summer house. Except for the big old crane parked out back. And the price tag. Maybe they'll drop the price down to 900,000 if you ask nicely.
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