It is a lot of work
to get ready for a
Father- Daughter Dance.
You must take a bath..
and then get your hair done.
Lulu's hair looks like this
in the back...
Look how much she loves

having her hair sprayed...
Ria's hair, because it is curly,

has snarls and needs to
be combed out.
She sits very still
because she does
not want the curling iron
to burn her.
When her hair is done it

looks like this.
Last up?

Well, of course it is
SweetCheeks..Sit Still~
I ahm and yoah
is hurhting me...
No! Mama's not hurting you

Yess hers is!
And that fing in my haihr
is hot and gonna burn me..
There-Are you burned yet?

Wait til you see
your pretty curls,
I chan't see itt cuz

itt is behind my eyes, Nana!
(said in a rather disgusted manner)
Well, you're almost done..
you can see it in the
mirror in a minute.
Look-You are almost done.

I hate hair spray cuz it
iss all sticky or sumfing.
Close your eyes
so the spray doesn't get in them.
I ahm..
but I can't see what you arhe doing now.
Doesn't matter~
You are done!
Your hair is done!
Time to get dressed
and have your picture taken
with your
My handsome son-in-law

loves his little girls!
'Deed he does!
He loves Lulu...

It IS Lulu!
And Daddy loves Lulu,
his firstborn.
And he loves his sweet

and beautiful
little Ria.
The girl with the
naturally curly hair~
Come on SweetCheeks~

Daddy has a corsage for you too!
What's a coarshage?
It's flowers for your wrist.
OH! Dey arhe pretty!
Hey! They iss too big
fohr my wrist, Nana!
We'll fix that SweetCheeks..
We'll take a couple of stitches
in the elastic band and it
will fit fine.

Arhe you gonna dance with me,

I sure am!
Can we have a picture with
all three girls?

I am ready to go to the dance now.
Are you gonna dance with
a boy, SweetCheeks?

I gonna dance with
my Daddy.
An' if Justin BEAVER is therhe
Ria is gonna dance wiff him
cuz hers loves
Justin BEAVER.
And off they went!
When we get the pictures back
from the actual
I will share them here.
A very special evening with Daddy and his three beautiful angels!
What a fun evening, so glad people still have these kind of dances - although not so much around here, and I think that's a shame.
What a cute post Diana!
That is so sweet that they have those dances still!
I love sweet cheeks coat, that is just gorgeous!
Daddy must be so proud of his 3 girls!
That was the sweetest! Daddy sure has his hands full with three beautiful daughters....wait til the prom!!~I love that picture of sweet cheeks looking up at her Daddy...they all loos adorable, and SIL very handsome!
How lovely. It's always great to see dads and daughters. Cute girls with sweetcheeks brand of humor thrown in for good measure.
Lisa x
Thank you for sharing their special evening with your internet friends.
They are all lovely, just like their Nana.
The girls look so beautiful!
How sweet! The girls look beautiful. I hope they had a good time.
Oh my goodness! What a special time! They look so beautiful. Pretty, pretty girls having a special night with precious. I love their dresses and the powder blue jacket!
I think it was too many trying to comment at the same time!
Look at that beautiful virgin shiny curly hair. They are so pretty all dressed up. My son took his two year old daughter to a father daughter dance, too.
Awwww! What beautiful girls, and one proud Daddy, too! I LOVE this post and all of the photos. Geez, I wish my hair and wardrobe looked half as good:)! And is that a tear on SweetCheeks face, while she is getting her hair done? Makes me think of when I was little, I always had long hair. And it was always full of tangles! My Mom fixed it in all sorts of "do-s", and was forever trying to get the knots out of it! One year for Christmas, she bought my sister and I a "Purr". Ooooh, I am dating myself here! A "Purr" was an electric detangling comb! I think it worked, no more tears, anyway!
They are all so sweet you did a great job!!!
They are so cute with their daddy!!!
Can't wait to see the pictures!!
Suzann xoxox
Awe how adroable is this! I love the look on daddy's face! What sweet innocent day's and memories these are...
Take care,
PS my PT is going well, but I think the "T" part means torture!
Great photos. These three little girls are so precious. I love their banana curls. So cute. And the light blue coat with the fur collar - to die for!! Hope they had a wonderful time!!
Adorable and Beautiful Girls! Looking foward to see more pictures. It's always a delight to visit with you-Nana Diana!
Have a blessed day!
~*~ Wendy ~*~
They are all so beautiful and what a special time with their Daddy!
Pretty little girls and your son-in-law is one handsome man!!!
I love the last photo!!
Pamela xo
I have to clarify about my back splash...believe it or not they are not tiles. The previous owner made this back splash out of some type of plaster than scoured lines in it to look like tile.
How dreamy...I have many beautiful memories of my daddy, but we never went dancing...that's one they will treasure ! xo
Such cute photos of the girls all dressed up with Dad. What a wonderful memory for them. And I wouldn't be surprised if Justin was there, he's everywhere else I look nowdays.
OK...I'm tearing up big time! WAHHHHHHHHHHHH! This is the most precious thing I've seen since Brandon danced with our Miss K when he married our SarahGirl. :) LOVELY!
Now I have a rhyme for you:
"Nana-Nana Bananna
I couldn't resist. When I decided I wanted to be called "Nana" this little ditty has played over and over in my mind ever since.
Love you~
How sweet is that?! They all look so pretty and that dad is going to have his hands full with those girls now and later! ;D
Hi Diana,
They all look like princesses... how beautiful! Boy is Daddy gonna be tired from all that dancing:-)
Oh, how beautiful they all look. What memories they are making too!
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