Tired of Dieting?
Do you eat too much?
Did you ever notice that
part of the word
Die-t (get it)?
I don't live in the
South anymore
but I can tell you
Southerners sure know how
to host a funeral.
Now- I was not paid to
promote this cookbook..
but you can find it
at any
Barnes & Nobles..
or Amazon..
or..you know..
wherever they sell books.

The Official Southern
Ladies Guide to Hosting
the Perfect Funeral.
Today I will share
one recipe with you.
It is the funniest cookbook
I have ever read.
after I share one of
these over-the-top
and you have drooled into
your keyboard,
I will bring you back
to reality..
with a vision
that will make you
lose your appetite..
I promise!
I promise!
I promise!
Here's the recipe
from Page 58
Methodist Party Potatoes
Party Potatoes might sound a bit jolly for
a funeral, but no self-respecting
Delta Methodist is buried
without them.
Note to purists:
If you refuse to cook with
corn flakes..skip this recipe.
1- 2 lb. package frozen hash browns
10 oz. grated sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 pint sour cream
1-10oz can cheddar cheese soup
(do not dilute-Lord help you)
1 tsp. salt
2 tsps. coarsely ground pepper.
Topping: TA-DAH
2 cups corn flakes
1 stick butter
Preheat oven to 350ยบ
Prepare the hash browns according to pkg
directions. Combine the cooked hash browns
with the other ingredients.
Place in a 13X9" casserole dish.
Top the casserole with corn flakes
and dot with butter.
Bake 40 minutes,
or until golden,
crisp and bubbly.
After you've eaten your fill,
ask the Doctor to add Lipitor.
Serves eight.
I promised to take
your appetite away...
Yes I did..
Lose that hungry feeling
Internet image

Because, after all...
That image is certainly an appetite suppressant - put me off my veggies anyway, lol.
YUCK, Butt Cooties.
I haven't been to a Methodist Funeral lately, but the Baptists can create a pretty decent spread...Have you ever eaten Pickled Carrots?
Appetite gone! I'd stick it to my fridge but I don't think I could look at it anymore.
I saw that book somewhere and have had it in my Amazon cart for a year. But I always set it aside for what seems like more important books when I place an order. I looks like a great book!
You know, the beautiful Pachabel Canon music you have playing just doesn't match that photo. Hope I don't have bad dreams tonight :)
I have seen this cookbook and I think it's great! There's some good recipes in there and a lot of truth.
But- that image of Richard Simmons is wrong- there is no excuse why that poster boy should ever be on any blog anywhere! I'll bet he's the reason for all the salmonella outbreaks at Taco Bell.
Oh, I am so going to have night mares.
Hugs- Tete
I never know who is funnier you or the last commentor...I seem to always come after her. Man she is one funny girl!!
I have heard of this book and thought it was a joke!!
Pamela xo
Well... I was just chuckling, then I read Tete's comment... I am outright dying here..laughing so hard..
Great post until the end... "almost" makes me not want to eat again / for a while / until I hit the kitchen for a cookie.. : )
We have potluck at church once a month & I ALWAYS make those potatoes... called "Cheesy Potatoes" here. Our Church has a huge college crowd & they literally remind us of "Potluck next week" from the band & then someone will say, "Don't forget Cheesy Potatoes"
THANKS for the laugh tonight. : )
Oh...I just threw up a little bit in my mouth...that last picture was just too much!
But that book sounds absolutely hysterical and if you give it the Diana seal of approval then I know I will love it! :-) I have about half a dozen folks I can think of buying that for!
Oh my goodness, I truly laughed out loud!! This is very similar to the potato casserole recipe I make...often. It's always gobbled up. I mean, can't they leave enough so that I can have leftovers for lunch the next day? :-)
Enjoy your weekend. I'll go to bed now and try not to have Richard Simmons nightmares :-)
Just found your blog, love it, and I'm now your newest Follower!
I have to tell you, I have a number of cookbooks - but not this one! It looks like it might be fun to own! I'll have to check it out! Now, about Richard . . .
Stop by when you have a moment, we love company and new Followers are always welcome. I've enjoyed my visit today!
LOL.. that recipe sounds downright sinful...and so is that picture of Rich.
I promised myself to gently ease back into reading your funny posts (it hurts to laugh too hard)!!
I have made something similar called cowboy potatoes!
Oh my gosh, this post is unreal, Diana!!! lol I came over to say "hi" and see how you're doin'...sending (hugs)) your way and love this song!!!
You never fail to crack me up! What a funny cookbook.
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