If you are NOT from
you don't really
have any
what a day
like today
Green Bay Packer Fans.
We want to see this
in all the
national newspapers.
And we want to see
an accompanying
picture that looks
something like this.

We have our own little
SweetCheeks for one..

down perfectly...
I hope I come back later smiling..
I hope the whole city of
Green Bay, WI
is smiling too.
As Martha Stewart would say..
That would be a
Good Thing.
Hi Diana,
Now girl, I think I know what it means!
It should be the whole state Wisconsin is revved up and excited!
I went to our local Wal-Mart this morning and not one Packer Jersey was left!
That sure is a cute little cheerleader there!
Hugs and Go Pack!
Ok, Diana,
Even though I don't like football, I will be rooting for you and your team! Watching, no. rooting, yes! And with a cute little cheerleader like that, I am sure they are bound to win!! Good luck:)
Have fun watching the big game! Hope your team wins!
Have fun watching the game~! Hey I sent an email I am not sure if you got it but I had some glitches in my blog no one was being able to see my posts so I had to recreate a new one will you come follow me at that one please its noplacelikehomeally.blogspot.com
Thanks girl~!
Only if you are a cheesehead!
We are still in mourning from last week...wah...
I hope you all have a good day together and that sweetcheeks has been practicing for the big event!
The guys will be watching and I will be blogging!
Hugs- Tete
Hoping the Packers get it done! I'll be rooting for them for you.
Looks like you are all ready! Best Wishes :)
Well if Pittsburg wins again my hubby will puke lol ! Back home they are huge Pittsburg fans including my brother...used to drive my hubby nuts. Isn't this the team with the guy with the crazy hair doing all the commercials now?
Hope your team wins Diana!!!
Very sad not to see the Pats playing today, especially after such a great season.
With that said...I say Go Pack Go!
Sorry Diana...It's going to say "Steeler Champs... AGAIN"!!! LOL
Have a great time and that is such a sweet cheerleader:)
I"m gonna be watching and routing for The Packers. Don't want to see any post game posts of Sweet Cheeks crying. Packers gotta win!!
I just KNOW the Packers will win!!!! You must be so excited to watch the game--Have so much fun!!!
From one Wisconsinite to another - GO PACK GO! Love the "I Love My Green Bay Packers" tune on your blog, too. Even better, as I am writing this - the Pack is winning quite nicely ("crunching them like they are crackers") - polka anyone?! Yay!!
Are you a cheeseball, Diana??
Ooops.....that's cheesehead, isn't it??
We're watching it right now. Well, Hubby is. I'm blogging and calling you funny names. lol!
We're pulling for the Packs!
xoxo laurie
Hello Diana,
You have such a cute cheerleader!!!!
As I am writing the Packers have won!!!
Thanks for stopping by for a visit and your sweet comment. What a sad story about your cabinet with all your Strawberry Shortcake items. I bet your son felt really bad :(
Have a great night!
Suzann xoxoxo
I grew up in Wisconsin, and have a cabin up there, so I have been cheering them on from Texas ~ in fact close to the stadium!! Great game!
Congrats on your teams big win....and why am Inot surprised that Sweet Cheeks has her very own Packers cheerleading outfit...Miss B had one but grew out of it...but she stillhas the cheesehead!!
Yes, all the cheeseheads are smiling tonight. They probably won because of all Sweetcheeks's cheering. I live in GB, too.
My internet news headline:
Green Bay a pack above the rest
Updated 39 minutes ago
PreviousNextSlideshow: Photo 1 of 3
Aaron Rodgers (R) holds up the Vince Lombardi Trophy with Clay Matthews. (Getty: Al Bello)
Aaron Rodgers completed 24 of 39 passes for 304 yards and three touchdowns to lead Green Bay to a 31-25 victory over Pittsburgh, claiming the Packers' first Super Bowl title in 14 years.
It even made the news here in Australia
Lisa x
We normally don't watch football but there wasn't anything else on last night but the super bowl!! So I thought of you when the Packers won!!! I could just see sweet cheeks in her outfit going YAY!!
Cute picture of Sweet Cheeks. :)
Sorry your team didn't win. My six year old grandson was rooting for them too and is really, really upset.
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