What is it about bringing out a camera
when there are kids around?
when there are kids around?
I told them to snug up close
and I would take their picture.
This is the 4th shot of them together.
Lulu is hamming it up
(that would be making faces)
in every picture.
Ria is looking at how big Lulu is smiling.
She wants her to smile "normal"..
What is NORMAL?
Around THIS family..
at all.
Big surprise, huh?
See one of the outtakes below...

Well...here is where we are...
Joe's FoxHut Pizza...
in Fond du Lac, WI.

It is the best pizza ever..
My daughter's best friend, Lacey,
married into the family.
She married Mike-Love that Mike..
You would love that Mike and Lacey too!
It is only about a NINETY MILE drive
to get pizza...
But, hey, what are friends for..
except to be your best customers?
We don't go often..
The kids go when they can.
Anyway...here we are...
for pizza.
When you have kids along
20 minutes seems like a
6 hour drama...
Of course, now that the camera is
out SweetCheeks wants to
have her picture taken.
She had just come back from the bathroom.
She has just shared her most precious
confidence with her Auntie Mimi...
What is it?
Can you guess?
Put your coffee down and I hope
you're not eating mint ice cream.
Swallow first before reading.
Yep! She has just shared that
her poop was green!
Green, we ask?
Said with a self-assured nod.
See Mimi's look of shock and amazement below.
See Mimi's look of shock and amazement below.
(Don't ya just love those baby secrets)

Next we move along the table to Mimi & BabyE
And the chimpanzee girl with the big smile
in the back is..who else..TPot...
TPot who loves having her picture taken..
but even more she is lovin' on BabyE.
She loves babies and children..
I think she should have at least one more.
I don't want to tell her to her face
so maybe she will read this and feel
encouraged to ...welll....y'all know how babies get here...right?
TPot is surprised when BabyE pushes her away.......

(Maybe he was afraid she was going to eat him)
BabyE then turns to his Mama....

for a little lovin...
Mama Miss super animated face of the family loves

this BabyE.
Look, Nana- Do you think my Mama is crazy?
Aren't I cute?!?!
You sure are, BabyE....

You sure are!
Now, if you peeps are good and promise not
to put white out on my computer screen
Tomorrow I will tell you about
our trip to the
Pumpkin Farm~
Yes, I will- like it or not!
Well I could eat up Little E! Hope you had a great time eating the Pizza!!
You have got to put BabyE in a baby contest. Maybe like the pageant ones they show on tv. He is the cutest little guy.
Pam's right Nana...That little guy is adorable! Dieting right now, the thought of eating pizza is heavenly...(I'd drive that far or more)!!!I think it's awesome that you drive that far to honor the friendship! I'm sure they really appreciate seeing all of you walk in! lol sweetcheeks...I just love 3yo's!!! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs
Did you know that pizza is my favorite food in the whole, wide world. Yes it is. So 90 miles for pizza... no problem.
Hope you had fun!
As always, love the pictures! And the stories are sooo funny!!
I've spit many a spitball on my computer keyboard, due to those stories!
I can't wait to see the pumpkins! I love painting them, eating them,
and this will be my first year to use them in my blog. Yay!
Speaking of 'first' - you were the first to read/comment on my new blog-post! :)
Reading your comments is always such a treat!
Thank you ladies for reading my blog and commenting. We think BabyE is just precious too...and his Mom has been approached about him doing some modeling. Guess we will see what happens.
You ladies really light up my life...(wasn't that an old song by the Debbie Boone? Hugs- Diana
I love how you find joy in everything! And then share it here...you seem like such a happy person and I just love reading your fun posts! :D
Cute cute cute BabyE!!! Fun fun fun time!!! PIZZAAAA!!! YESSSSS!!!! I'd eat pizza every day of the week if it wouldn't love my hips so much.....
xoxo laurie@heavens-walk
I am so glad you popped by my blog! I have found a new place to haunt...hahahaha.
You are so funny- this will be a favorite for a long time.
Maybe, in time, you'll come out of your shell.
Hugs- Tete
Only grammas can blog about poop, right? Andrew is potty training and gives a commentary about the size of his little turd balls as they hit the water...gross, I know...but strangely somehow it's not, it's adorable. Blessings sweet friend, Patty
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