MyHero and I spent the weekend
in the UP (Upper Peninsula of MI)
for those of you that don't know what
the UP is....
It is a country unto itself up there...
with its own special brand
of peaceful beauty.
We saw this beautiful spot
on the ride back...
this spot..
this beautiful spot
was conveniently located
right out the door of the
roadside bathrooms!
How nice of them to
provide me with a view...
if I left the door open..
I didn't..
I wouldn't...
but...I COULD...if I wanted to.

Dang it all!
Where was I?
Huh? I'm up North..why? were supposed to be here at 11am..
Can't be! Nooooo way!
Now...I have NEVER missed a day of work in my
life (by mistake)...How can that be?
I worked 6 days in a row..including last Monday...
*sigh*....yep...I AM supposed to be there...
I am supposed to close...
I am 4 hours away..
I will drive fast and be there
by late afternoon..
I am driving..
and cursing...Okay..
I'm not REALLY cursing
but I am thinking about it.
Light bulb moment...
Call a co-worker who is IN town..
She will work for me today
and I will pick up her day later this week... for me!
We get home.
I think I will a bit of laundry..
and have a nice relaxing evening..
Phone rings!
Can the girls sleep over?
Daddy has been sick for 3 days
and I have a ball game tonight..
I will come later-sleep there too
and get them ready for school in the morning.
(just kidding about the Yahooo part)
Sure~Bring them over.
Phone rings..
I forgot their dinner-it is home
on the counter..
Do you have food there?
duhhh...does MyHero change his underwear?
(wait-that might not be a good comparison)
Of course I have food!
While I am fixing dinner...
MyHero decides to mow.
Can he mow the regular way?
No! He must hook up the dump wagon
and mow and tow..
Look at his load!

by mistake TWICE
This is a picture of SweetCheeks running away.
She is NOT riding with Papa
EFFER AGIN-an' das thu trooth!
Uh-oh...I see the little Princess has
worn the wrong shoes with
her Cinderella outfit...

Dinner has been served...
The last row has been mowed..
The sun is setting.

We are off to a bubble bath...
a bedtime story and then bed..
Tomorrow is a school day.

As I tuck SweetCheeks in bed
I notice that she has her hands
wrapped around something that she
carried most of the night.
What is that, I ask her.

A what?
A Whitch Pincher...if yoah gotta good
whitch hers can be nice...
but if you haff a bahd whitch
yoah gotta use dis to pinch herh!
Of course you do!
An' Nana?
Yes, honey?
Sometimes I gonna pinch myh sisster,
Lulu if hers naughty...
No, don't need to pinch
Lulu if she's naughty.
Okay...den...I'll jus' pinch her anytime den!
Good night, SweetCheeks.
Guud night, Naneee..
I love you!
I love you too, SweetCheeks.
I knowh yoah do!
I hope she is dreaming of good witches and
doesn't pinch herself in her sleep.
Sleep tight, baby girl!
That is the cutest story tell it so well. Looks like a great time!
Great post and story!
The sweetest, most precious story ever told.
I loved it. GREAT POST my writer-friend.
I swear, I have to get here more often. :) I read for over 30 min. to catch up. I absolutely love your stories, and Sweet Cheeks!
so funny!
gentle, sweet pinches to you!
I love it! We have the same picture of my dad on the riding lawn mower towing my kids in the little trailer behind him. I think we may even have one of me in there with them too but I might have to burn it the next time I go visit! :-)
What a day! I am exhausted! ;D
Thank you ladies, one and all! I am blessed by all your comments and blessed to have these little "diversions" in my life. xxoo Diana
Hi Diana, Well that is one sweet evening:-) How wonderful to have all those little ones around!
(Shhh) I was signing up quietly, I thought I always was a follower... my little thumbnail never shows up on lists and I always have to resign in to see if I am there (dont know why).
Diana do you ever get to rest?! Where do you get your energy!!
I would say you have a full blessed life!
Pamela xo
Diana, you are such a great nana!! wish i could say the same for my kids nanas!! hmmmm, best if I dont go there!!! How cute does sweet cheeks look!? Love the dress!!
Laura xxxx
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