While we are killing time~
Waiting for MyHero~
& The Brawny Man~
We decide to participate in
A Modeling Show.
Ria goes first~
Look at my walk!

Lulu is next-
Look-Look ~
I'm the tallest model

No other models are allowed to participate
When our sweet miss struts her stuff.

Ria is now doing her "Lioness" pose~

On all fours~
To provide a ride for SweetCheeks!
Hey! Diss is funn and I doan wanna be a mohdul~
I juss wanna wride dis chrazzy howrse!

Take me to my next big adventure!
The horse has bucked and run away!
Now where did that SweetCheeks go?

Cuteness personified! My daughter loves to model and do "photo shoots" with her friends. It seems to be the thing with teenagers. Your little grandchildren are fantastic model material; I could just pinch their little cheeks they're so darling.
Those kids are so darned cute!!!!
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