I don't often show pictures
of my "things"..
my home..
my "belongings"
because that is not
is about.
Later on,
down the road a bit,
I might do another blog..
featuring make-overs..
and "things" and "stuff"..
but my blog is about family life..
a history for my grandkids
to look back on~ and remember~
and smile about~
smile about their Nana--
who thought everything they did
was precious and funny.
So...today's blog is a bit of
because I saw this article
and know that several of you
collect lavender glass.
in Brenham, Texas, has been adding to his
revolving collection of SUN GLASS
for several years. At the time of this article
(In Country Home Feb. 2008)
he had about 800 of these curious lavender bottles,
which started off CLEAR but have transformed
to purple over the decades as the
was exposed to the sun's UV rays.
The bottles were made between 1860 and 1915
and, at the time, were valued between
$6.oo to $180.00.
Isn't that interesting?
Well, I love lilac
(and lavender too).
I have a guest bedroom
with ShabbyChic white
ruffled sheets that has
bits and pieces of lavender
in the room.
There is this plate...
made by 222Fifth...

and this one...
same company...

and a little hanger
with a crystal "hook"

my favorite...
an antique chair and ottoman
covered in lavender toille..
It is ever so comfortable..
and lovely..

I keep a throw rug loomed
by my friend's mother
~in white and pink and lavender~
under the ottoman
because it sinks down
into the carpet when the
kids sit on it.

And this is one of my favorite
pictures ~
It is an original oil painting
by a local artist..
My hubby got it as a surprise
for our 24th wedding anniversary...
It is more beautiful than
the photo shows..
(you know me and cameras)

And this wall hanging..
which I love...
A little piece of tapestry..
And a bouquet of hydrangeas...
amd roses-
My kids know I love lavender..
So, my daughter-in-law,
gave me this saying..
"I thought maybe
you could use this somewhere"
Was she insulted when I
put it in the bathroom?
Nope! Not at all...
It coordinates beautifully with
the lavender towels
in that bathroom...
My youngest daughter, Mimi,
handcrafted this for me..
stitch by stitch..after I admired one
in someone's house...
a true labor of love for her
because she is not a sewer..
(was not- is now!;>)
Isn't it a gorgeous piece?
And my oldest daughter, TPot,
handcrafted this vision in purple...
who tells me,
Nana- I rweally LOVFFE the ones
that are wrapped in pourpul..they arhe
my fhavorites...Those arhe the ones
I gonna eat. OHkay?
Well, I guess that means there
won't be any left for me..
because it looks to me like
they are ALL wrapped in purple..
*sigh* The story of my life~
So pretty...I have lilacs in my bathroom, too.
I have purple in my living room and in my kitchen with the sage green going on in the background.
It's a wonderful color and I love your "stuff"!
Hugs- Tete
Grace shares anything she thinks is yucky really well, but the good stuff..... well, she likes to keep that to herself. So, I guess Sweet Cheeks likes these.... she obviously wants them all!
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could pull that stuff on people and have them think it's cute? I guess it only works when you ARE little and cute!
I've popped over from Bella's blog when I saw in your comment about lavender.
Wow, the guy with all the lavender bottles is amazing. You have some really nice things too.
Sweet...and purple is a good color all the way around, smells, flowers, art, it's just a nice color. I have to get me some!
Lilac/lavender has long been a favourite colour here too. It's such a soft but classy colour. (I should have figured you'd like it). I love all your pictures, and your husband did good picking out that painting.
Thanks for sharing a little of your home.
Lisa x
Oh Lavender...! dreamy...This summer I'm going to make a point of going to an organic lavender farm a few hours away from my house...you never know you might get a little package from Canada...xo
You figured out how to change the font! Go, DIANA!!! :)
You have lovely things in your home Diana...from the peeks we get your home looks beautiful!!
Pamela xo
Well, I learned something new... I never heard of Lavendar glass before, or never paid attention. Interesting...
Your chair is absolutely lovely. A family Heirloom??
& Sweetcheeks always makes me smile...
Thanks for stopping by earlier & leaving such a sweet comment...
Here's hoping that Spring & Lilacs are just around the corner... : )
Well you know I love lavender, I just did a post all about lavender. I think sweet cheeks says it best though...love all your lavender things too. Have a great week :D
Oh my goodness, I would love to have a chair just like that...so comfy looking and oh so beautiful.
I love reading Sweet Cheeks little comments. I think you should make a "Sweet Cheeks" book. It would be a best seller!!!
I didnt know you loved lavender so much diana!!! Everything is so beautiful!! If you ever get tired of that toile covered chair and ottoman, just let me know!! I am sure I could find another home for it somewhere... just sayin!!! How interesting that the lavender bottles werent made like that!! I love how the sun has changed them. Must look up what that stuff is that reacts with the sun to make them change...
Hugs to you!!!! nice big purple covered ones!!
That lavendar glass i amazing Diana!
I love the pic and the chair, just charming!
I think you should show more pics of your home, it looks gorgeous!
Beautiful photos, and lovely post. Lilacs, Lavender, and hydrangias are my favorite flowers.
BTW, I think there might be a wild strawberry cake in that pile, maybe Sweet Cheeks will pass it up.
I'm sure that I've told you that my bedroom is painted a very soft lavender. Of course, after all these years, I've plans to paint it a different color later on this century.
Love that chair!!!!.... and blue raspberry candy :-) Your home things are lovely -
Your Lavender room looks so pretty, I'm sure it's so peaceful in there & so calming too :)
What a treat to see your lovely home, Diana! And to find out what your favorite color is, too! I adore lilacs, I bet you have been to Mackinac Island during the lilac festival? And I see that you are a girl after my own heart with the toile chair! Love it! I don't see lavender toile all that often, and this is just besutiful!!!! Oh, and so is the oil painting, and all of your other wonderful treasures:)
Soooo beautiful!!! I am obsessed with lavender as well, just can't get enough!
Well now you have gone and made me cry.....Ms. Boo, my grand-daughter, loves purple and I can't share this fabulous post with her. :(
Thank you for sharing your purple with us. :)
Dear Diana and Sweet Cheeks,
WE ARE LAVENER GIRLS...my bedroom is done in lavenders and creams and small amounts of purple that blend. Your room is lovely. I love the painting your husband bought for your anniversary. Everything you have shown is just beautiful.
I dropped by to let you know I have an award for you on my blog.
Have A Sugar Sweet Day
Simply Debbie
That is one awesome toile chair. If you lived close by, I would try to charm that out of you!! :)
Lavender is one of my favorites also! It was
wonderful to see all your beautiful things
that your family has given you! The quilt..amazing!
Flora Doora
pure, unaltered acai products. Feng shui practitioners believe that the color green symbolizes longevity, growth and rebirth while the color blue represents calmness, flexibility and inner peace. Blake, in addition to being a well-known writer of his day, was also a strong advocate of the esoteric movement and an avowed Freemason.
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