Monday, April 2, 2012

Just Say No!

all thought he was
bypassing the 
Terrible Twos.

In many ways we are
right because he
IS sweet and kind.
he HAS learned the 
power of saying

I went down to Milwaukee
to watch 
"the boys"
so Mom and Dad could
go see a live performance/taping
of Prairie Home Companion.
They said it was a marverlous

So, during dinner time
as the
was munching on
crackers, peanut butter,
yogurt and
a few M&Ms..shhhhhh
and watching 
George of the Jungle on
the kitchen TV
I smiled and said to
"Let Nana take your picture".
Please E!
Can you smile for Nana?
NO WIGHTS (flash).
There's no lights, E!
Flash (ha- get it flash- no flash-nevermind)
to pillows
that Mimi made.
Aren't they darling?
NOW can I take your picture?
Okay then...
Look- E- NO lights-
We'll take a picture of the chair
that Mom recovered.
See-NO flash?
Now can I take your picture?
Okay- I give up.
is too little to say 
I catch him playing with
his toys.
And then he looks at me full on.
Four and a half months old now.
Doesn't it make your heart melt?
And speaking of melting...
try watching a two year
old hold these in his hand....
Guess what?
If you hold them in your hand
LONG enough
they DO melt!
Trust me-
I can't show you a picture
because THIS is what I
got when I asked to 
see a picture of his hands.
Oh- No-
I see a SweetCheeks in the making!
your photo name


Mark said...

Yep, you got your hands full alright!
Beautiful boys!

Gina said...

Oh no! Running from the papparazzi already! Could you imagine having 2 Sweet Cheeks?

Anonymous said...

the boy version of sweet cheeks, now thats going to keep you busy!

Jettie said...

No No Nana, I see a new name for your blog....
I can't understand why kids love that word so much....

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Mine won't be 2 till July, but she's been saying no for at least a month now, Diana. Although, sometimes I think she's confusing it with yes when she shakes her head no.

Debby said...

I have had alot of experience working with toddlers. The twos are nothing compared to the three's. Some of the toddlers I have worked with were angels until that 3rd birthday and then they showed a whole new personality. I think because they are smarter and more independant.
My computer is graying out most of the pictures today and running very slow......oh no not again.
I did see a couple pics......and those boys are so cute. The baby is loking like a little guy now and adorable.

Debby said...

I have had alot of experience working with toddlers. The twos are nothing compared to the three's. Some of the toddlers I have worked with were angels until that 3rd birthday and then they showed a whole new personality. I think because they are smarter and more independant.
My computer is graying out most of the pictures today and running very slow......oh no not again.
I did see a couple pics......and those boys are so cute. The baby is loking like a little guy now and adorable.

Debby said...

I have had alot of experience working with toddlers. The twos are nothing compared to the three's. Some of the toddlers I have worked with were angels until that 3rd birthday and then they showed a whole new personality. I think because they are smarter and more independant.
My computer is graying out most of the pictures today and running very slow......oh no not again.
I did see a couple pics......and those boys are so cute. The baby is loking like a little guy now and adorable.

Debby said...

I have had alot of experience working with toddlers. The twos are nothing compared to the three's. Some of the toddlers I have worked with were angels until that 3rd birthday and then they showed a whole new personality. I think because they are smarter and more independant.
My computer is graying out most of the pictures today and running very slow......oh no not again.
I did see a couple pics......and those boys are so cute. The baby is loking like a little guy now and adorable.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Fell on the floor on this one! LOL
So cute. I LOVE babies and little ones and even taken to telling the neightbor child stories...what's with that!
They ...melt in your hand?? NO!!!

Patty Patterson said...

I tried using M&M's in the studio the other day to get Brycen to stand by the big #1, but he had no clue what they were, or what to do with them. Poor kid must not get enough Grandma time.
But normally, they will keep a one year old by the one long enough to snap a few pictures.
Another trick is an animal call. Don't tell him you're planning to take a picture. Just get an animal call of some sort from the hunting department of just about any big discount store and get the camera ready then blow through the call. They will look..... and sometimes they even smile.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Too cute! Little man is a bit camera shy. What a couple of cuties they both are! Loved the chair and pillows. Not as cute as the little ones, but close. lol!

Ruth Kelly said...

Such fun. I miss my grandbabies. It is interesting how they love to have their picture taken and then all of a sudden, they don't want it taken anymore.

Kelly said...

They are so strong willed at that age. I remember going through alot of that when mine were that young.

Rae said...

Just found your blog!! Love your posts!! I am following along, looking forward to lots of visits!
Many blessings new friend,

Anonymous said...

Oh my, do I remember those days, except my now 22 year old "boy" was always a ham and posed for every picture. ;) Your cuties are adorable, no's and all. Yes, my heart melted a little, just like the M&Ms. ;)
Thank you for stopping by.

Bring Pretty Back said...

hahahahahhahahahah!!! I can not wait to have grandchildren!!
You are blessed!
Have a pretty day!

The Porcelain Rose said...

What a darling post!
I so enjoyed it.
My baby boy is now "31". I still fuss over him. He made the comment just last week "that I still treat him like he's 12". Even though he is now a man on his own.... he will always be my "little boy". Enjoy them while they are little!... we know how fast they grow up.
Your April Fool's Day post was tooooo funny.
I look forward to the chuckles you bring to us all.
Will visit again soon.

Anonymous said...

they also melt on white sofas, pillows, cabinets, refrigerator doors, bed spreads, Love this post Nana and he is too cute! Happy happy Easter. xo

Made In The South said...

Too Cute! At least you get half a picture..My kids are old enough to curse me and say "Don't put me on that stupid blog" Then they use the excuse their employer may see it. HAHA
I can't wait to have grandkids.
Oh I used to hate when the M&M's melted. Yucky

Susie said...

Well gee Diana, I see that Debby really liked this post.LOL. I like that girl. Little "E" what a cutie even when he doesn't want a picture taken, you can see that one smile. Yes, I could kiss on those little boys for about an hour. Smiles xo, Susie

NanaNor's said...

Hi there, Oh what sweet cheeks! When my grands got into the "no"stage I would just look at them and say yes.
They are just so cute! Loved the pillows by the way. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs, Noreen

Traditions By The Seasons said...

What a couple of handsome cuties you have there. I adore your posts...they always make me smile! xo ~Liz

June said...

Two of the cutest little boys I've ever seen Diana!!!!

That's how I act when someone wants to take my picture too : )

Privet and Holly said...

So sweet that you took
on your charges with
such gusto, Diana! I
adore those ages and
m&ms were MY secret
weapon at times, too.....

xx Suzanne

Julie Harward said...

Yup, looks like THAT gene is a strong one in the family! I think these poor little ones get tired of getting their pic taken! (You didn't make it to my blog post...that was just a site that will deliver you to my post, you have to click on HERE to get to the post) ;)

Nancy said...

We have all three of ours this week so I know what you mean...Our 2 1/2 yr old loves saying no too...they do grow out of it thought.....Isn't being a grandma wonderful?

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh, this is a disaster! A bloggers grandbaby that does not want pictures!! The baby is so cute, I love that age!!


Unknown said...

That baby is so cute. :) He's beautiful.

ShabbyESP said...

Hello Diana,
Charles in Charge has gotten big!!! Big Boy E is so handsome!!!
Hope your week is fabulous!!!
Suzann ~xoxo~

camp and cottage living said...

It's good to see your adorable
g'boys! They are such cuties.
Love those pillows Mimi made
and the matching seat cushions!

Anonymous said...

Oh Diana, How adorable! Sweet cheeks galore, don't you just love it? One of these days they are going to posing like crazy, and anxious to see their faces on your blog. Have a wonderful Holy Week, Marcia

Maria Elena said...

LOL Diana, I worked with children all my life and one thing I learned is that when they say no, is NO! LOL
Too cute!


Oh goodness me, you have some gorgeous grands and so adorable! I know you're busy sweet lady and the NOS are their fav word at that age, lol....GOOD LUCK! HAPPY EASTER and hugs,

Gypsy Heart said...

I'm just like him! :-)

Both are totally adorable. How can you stand to be away from them for very long?
