Saturday, March 7, 2015

Poor Little Sick Boy-Charles-In-Charge & Big Bro & Baby Sis

The other day Charles-In-Charge
was doing this-
This poor little 3 year old is 
Poor little guy.
You can tell he has a fever-
look at those pink cheeks.
Sleep is a good thing when you are sick.
That is something I have a hard time doing.
Looks like he has it nailed.
Sometimes the boys nap together.
Isn't that sweet- two little brothers
all snugged down for a nap?

You already know everyone in the family 
is gonna get "it" anyway, right?
However, Big Boy E, 
isn't sick.
After a nap he is good to go.
They are sliding down the "hill" 
by the snow bank next to their drive.
The perfect size "downhill"
for a little Miss's first ride.
I wish she was a happier child!
We don't let MyHero go sledding.
We feel he is safer on a bike.

You all have a safe day out there.

ps.  Don't forget to set your clocks ahead tonight.  
your photo name


Preppy Empty Nester said...

Hope the little guy feels better soon. Have a great weekend, Diana!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

o pish! thanks for the clock reminder. will it make spring hurry any faster? SAMBUCOL is what your family needs...elderberry extract syrup or tablets that boost/build the immune system and make viral illnesses shorten both in length of intensity...or prevents them altogether! been using it for years and since Dec 2010 been sick one time. I swear by the stuff; wish they'd pay me LOL!

Donna said...

I hope Charles feels better soon, Diana! Love the pic of the brothers sleeping, looks like they are holding hands:) And the pic with little sister sledding is adorable! Just look at that cute smiling face. Sounds like your Hero needs to put snow tires on his bike............

Susie said...

Diana, I am laughing about your Hero's bike sled. LOL You kill me girl. That sweet Miss is adorable...SC better watch out. Just saying. It hurts us when little ones are sick. I think I am getting me some of that elderberry syrup that Thistle Cove is talking about. Take care. This week coming week is bringing warmer temps. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Feral Turtle said...

Best wishes for a sick little one!! Love all of your pics!

Jettie said...

Just think Miss sad girl is related to NanaDiana, so I'm betting she's thinking of a joke to pull on someone, later today.
Sorrry CIC is sick, I hate it when little ones are not feeling well.
And that guy on the bike is a cut up, methinks.

The Porcelain Rose said...

They are toooooo cute.
Hope he gets to feeling better soon.

Simply LKJ said...

Hope he feels better soon!!

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

yes, sigh... you know they'll all get "it", eventually. but meanwhile, oh the bitty-baby-girl is the happiest and cutest little "button"!!!! she knows perfectly well, that the world is her oyster! ,-))))

but oh my! just think ahead! to when she is getting bigger, and has 3 older brothers, to watch her every move! and make decisions, about what she does, and especially, about.... what BOY she sees! oh that is going to be priceless. to watch, from afar. up close, it's going to be "noisy"!!! -giggles-


Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

next door, they have a gastro "bug" going around. oh happy day!!!! NOT!!!

we are not going near the place!!! ,-))))

Laurie said...

You crack me up! Does Hero know all these tales you tell about him? LOL!!! I'm pretty sure my husband tells many tales on me and he makes 95% of them up. But, Lord love him, he makes me laugh, too.

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I refuse to honor daylight savings time!!!!

I like "the old ways" and the rising and setting of the sun, is a fine "clock" for me.

I don't want to even look at a clock, except when having an appointment. or to know, when a favorite show is on.
but yes, I will turn the %&*&^$$^& clocks back though!

Kelly said...

Sorry to hear that Charles is sick! You cracked me up when you said that everyone else will get "it". How true that usually is. I always hate to see someone sick in my family because of that very thing happening. My cold got shared with my 13 yr old now. Mine is almost gone, but his is just getting started. At least some of the kids are well enough to play in the snow.

Gypsy Heart said...

Hey Tessa,
I agree! But we move "forward" ~ :)


Gypsy Heart said...

So sorry he's sick. I just hate it when little ones don't feel well. All the photos are adorable ~ and yes, Miss Bright Eyes never smiles or laughs. Not! :)


Nellie said...

Oh! I'm sorry to hear he is ill! Yes, "it" will definitely make the rounds. Too bad. Miss Bright Eyes leaves no doubt that she is having a good time! xo Nellie

Unknown said...

I hope the little guy feels better soon!!! Hopefully the whole family won't get it. That is one happy little girl! Big brother looks so happy to give her her first sled ride.

Lynne said...

Hello Sweet D!
I cannot believe how big C in C is and so is Big Brother E! Both Charles and the happy Miss were just "twinkles" in their parent eyes when you and I became blog buds! I wasn't a grandmother...Miss H will be four this summer.
Life is good, and so fun to share with you!

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Sorry to hear Charles is not feeling well. We just had a round of colds that went from one to the other until we all had it. Ugh. Not fun stuff. Love that sledding pic!

Vee said...

Awwww...sweet sleeping pics. Your grandgirlie is as cute as a button! I am glad that she loves winter, too, seeing that she lives in the great North.

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Diana your photos are precious, your sharing of Grands always fills my heart with the love you feel.

Wanda said...

Your little one is sick, and so sweet with those rosy cheeks. My dearest is not feeling well this morning...but he isn't so cute and doesn't have rosy cheeks... he does have chills....hope he better soon, and your little one too.

ā„³artina @ Northern Nesting said...

It breaks my heart when the little ones get sick...hope he feels better soon!

Tamara said...

Aww... I'm sorry that your little guy is not well. Hopefully he'll bounce back very soon.. Such sweet pictures of them all. and the bike picture ..oh my! You are too funny! :) Best wishes for your Sunday..

Joy Junktion said...

Yeah, we wouldn't want the hero to slide on his *as s* now, would we??? Praying your little grands feel better soon! Blessings, Cindy

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

What a group of cuties, Diana! She is just so precious with that smiley face. She doesn't know how lucky she is having those big brothers to look out for her.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Such great pictures of your babies. That little blue eyed baby girl is so beautiful and of course the boys are good looking too.
I still see lots of snow there. We are basking in 80-+ weather hear. Now if we could just get some rain other than a little sprinkle we would be perfect.
Have a wonderful Sunday and I sure hope it warms up for you. Hope your feeling better and not coughing.

This N That said...

You're a hoot!! Always make me laugh..Your grandchildren are just beautiful...She's precious..

Anonymous said...

Your hero is such a good sport! So sorry Charles isn't feeling well! Sending prayers he'll feel better soon! Hoping you're feeling better now. My crud came back so I'm taking it easy. This stuff is persistent.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Diana, sure hope the little guy feels better soon and it runs it's course with one and not all the family. You sure have a talented hero pulling wheelies in the snow. LOL Do you know my hubby did that today in the parking lot of Walmart with the cart. I watched in shock as he was taking it back to the cart collection area running then jumped on and flipped it up in the air. Oh my gosh~~ I think he is happy to be retired!! LOL Now I have a kid to deal with!!!
Love your pics. Your grands are darling.
Hugs, CM

Junkchiccottage said...

Diana that picture of bright eyes and Big Boy E on the sled is precious. Have a great week end.

Chatty Crone said...

Awe his little red sick cheeks - hope he feels better soon.

My Garden Diaries said...

How cute are they! This warmed my heart so much to see those sweeties cuddled up for a nap and that little girl on that sled! Precious!!! And thank you for the clock reminder....I completely forgot!!! Happy weekend to you! Nicole xo

Art and Sand said...

I can't believe how much snow you have.

I dream of the day when I have little ones to play with!

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Aw...I think there is no feeling of helplessness greater than when a child is not well. Such a cutie! Love the sledding pic! Some of my fondest memories from childhood involve sledding in Northern Illinois!

Sarah said...

Always, always chuckle when I stop by for a visit!
Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Poor little fella. Hope he improves quickly. Yes, I do wish Bright Eyes were!

Carla from The River said...

Ha! You are so fun. :-))
It is 50 degrees here in Cameron, Wisconsin!! I just hope this is not an April Fool!! or March Fool! :-))

Kim said...

It's been that kind of weekend around here, too...thankfully for my kids it was a 24 hour kind of thing. They spent Saturday in bed and are now raring to go ~ kids!

Adam said...

I hope he feels better. Being sick is never fun.

Forest Mother said...

So cute! I hope he is better soon. That little girl is a cherub.

Bethany Carson said...

Hope your little grandson is feeling better soon. The sledding looks fun. My family just went on a sledding outing together the other day at Sac and Fox Overlook--quite the hill near the Iowa River...sledding down that slope was exciting...and ***fast***!

farmhouse-story said...

hope he feels better soon, diana:) love the face on your g-daughter-precious!