Lest you think
I am turning into one of those
that talks about their grandchildren
all the time-well---
after this post I will give you a
for a while.
This was too comical not to share.
When Charles In Charge and
I am turning into one of those
that talks about their grandchildren
all the time-well---
after this post I will give you a
for a while.
This was too comical not to share.
When Charles In Charge and
Baby Bright Eyes are napping
Big Boy E gets to play with his
camping set which has approximately
6,345,827 pieces.
I may have miscounted the pieces but I am close.
He was playing quietly on the floor.
My daughter looked over to see this:
Mimi Mama: Ethan, What are they doing up there on the roof?
Big Boy E: They're all set up for a Jimmy Buffett concert.
OH NO! A Parrothead in the making!
Mimi could barely contain herself.
What 5 year old knows who Jimmy Buffett is
let alone that people take campers and sit
on top of them to watch his concert?
Big Boy E takes things quite seriously.
Don't laugh at him cuz it hurts his feelings.
Oh- No!
It IS a Parrothead in the making.
Are you wondering
![]() |
image Well, it is someone that loves and follows Jimmy Buffett |
like BigBoy E's Daddy does.
His Daddy spent a lot of time in Key West
as the head of the
Boy Scout Sea Base.
Yep- his Daddy is a Parrothead!
Here he is WITHOUT the feathers!
I think Big Boy E will be okay
as long as he doesn't want one of these:
Y'all have a great day and
you just might want to have
Just to get in the Island Mood-ya know?
Ah, he's such a little cutie !
Well I'll skip the chicken and just have a biscuit since you put it like that.
LOL reminds me...first REAL turkey DIL is familiar with this thanksgiving....pull all the stuff out of the inside and she looks at the neck and asks what is THAT. I told her it was the penis ha ha ha
Love Big Boy E's expression--and the chairs on top of the camper!
OMG, that is so funny! First of all, when little ones say things like that....it puts me into hysterics. And then that sign.....well now, I've got to go take a potty break! LOL!!!
Hysterical post, from top to bottom! I think your grandchildren are charming...and very entertaining. Don't stop sharing! :)
TeeHee! Funny grandson, funny Popeye's sign, and funny Nana Diana! For those of us who have no "grans," we enjoy sharing yours from afar. We never hear the crying ;))) Linda@Wetcreek Blog
This entire post has me laughing! Oh my!
Jimmy B was especially popular about the time I was in college - I remember all his crazy songs!
Diana, Hey, I am thinking some pranksters got to that sign.LOL Big Boy 'E" melts my heart. Those rosy cheeks, so sweet. His dad is a cutie pie.. Kids take in so much just listening to adults, when the adults don't think or know the kids are near by. LOL. I loved it though. Enjoy this day, xoxo,Susie
Diana...how adorable that grandson of yours is. Aren't they just like little sponges, absorbing everything they here? And of course their very impressed with what daddy has to say! smile~ I think I'll pass on the food! Lol
Too funny... a little Parrothead in the making. What a little cutie pie!!
and wondering minds want to know.... what was that single "P" at the end of the "jalapenis" sigh, going to be for???????? were they going to try to top themselves? and dare not? I-want-to-know!!!!!!!
yeah, a lot of Tequila goes down, at at Parrothead gathering. ,-)
gotta' watch Big Boy E.... he might have something more powerful than orange juice, in his travel cup. -giggles-
Haven't thought about Jimmy Buffett in years. My dentist used to play Jimmy Buffet music constantly. He was a parrothead!!
Too funny!! & my sons are those people on top of the motor home. They go each year, to some place in your neck of the woods, to see JB.
I am always asked to babysit the grands.... I think that I am having more fun : )
Funny blog. Your Grandson didn't think in the end it was so funny Nana from his picture. Your grandson is so sweet looking.
I have never heard of that guy either. Imagine him sitting them on the roof to watch the show. How minds work with such small children.
I think I'll just take the Margarita and pass on the Jalapenis chicken poopers. I think someone has been playing with their sign.
That's the best blooper sign I've ever seen! LOL
Ethan is so adorable...what a pout.
Great sign..Not very appetite stimulating though..Burgers look yummy..One of my favorite foods..
Hey Gal, just poppin (not poopin) in to say hello. I know it's been a while. Loved this post. So funny.
It's 5'o clock somewhere. I love your grand children posts. Don't stop. Not going to try those poopers!
Have a great day :)
My goodness, Diana! Where do you find these things? Somehow sitting on top of the van isn't appealing to me at all, though I do enjoy hearing Jimmy Buffett's music on occasion. Does that tell my age? You may have missed counting a piece or two in that camping set.:-) xo Nellie
LOL! Did I have a big laugh at this post my friend! The kiddoes are the best, I've been so busy making a dinner party for our 40th with grandgirls and all. Will post soon. Your cutie is adorable, too cute for words and the handsome son!
Jimmy Buffet it's been a long time, but I'm gonna listen to him on youtube for reminders, hehehe
Please keep up the grandkids' posts...by the way, where is my fave girl?
Alejandro had a good laugh at your comment about making up a holiday to see if I find dishes for it, lol! Can you believe we received from our siblings a gorgeous oriental set of dishes for our 40th,.. 'he said: That's all we need´!
Luv ya,
We once ate at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville restaurant in New Orleans. So, so good!!! I'm cracking up at the chairs on top of the camper and that he even knows about that! So funny! Love the Popeye's sign too. Don't think I'd want to eat there. ;)
OMG....I'm laughing my arss off! Thank you! :) xoxoxoxo Jen
The grandkids bring so much joy. It's hard to keep a straight face sometimes. isn't it? Don't want any hurt feelings!
Big Boy E is adorable! What a cutie pie! When we were in Hawaii one time, staying in Waikiki, we ate at the Jimmy Buffett restaurant SO MANY times! YUMMY! Remember pop tops?
Big Boy E is adorable. Well I've been cleaning out kitchen cabinets and just checked to see new posts to relax... But instead I actually learned a new term "Parotthead" You have a unique way to brighten my day.
That is so funny about the camper people. Smart little Parrot Head. Love his pouty look. OMG on the sign.
OMG only you would find a sign like this. Toooooo funny!!!! Hmmmmm not sure how those poppers are selling. Big Boy E is too cute with being a parrot head at 5.
I just got my medicine for the day right here, lol! They say laughter is the best medicine, and I just got a good dose, lol! Loved the pout pic of Ethan... so adorable! And how funny how he thought to put the people on top of the camper..it is so amazing how much kids hear when you don't think they are listening! LOL... and I won't get tired of your stories, they are enjoyable :)
haha….funny sign! And that is one adorable little boy!! Saw your comment about the print on my blog - probably because I cut and pasted the lyrics to the song (call me lazy!!) thx!
Who was sitting on the top of the camper again? Now I have to go back and re-read that post! A Parrot head... Jimmy looks a tad bit older now days; or is he dead?
LOL Hugs, Roxy
HA!HA!HAAA! This is making my day Diana!!! I am NEVER Bored when I visit you!!!
Keep um coming! <3
Too funny! I love reading about your Grandchildren! Big Boy E is so cute! OMW, the sign is a hoot! I'm thinking I'll pass on the poopers!
LOL Oh my, I sure needed a laugh, thanks Diana for making me laugh.
Go on be a boring grandma and I'll be one right there with you!
My gosh is he smart - I love Jimmy Buffet too. He is so handsome.
Ha ha ha! I think I'll pass, thank you. Those are some cute boys you have there and anyone who loves Margarita's - I mean, Jimmy Buffet, is right by me! xo
Don't stop , love reading about your grands , it brings a little sunshine into this old world . You have gorgeous grandkids . Thanks for sharing .
My German teacher in high school was a big Jimmy Buffett fan. He wasn't German, he was from Kentucky.
That's the biggest pickle I've ever seen.
But I've never heard of Jimmy Buffet so maybe I'm living in the dark.
You are too funny - I loved that post. Out of the mouths of babe's, you never know what they are going to say or do LOL. I was so tired after grocery shopping and thought I would sit down for a while to get a rest and this post was perfect.
Have a great evening.....
Oh that is such a cute story! That Big Boy E is too cute for words!
What a cute grandson! He is taking after his daddy! That sign is hilarious!
I thik the restaurant needs an editor or proof reader!! So cute about your grandson!
On the one hand, I can think of worse things that your cutie pie grandson could be and, on the other, can't think of anything much worse than that sign. Someone was having way too much fun.
OMG that sign is hilarious. Its okay to talk about your grandchildren when they are as entertaining as yours are :)
Oh my gosh, you just can't make this stuff up! So hilarious!!! We love Jimmy in our house too - but we are a bit older than five. Jane
Tooooooooooooo funny, I love the sign Jalapenis, how long did that stay up before someone realized it was mispelled. Your little grandson is adorable and later in life every girl in the world will appreciate his softer side.
Ha ha! Cute post. One more thing, no real beauty Mexican cutie tatoo! :) Been to Key West a few times and have had a burger there. No poopers for me either! Well, I did change my little grandson's diaper tonight - just saying! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I had to come back and make sure I read the words before 'poopers' right! I did! :)
Keep on being a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I love it! He's going to be right there with his dad....and me, following Jimmy Buffett! :) When you see those signs don't you wonder if someone doesn't have a clue how to spell or if some kids came by and changed the letters?
OMG! that sign! I can't believe someone actually put that up. I think it's cute how your grandson staged that van. it's funny that he knows who Jimmy Buffet is too.
My God, the sign, how funny... my youngest son goes to see him every year, now everyone is upset because he isn't going to be in Pittsburgh this summer!
Rolling on the floor laughing.
Belly laughs - ftw.
What a hoot! My kids and grands wouldn't know who Jimmy Buffet is but I do. The things kids say-your grands always say the funniest things.
Have a great Thursday my friend!
Hugs, Noreen
LOL Well, I know who Jimmy Buffett is. That is so cute. People need spell check for their signs :)
oh my gosh I laughed and laughed. I think you need to twitter that to jimmy
I mean tweet it of course
Aw, what a sweet boy! I'm pretty sure the Golden Child has no idea who Jimmy Buffet is, but maybe I should teach him.....minus the alcohol of course! Funny sign at Popeyes! LOL!
LOL!! So much fun!
I am totally out of touch. When I saw the Lego peeps on the motorhome I thought of the Walking Dead, season one, when they had the motorhome and could sit up top on the lookout for walkers....lol. A great lesson on parrotheads! What a cute little guy in that pic....awe!
Lol! I don't think that sign will rev up anyone's appetite! Your grandson is adorable! Jimmy Buffett music always makes me think of summers in the 80's. *sigh*
LOL! I'll pass too :)
As a long-term Parrothead, I say that the child is a genius! LOL! Hugs, Leena
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