Thursday, March 26, 2015


Well, I will say that
you voted for-
you are in good company.

The table that got the top number of votes was

First Place:

Second Place:

Third Place

Thanks to all of you that played along.
This is so much fun for me.
Sometimes I know 
just which one you are going to select
and sometimes

Speaking of fools----
Ummmm...PLEASE don't wear your 
ONESIE Pajamas to Walmart
 when shopping for
Easter egg treats!
Yeah---That is NOT ME!
Thanks for asking!
your photo name


Anonymous said...

My fav was 2nd! They were all very pretty! Have a nice day.

vivian said...

oh those walmart people! lol! I love all the table settings.. but I do think of the three I also would pick the first one! happy thursday!

Boopnut said...

OMG! I have seen PJ pants in Walmart, but never a onesie on an adult! YIKES! If I had voted, I would have voted for #1 too.

Unknown said...

Whoa, I can't believe what some people wear in public!

Kathy said...

I can't believe I totally missed this. I am so far behind in my blog reading. Just not enough hours in the day. I think I would have picked the winner also. I love how those napkins are folded.

As for the Walmart customer -- well, now I've seen everything.

Susie said...

Diana, I can remember the time, if women wore sweats any where it was frowned upon. I do not know where this public pajama thing started but it is just plain nasty to me. The worst is the pj's with the worn out or dirty bottom cuff dragging the ground....I won't even stand near them. Well it's out, that is a pet peeve for me. I am one of the people who chose the colorful carrots table...I just love the little flowers on the plates and the table runner. Blessings for a good day there, we have rain, xoxo,Susie

Bethany Carson said...

Always fun to see the results! Thanks Diana!

Tete said...

I love number colors...and you know that was your selfie from last weekend. LOL

Sonny G said...

I try I mean really try to think of folks wearing such outfits as Free Spirits... I don't always succeed at convincing myself.. oiu vey

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, is that a real photo of the person in PJ's? Was it maybe Halloween?

ANNE said...

I love the first one - white and aqua are always perfect together!

Vee said...

Oh good! I really do like that first one and am now wondering what I might serve in such a bowl so that I can make a bird's nest with the napkin. I might have to practice a place setting.

Oh my heavens! Did someone really show up in a checkout lane like that?! I have sometimes dreamed of such things...what a nightmare!

Donna said...

You make it hard to pick a favorite, Diana, but I did love both the first and second tables the best. The last shot? Uh, no thanks. I cringe when I see people wear pjs in public! I've even seen them at the airport! Thank goodness I've not seen an adult where a onesie before, ugh!!

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

can those Walmart pics possibly be real????

just like some of those questions, on those "Dear Abby" type columns???

they are so over-the-top, that they look/sounds as if they have to be fake.

don't they?


don't they?????????


no you do not have to reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kim said...

Oh, my! Those WalMart people! What planet are they from that they think dressing that way in public is perfectly fine??

Thanks for this fun contest, Diana!

Gert said...

Hey! I would have swarn I saw you wearing these at WalMart the other day! LOL Those table settings were hard to pick from, they were all just beautiful!

Stephanie said...

See... that is why I keep my son and myself away from Wal-Mart! How do I even begin explaining that to a 6-year-old! haha :)

I was so happy to see the one I picked won - yippee! It's such a beautiful tablescape. Happy Thursday! Hugs

Down On The Farm said...

About a week ago, at my local grocery store I saw a man, in pajama pants and flip flops. And it was FREEZING outside. It was all I could do not to walk up to him and say "really?" I guess it takes all kinds!!

Kathy @ Smile for no Reason said...

Hey, don't you need my permission to use my photos???? Lol Oh my. My grandmother would be appalled to see the way people dress in public these days.
They were all beautiful tables. I came in third this time!
Have a great day xo

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I vote for birds nest napkins....hahahaha! I love them all and probably would have chosen the carrots! See....I am late but still trying to play! Sweet hugs!!!

Kim said...

I missed the voting, but I totally would've voted for number one! Perfect!

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

OMG People shopping at Walmart, enough there to laugh for weeks!

Junkchiccottage said...

I guess I missed this Diana. I love the first one with the bird nest napkin very cute. Oh my what you see at the Walmart!!!!!!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

My table won... woohoo! LOL... I just loved the colors and the birds nest theme.... and that Walmart picture is just sad...!

Burlap Luxe said...

At least she's in her P.J's, we here get ones half naked....I know it's been warm, but please....I could handle the P.J's :)
I missed the table settings, I too love the napkin nest, yet still find the carrot filled jelly Bellys so fun, plus a little something extra for the basket to take home.
I had a ladies Easter lunch one year and filled grape vine baskets for each setting with garden needs, packets of wild flower seeds and garden gloves and veggies to then add in the garden candies. It was so much fun to do an Easter gardens table, your settings remind me of our Easter gathering.

Happy Spring.

Anonymous said...

Oh pick came in first.....well, I like the blue colors. Walmart, I try to only go once a hopefully I miss the weird dressers in their pj's :)

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

WHO wears their PJ's in the middle of the day.....ummmmm..... that would be me! But, I don't go outside of the house...not even to get the!

living from glory to glory said...

Darn, I missed the contest... Internet problems on and off lately! It is fun to see the table settings and pick a favorite! Have a wonderful day!
Seriously those people that dress like that and go into a public place just look silly! But at least she was covered...
Hugs, Roxy

Janet said...

Those were my two favs. In the order. I'm good at this :)

Oh my goodness! Are these people at YOUR walmart?? Can't believe them wow

Take care my friend, Janet W

Red Rose Alley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RURAL said...

Do you remember when ladies wore gloves and a hat to go out? I almost And women that wore pants were "daring" life has changed a's not that I am older, just of a different generation then the PJ wearing kind of people. Giggle.


Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, the aqua table won....that's the one I picked! There's just something about aqua at Easter time. OK, are these shopping pictures that you show us real or what? :~)

love, ~Sheri

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Yay! I loved #1.

Just when you think you've seen it all...another doofus comes along. lol!! I sometimes wonder if they are really that dumb or if they just want attention! It's quite entertaining to go to WalMart these days.

Connie said...

Sorry that I missed this vote but those two top winners are gorgeous :)
As for your Walmart shopper . . . WHAT ARE PEOPLE THINKING!
I have gone down when I was in the middle of a painting project or gardening project, because I ran out of something I needed and I'm always afraid that someone that I haven't seen of sometime will see me and think that I always go to town in painting clothes or dirty kneels, but pajamas . . . give me a break. The other thing that gets me is the over weight women in shorts and short mid-drifts. I'm over weight and I like to camouflage it as much as possible, but some wear it like a badge of honor. What's up?

Karen said...

I'm a day late and a dollar short, but I like the carrot table setting. I can top the onesie pj. The lady in front of me at the BMV getting her drivers license pic, took off her jacket for the camera and had on a see through lacy chemise!

Jill said...

All the settings were just lovely! Can be rotated for several different meals of entertaining :-) The PJ's... there are just no words, lol. Never know what you will see in Walmart. Have an amazing day!


Anonymous said...

HI Diana! Well, my vote got 3rd place, but I'll survive! :) why can't I see folks dressed to the nines at WlMart like this?
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Gayla said...

i DON'T THINK I remembered to vote. But I love them all. Love those birds nest napkins, for sure. I don't think that onesie is the best look for anyone over 18 months! Certainly not me either!

tammy j said...

the say the english love their eccentrics.
i wonder if she qualifies?
i'll try to love her.
i mean i don't love her but.
though it's hard to miss in those jammies.

20 North Ora said...

That first place was my vote. Love it! OMG - who would actually go out in public in their footed pjs? Blows my mind. There's lots of times I go out without dressing up but never that casually!



Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

What is it about Walmart that brings out the crazies?! Oh my. What a pic! :) I loved all those Easter place settings. Such pretty ideas.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Bahaha!!! Those crazy Walmart shoppers. Love all of the tables. xo Laura

NanaNor's said...

Hi Sweetie, I love all the tables,which is why I didn't vote. I can't believe someone would actually go out in public in that-unless it was a practical joke(however, I would never go out in pajamas).
Have a great Friday.
Hugs, Noreen

Adam said...

The walmart near me has tons of people just like that

Nellie said...

I cannot remember the last time I was in a WalMart store! I think you have just reminded me of one of the reasons I don't go.:-) It would be a pleasure to be seated at any of those three table settings. xo Nellie

Chatty Crone said...

Truth is they are all pretty and I would love to have any of them!

Rose L said...

Oh Lordie! Sometimes people should nto be allowed in public!

LV said...

At least my choice came in second. I have been appalled by what you see people wearing.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Well, of course it's not you, Diana. Yours are blue. ; )

So glad to see the ones I liked were in the majority of votes.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

I would not be caught dead in something like that even to sleep in. But to go shopping HELLO what are they thinking. I see women and men in their jammie bottoms shopping all the time. They are just plain goofey.

Joy Junktion said...

Yep, Love that table #1 :) "Onesies to Walmart" sounds like a new song to me!! Blessings, Cindy

cathy@my1929charmer said...

I swear you run in to the funniest people? Maybe you have a magnet for them, just saying. I love all three, but think I'd do number 1. Love the napkin cool is that! Now I know why I don't go to Walmart!

My Garden Diaries said...

HA! Where do you get those photos! I can always count on you for putting a smile on my face!! Happy weekend you!!! Nicole xo

Sarah said...

Great choice for #1, even though I voted for the runner up. '-) I'd be thrilled to dine at any of these tables.

BeachGypsy said...

Lord have mercy why do people go out in public like THAT??!! i can remember a time when ladies wore pretty little hats and high heels to "go to town". And their pocketbooks matched those shoes, yes indeed! And ladies always had a supply of fresh clean white gloves ready to complete their "ensemble". They went to the beauty shop once A WEEK for a fresh coif with plenty of spraynet! LOL! AND men held open doors for us and tipped their hats and no man would ever ever evev SWEAR in the presence of a lady! Ladies didnt swear at ALL.....least not in public. We also wouldn't dream of fighting in public or enjoy being called "bad ass". Its a compliment now.....something our young women WANT TO BE. SAD ISNT IT?

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Gees I can't imagine a person going out in public like that!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Well, I guess I missed the tablescape post in all the moving and wrestling 89 years of "possessions" out of my Mother-in-law this past week. I have learned over the last week just how many bibles (14) and boxes of pictures (18) an "older" couple can accumulate in 68 years of marriage. I'm hoping you will let me know which one I would've picked as I definitely have one!

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

I missed the vote, but I would have voted for the napkin nest or the woodland wonder...tough decision!

Forest Mother said...

So did she wear that to bed?

Candy S said...

I liked all three of the pictures listed above but most especially the woodland table. I think I am going through a woodland period in my life. I wonder what that could mean.