On my days off work I often
pick up TPot...and the girls.
We drop Thing 1 and Thing 2 off at school
and take Thing 3 with us
on the days she doesn't have
Nursery School.
SweetCheeks (Thing 3 for those of you
SweetCheeks (Thing 3 for those of you
not in the know)
always wants to go to the same place.
And, as my followers know,
it is NOT McDonalds..
it is NOT KiddyLand..
This child-of-my-heart
wants to go to
Nana's Favorite Place.
A place that would not be
open except by the
Grace of God
and my
It is
I am a creature of habit
I always get the same thing..
A Triple Shot
Sugar Free Vanilla
Latte-2% milk
No foam.
There's a saying that
the more complicated the
order the bigger Witch
(well, that's not really the word-but
you. know.what.it.is.)
I guess I rank right up there near
the top of Blankety-blanks.
I could make it worse and order
1/2 caf ,etc...but hey..I gotta life here.

Anyway...That's what I order.
Now-SweetCheeks knows this place well.
Here's HER order.
Ih'll haff a Chilldes size
Vhanillla steamah wiff whipp cream onnit.
They love this little girl at
They always give her extra whipped cream.
Do you see her beaded headband?

She has a necklace to match.
She is not wearing it because soon...
she will be using it as part of
her act!
And here..
Ladies & Loonies
(said most affectionately, of course)
for your enjoyment
we bring you
the pure pleasure of SweetCheeks.
What are you singing, SweetCheeks?
Ih juss gonna sing abhout
efferything Ih see hearh.
Great- Let the show begin.

Sung to the tune of...
hmmm...NOTHING I recognized..
I haff my pretty beeeds and
dey are maghick..dey are maghick!

I luffve mhy Mama an mhy Nana..
Effen if mhy Nana hass
crwazy hairh today...
An...look offver der-dat man

is juss kinna bawld like my Papa
or sumfin like dat.
An now Ih gonna look at sumfin
else and Ih lwike dat gurl dat
makes da muffffinns..
annn here chomes sumbudy else
dat is jusss old and hers gettin sum coffee..
or sumfin...

Don't say people are old or bald
we tell her quietly.
That might make people feel bad.
Our Sweet Miss sweetly
and softly replies..
Yesss...but dey issss old or bald,
aren't dey, Nana? Huh?
Nana? Aren't dey, Nana?
Nana cannot answer because

Nana is ready to choke on
her coffee..
and doesn't want
SweetCheeks to know..
that she is being funny
when she doesn't mean to be.
Here it comes..
Whass so funny?
An why isss you keep takin'
pickshures of me?

I am laughing too hard to answer.
Isss NOT funny, Nana..
Now Ih isss madd
an' I not gonna sing any morah forh yoah!
Lord, love us-Look at that face.
From Sweet Sue
Angry Annie
in the blink of the camera's eye.

Ih gonna get down now!
She scooches over to her Mama for a kiss
Can I have one, too? I ask.

Noah- I iss never gonna kiss yoah aghain!
Nevah..Nevah...said with a dramatic sigh.
NEV-AH..repeated with emphasis
I am MAD at yoah foarhEVEAH!
That''s Okay SweetCheeks.
I shouldn't take your picture
when you don't want me to.
I guess it's almost time to go home.
I'm sorry.
It's almost time to go home now anyway.
Yes, honey?
Chan I come home wiff yoah too?
I thought you were mad at me.
Noh- I wuz jus' kiddin' yoah!
Of course you were.
C'mon SweetCheeks..
Your ride is waiting!
Oh she is such a character! She has the best Nana too :)
Yeah, caffeine and sugar will do that...
Sunshine to clouds with rain threatening, in a blink of an eye!
LOLOLOL! You are TOO funny, D!! Your stories crack me up, and your prose always hits my funny bone, girl! I can hardly wait to meet up with you so that I can sing about old bald men to you, too --- since I know you enjoy it so much... LOLOLOL!
Smooch! xoxo laurie
Laughing hard here till I have tears running. I just love your precious stories. What a great way to start the day. I guess everyone in there was impressed? She should set a bowl out for tips!!!!
Oh my gosh, She is soooo funny! What a joy to have in your life!
How sweet, funny and cute! Looks like you all have a blast together.
Very cute...I think she inherited her drama from her grandma! :D
Now that performance should get you all free coffee for life!!
How entertaining! You must never be bored with Sweet Cheeks around. I bet she can really sing, too!
I didn't know Starbucks had a dinner theater!
Too cute.
THAT WAS HILARIOUS! As I was reading it, I was listening to my own sweet girl singing Old McDonald at the top of her lungs from her bed where she is supposed to be taking a nap! It is so funny because my son never would sing as much as my daughter does! All.Day.Long. :-)
You have a gift for story-telling Diana!
What a cutie! Sounds like she has a bit of her Nana's personality!!
Yep-She's a CHARACTER and one of the STARS in MY life! Thank you all for your wonderful sweet comments! Love you guys! xxoo Diana
So sweet Diana...I swear it is so enjoyable to come here and visit. This brought back memories of when my son was three and we would go to starbucks before the we visited the book store and he would have some of my caramel latte....he just used to lick the cream and caramel!! He still remembers me taking him . I miss those days!
Thanks for taking me back there!
Pamela xo
So sweet and funny--and well told :)
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