If you can pray..
If you will pray..
Please pray.
My daughter has a friend she met in college.
That was 12 or 13 years ago.
She is the sweetest girl I know.
She is a nurse-practitioner..
But all she ever really wanted
was to get married..
and have a baby.
She met Mike.
They got married.
She got pregnant.
Her water broke and
Lacey went into premature labor.
She was 32 weeks along.
After a long day and 5 hours
of active labor..
they decided to do a C-Section.
BabyBoy was born weighing
around 5 pounds. (I forget the
exact amount). He is pretty
healthy for a premie..
but they can't get an IV
started on him.
Lacey started hemorrhaging.
They gave her 2 full units of blood.
She went into ICU.
She stabilized and they put in back
into a regular room.
Shortly after that she started
swelling up and she was not
able to expel any fluids.
She went back into ICU
and is not doing well.
They have given her 2 more
units of blood.
They think she may have
an infection in her uterus..
but nothing is certain
at this point.
Please, please say a prayer
for this sweet, sweet woman
and this baby.
And, while you are praying,
please pray for the
husband, and Daddy.
Poor Mike is not doing
well with all of this.
She is his life.
I feel like crying..
and I know that her family
feels helpless.
But I know that there is
One that watches over
His children.
God bless each of you
that takes a moment
to offer up a prayer.
I believe..
I believe that there is
Power In Prayer.
Thank you- I will
update you later.
I said a prayer and will continue to do so! Will be back for up-dates.
Honey- you got it! I'll be up most of the night...let us know how they get along.
Oh, Diana I hate to hear news like this. I certainly will pray for this family. I know many who have been healed with prayer!
I will be sure to keep this family in my prayers. I do believe in the healing power of prayer, and in miracles, too.
I will say a prayer tonight. What an ordeal for this poor family. Hopefully - things will turn out well for them.
Oh Diana I am sending my prayers! Yes i believe in the power of prayer!!!
Her baby at 5pds should be fine. My son was born early in destress at 5pds and he made it.
Hope and faith !!
I'm sending my blessings...
Pamela xo
Oh Diana - my heart just breaks for them. I will certainly lift all three of them up in prayer tonight. They are blessed, you know, to have you as a friend and prayer warrior, too. But rest assured, God will hear their names many times this week...
xoxo laurie
Thanks everyone! This is such a wonderful group of people! I won't have any more updates until tomorrow sometime. I am off to work at 6AM so I won't get a chance to post until later in the day. Thank you for your prayers tonight...Hugs- Diana
This touched my heart...my experience from this summer is still pretty fresh on my mind...I will so pray for her! Thanks Diana
I am praying for this lovely family. My heart breaks for them.
I am including this family in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry they are going through this. I hope everything turns out well for them. So wonderful that you posted this so we can all keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
I woke up this morning and the first post I came to on Tete's blog was yours. I guess the sexy man on her side bar caught my attention! Decided to scroll down and read your post. I was just outside looking at the stars-I too know that God has a plan for each of us-I pray that this girl will be healed quickly. Keep us posted of her progress.
Will pray!!
Oh Diana...loving prayers and thoughts for all.
How awful...prayers being said! Hope everything turns out okay...Kathy
Praying! Keep us posted on how both Momma and baby are doing!
OH, I am so sorry. What a nightmare for everyone involved. I will be praying!
Oh, Diana -
I have tears in my eyes.
Why do bad things always seem to happen to such good people?
I will keep them in my thoughts and in my prayers.
A big hug,
Keeping them all in my thoughts and prayers.
Waiting for updates.
Prayers for them and hoping by now there is recovery and much happiness over their beautiful new arrival!
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