The sun is going down.
Soon it will be time to call it a day
and go home.
We have been playing at Nana's house
for the afternoon.
Mama has picked the two
older girls up from school and she is on
her way to pick up SweetCheeks.
SweetCheeks decides that..
NOW- She decided that
it would be a
very good idea
to show her Mama
how good she can use a hula hoop.
But first she must learn
How it works!
Nana-Lookit me...
I dunno iff I ahm doin' this rwight.
Am I? Duz it go lhike dis?

a spin...and then wiggle your butt
and try to keep the hula hoop
around your waist.
I gonna twry it nhow.
Issss not wurking right, Nana!
What's that, SweetCheeks..
Whut's whut?
What's that around your neck?
That's my magick whishser.
I mhake a whish and it can
chome true!
We try the hula hooping again...

and again...
and again..
HO! NANA...dis thing is nhot
wurking eiffer.
Isss not wurking at all!
I gonna twry it whunce morah!

Dis is jus not whurking at all..
Isss making me mad!
Is that your mad face?
Pffffttt...I not eben gonna talk to yoah
no morah about it cuz I isss soooo mad!
There goes the doorbell, SweetCheeks..

Run and open the door.
Maybe your sister will help you
figure out how to use the hula hoop.
Yes, sweetie?
I doan think hers knows how to use itt efffer.
Nana? I doan wanna play with dis thing anyway!

Okay? I think itt isss bwroken or sumthin.. Okay?
Okay by me, SweetCheeks...
Okay by me!
ps...Did you notice she had her clothes on this time?>)
Oh, the adventures of the hoola hoop! Gosh dern the thing, anyway. Was Nana too busy with the camera to wiggle her butt and show this flustrated angel how to do it? LOL
Next thing you know you will have a naked belly dancer in your living room. HA
You could always send the hoop home with her and let mom show her.
OH, Still wiping tears- Hugs- Tete
I just love reading about your granddaughters adventures and you write it sooooo well. You sure know kid talk. You must still be one at heart.
Too cute, I just love hearing about Sweet Cheeks!
I never figured it our! My little one is an amazing hula hoopist. Her Mom is a hula failure!
We used to have hula hoop contest at birthday parties and family reunions. It's hilarious to watch people try to hoola hoop.
Diana, She is the cutest! She definitely is a princess and getting her moneys worth out of her princess dress! lol
Hi Diana,
I just found your blog on Mary's blog...oh my gosh, your granddaughter is so adorable! And I love her princess costume on her--so cute! I wanted to make one of those quilt squares too, but I'm not sure if they are being used as a wall hanging or for a bed...I do mixed media art, so I had some great ideas if it's for hanging...but, I'm not sure what I will do if it's a traditional quilt yet!
Have a beautiful Sunday!
Hi Diana...We used to have hoola hoops, and would wiggle three at a time! I probably couldn't even get one around my waist anymore!
Have a wonderful Sunday evening.
When you talk like sweet cheeks I hear her loud and clear! You know I never did master that darned hula hoop!
I couldn't do the hula hoop either. Never could get my hips moving in the right direction at the right time. I was never known for my coordination though.
So...did you try it grandma? I would be tempted to see if I could still do it! LOL
Tell sweet cheeks I tried one the other day in Walmarts...Yes I did...a hoola hoop in Walmarts with my grandaughter.
That one was broken too!
I think they are all broken...except for the one my grandaughter tried.
Maybe you need a waist...
After a few more months on weight Watchers...I'll give it another try.
Kiss sweet cheeks for me!
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Oh what darling little girls!! :) My little Livvy (almost 4) is all into the Princess thing right now.. it's like which one do you like this week? Right now it's Ariel. I want to thank you for the sweet comments you leave me that warm my heart! And oh yes, the second they came home candles were blown out & shreds to the floor.. but I had fun making it. ;)
Hugs -- Lara
Ok, come you didn't show her how to do it right? Huh? lol! Those are the photos I want to see! :) I bought one last year to bring out at parties - and boy is that a hoot to watch!!! :)
Smooches to you, girlie! xoxo laurie
Love Little Miss Sweet Cheeks. And her outfit is adorable. Looks like a little costume dress...
And what's wrong with THAT technique??
That's how I do it!
Have I been doing it WRONG all these years?!!
(And I thought I was so good at it!:)
Thanks for your funny comment on my blog, Diana!
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