SweetCheeks goes to Nursery School
2 mornings a week.
It is in the same school that her big
sisters attend.
She loves her teacher..and loves her school.
One of the big surprises she has found..
is....Party time!
There is always something going on
and a party to celebrate it.
For Halloween the little kids get
all dressed up and parade through the
school-in and out of the rooms..
and get treats.
I will post some of those pictures tomorrow.
Today I am going to show you
The Pumpkin Game..
But first-Here is SweetCheeks
in her
SnowQueen outfit..
that Mama assembled just for her.
Here is her hair-up close and sprayed stiff

so that it won't move in a hurricane.

As soon as their parade is over
the head back to their room to play games.
SweetCheeks says..
Chome ovah hearh-we chan play
dis ghame. I jus' gonna show yoah howh
to do it..Readdy?
Firs yoah gotta haff a pummpkin!
Oooppps...bit of a distraction..

Hey! Whereh did yoah get that Stahrbucks from?

What's the matter SweetCheeks?
How comes nobuddy gott me a steamah?
Because this is school..and you don't have
steamers at school..
Ohkay...I chan haff one later, okhay?
Ohkay--Hereh's whut yoah do...
Yoah gotta phick up deese blue fingys..

Yoah gotta phick up deese blue fingys..
lhike thisss..
Doo yoah haff sum, Nana? Ahre yoah whatching

whut I ahm doing?
Now---yoah gotta squeeeeze dah ends lwike dis...
See..check it nowh...see it go'ed rwright in...
I'hm just foolin' - I sthill gott it ovahr hereh.
Nowh...Yoah try it Nana!
Yoah doo it just lwike thhiss!

Now---yoah gotta squeeeeze dah ends lwike dis...

Yoah doo it just lwike thhiss!

Nana! Thhatt is NOT a vurry good jhob!
Yoahs went offf the table...
Yoah iss not vurry good at this ghame!
Mama-Did yoah see Nanas?
Mama-Did yoah see Nanas?
Nowh- Whatch me ONE MOAHR TIME!See-I do'ed it rwight and now I gonna win...
Cuz I ghot 'em alll in!
Ih WIN!Nana-Yoah can't whin by jus throwing them in,
Can she, Mama?
Cuz that is cheating!
And YOAH is a cheatah...
So I'hm not gonna play dis ghame eny moarh!
Now I gonna go make sum ghosties fhrom suckahs!
(And we will explore that exciting game tomorrow)
It's a good thing I peed before I came in here, or my chair would be wet now!
What a kid. It's going to be shame when they put her in speech class.
My youngest was so much like this and when he started kindergarten, they told me he need speech- they couldn't understand him.
I just couldn't believe it. I said if you think he's hard you should try understanding the other one I got- this one is a breeze.
The other one was the deaf kid- LOL!
I have more of the king's crown too! I will post more of it later on. I have plates- dinner and bread and butter, stemmed waters, and compotes all in the ruby for 4. I also have 2 toothpicks and a cream and sugar. The c&s are cranberry too. I have one lonesome cordial in ruby.
Small world!
Hugs- Tete
Just move south a few hundred miles and she'll fit right into the mix.
It's always such a treat to come over here...Sweetcheeks always makes me smile.
I just love reading about Sweetcheeks, she makes the day!
Awww She is just so cute! Glad she has so much fun in preschool!
Love the snow queen idea!...
Her costume is adorable and she is such a character! Love her!
You are sweet to stop by for a visit. I'm sorry my blog isn't coming up. I use photobuck for my photos and write each post in html. You are the 1st person to let me know of this problem on my blog. I wonder how many others can't pull up my blog as well.
I have the same problem when I'm surfing. About 20% of the blogs I visit, only their header comes up. No content, no scroll bar; just their header.
Wish I knew what was wrong or how to fix it. Maybe it's Blogger itself. I dunno :(
Tootie told me about your blog and little sweet cheeks. I liked your story.
Something tells me that you were just like SweetCheeks when you were little! Actually, sounds like you maybe still are...........:)
What a beautiful SnowQueen and I am sure she inherits her gorgeousness from her grandmama!
LOL...you crack me up with your story telling!
Happy Halloween ~~ xoxo
You should know better than to cheat while you are playing with little Snow Queen! She's not going to let you get by with such behavior!
I hope no one cheated while she was making sucker ghosts.
Cute kiddo!
What a sweet child! Love hearing your stories!
Don't you be cheating on my little sweet cheeks! Could you tell her I love her costume please? She is the most beautiful snow queen I ever saw.
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