Now-Tell The Truth..
When I said
Your mind immediately went here....

THIS kind of
Pick Up...
internet beer ad

Now don't get all crazy on
me here..
We aren't talking about
of pickup.
Nope we are talking about
a pickup of the
Sweetest Kind!
A Pick-Up from Nursery School
We go into a wonderful old brick building
and tromp down the steps
at the appointed hour.
We stop in front of this door~
It is SOMEONE'S turn

to open the door today
and let the parents in..
mostly Moms...
plus one crazy Nana...
is excited beyond measure...
She was not expecting to see
her Nana!
No. She.Wasn't.

She gives her Mom a big
ol' kiss..
right on the lips..
(the little germ spreader
that she is;>)
and says
in her guttural little voice.
Next she must scurry back
to her own little mat

to her own little mat
SweetCheeks waits ever-so-patiently
Ever so patiently...
VERY patiently
for dismissal...
I apologize for picture quality
But it is hard to catch someone
in a dark hall as they
are running for freedom!
Run...little girl....Run..Are you all done for the day, SweetCheeks?
Noah! We gotta go to Stahrbucks
for a steamahr..
Well, of course we do.!
What WAS I thinking?!!
This is an expensive little Pick Up...
It mighta been cheaper in the
long run-to have bought the truck!
So cute!!! Making those memories..........
Oh how I miss those days!!!
Yay, I missed her cute little face! Too funny, she should be a Starbucks Rep!
Oh, my, the joys of sweet cheeks! I love her! Thank goodness we don't have a Starbucks. I hear they are expensive so I think you're right about the truck being cheaper.
Have a great day! Tete
Awww cute! SweetCheeks has great taste! I bet that was the best escape to freedom she's had yet!
Isn't it the best fun to surprise grandkids?!
I love that!!
Glad to see you're back!!!!
You are just the BEST family ever, Diana! Your love just sparkles in you all! :)
xoxo laurie
Oh, there is nothing like the pick-up! My guy still comes running at me even now as big lug of a first grader! So sweet!
P.S. Your comment on my post gave me the giggles and also put the fear of God in me...thanks for that! :-)
Awwww...I just love this kind of "pick up"!
Oh my! Preschool and already addicted to Starbucks?! Sounds like I'd better buy some stock! Hey, there's a Starbucks on Mackinac Island, but something tells me you already know that! :)
You got me on this one! I thought we were going to talk about men and their pick-ups! Glad it was this instead! lol
Pamela xo
So nice of you to stop by my blog today. As for the Cat's Meow only the name has been changed. As Susie and Mark Holt. owners said they kept having people want to drop of pets for grooming lol. They moved their shop to downtown Sarasota on Palm Ave. They now call it Posh on Palm. And you are so right. They do it well!
Run Sweet Cheeks Run. How cute is this! She is so precious. I her little sweater is so pretty.
Expensive, yes! But, so worth it. Time spent with Sweet Cheeks is never wasted! (of course, neither is money spent on her)
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