Well~ I am sorry to disappoint you
because this is not a post about~

Instead-I am going to show you
what I like to call
MyHero has been promising
to clean out the "supply"
(and I use that term loosely)
closet since we moved in uh...
that would be 4 years ago now.
Now I'm not saying he never intended to
clean it out but he is kind of
He knows that eventually I get
sick and tired of waiting to
get something done
and do it myself.
But I played the game..
Just like always..
and...I waited..
and hinted..
and waited..
and asked outright..
and it still looked like this..
and this...
and this...
Finally...I couldn't stand it for

(do ya ever get that-when you ask to get something done?)
I'll do it tomorrow.
What's that old song?
Tomorrow Never Comes
That's what happens at my house.
So..today..being as it was rainy..
and a bit dreary..
and then foggy..
I put on my old clothes
and dug into the mess..
Now..I'm not saying this is perfect,
mind you,
but I am saying I now realize that I have
at least 6 cans of KILZ..
Thank you Lord!
And I can see the shelves...
And I have stripper...

No! I didn't say
I had A stripper..
I mean the kind you use
on wood..THAT kinda stripper.
Now my friend, Roger...
He might have a stripper at his house.
Never mind..
Connie would put the kabosh on THAT
Where was I?
oh yes...I have Paint..
Did I mention I have Paint?
Gallons and gallons
and semi-gallons
of Paint?
I also now have drop cloths

all neatly folded and set to go..
And last..but not least..

I have..
I have
Whatever in the world did I intend to do
with dulling spray?
Maybe MyHero bought it planning to
spray it on me..
just to take the edge off my humor..
Not sure..

MyHero got home a bit ago..
He heard me mumbling to myself
in the basement and made the
trek -down the steps.
He said...Oh! Did you clean the paint room up
Looks pretty good!
I asked him if he would carry all the empty
boxes upstairs.
He said...Yes! I'll carry them up,,,
I carried them up myself..
I don't want them to
be here come Christmas.
ps...I love him anyway!
Great job! I definitely work so much better in an organized space. And lucky you, a wealth of suppies ready and waiting, so go tackle a project!
Oh my gosh!
I can't stop laughing!
I need to look deeper and see what I have in that hot mess out in the garage.
I enjoyed this so much-
Have fun with your dulling spray.
White Spray Paint
I think I have the same husband. There must have been a special running on them when we found them. Our work room looks worse than yours. You have shelves. I keep telling him we need shelves and then we will be able to walk through the room. He keeps saying yea I will do that. Nope, nada!
Looks great! Don't you just love that "tomorrow?"
You'd better get to work on painting something with all that paint. It looks all nice and organized now. And it reminds me that I have a mess going on in the garage right now and I'd better get it cleaned up before it's too cold to work out there. Maybe tomorrow!
Great job! (And I love that little desk!) My husband does the same thing. Only, instead of saying "tomorrow" he says "I'll add it to the list." His list just keeps getting longer because he doesn't tackle anything on it. Things do get crossed off -- when *I* finally tackle them. Like you said, though, I still love him.
Ha, Ha! I am so relieved to see that someone actually has MORE paint than we do! Although we don't have any dulling spray! I've never heard of that before. Is that something make-up artists use to avoid a shiny complexion? Oh, never mind my nuttiness, I think I've not had enough coffee yet..........
I was curious about the Dulling Spray too, so I googled it:
"Coats evenly and effectively dulls the article to be photographed or televised, including chrome. Simplifies lighting arrangements. Leaves no marks and wipes off easily. When camera work is completed, this coating should be wiped off. For a permanent dull finish, use Krylon Matt Finish."
Maybe this will trigger the memory of why you have it. :)
Diana, Diana, Diana- You are freakin' awesome!
My DH went from being you have to kick him in the butt to see if he's still alive on the weekend to super dude- let's get it done. Just in the last couple of years. I'm like - what did you do with the real DH. And then- if you could do this now- where the heck have you been all these years? We are not newlyweds by any means. He's got over 20 years of explaining to do, let me tell you.
I am so glad you have all that paint! Oh the things you can dream of now! And I would duct tape a paint brush in his hand until he used it all up, too!
For your comment on my blog- I was born and raised in Ohio- moved when I was 16 to Missouri- lived there 2-3 years- a small stint in Oklahoma and then here to central Illinois. Been here ever since.
My mom was born and raised here, so here is where she went the 2nd time her and dad seperated. So I followed her.
So there you go- hope that straightens that out- maybe I should rewrite my profile...hum...
Hugs- Tete
Great job Diana ! I hate doing these kind of jobs.
Does your friend Richard read your blog? ha ha
I'm still laughing about that one!!
Pamela xo
LOL I think it's the same in every house! Well, you get to have the rewards of your labors and he gets...a great wife? ;D
Anonymouse says:
How on earth did you get photos of my garage?
4 years ago, I had a nice clean garage, and could actually get a car in it, and get out without tripping and falling under it. Yesterday dh decided to 'clean' it. Yeah, he wants to set up the sound system, drums and amps, he isn't cleaning, he's moving what little I have in there, out. lol.
MEN they are all cloned.
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