Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Little Lulu!

The call came
eight years ago today.
Hurry-hurry- I'm in labor..
The baby is coming..
We raced to get there..
but you were a little while coming..
and I..having had 4 babies myself..
had never actually seen one born before..
we were there..
we were all there..
The WHOLE family was there!
It was an amazing moment in our lives.

You were born and all I could think of
was that you looked like a fragile
little baby bird.
Your Daddy was just a bit afraid
to hold you cuz...
he is a great big guy..
and you were just a wisp of hair
and feather soft skin.
Look how cute you were!

Your Mama & Daddy were so proud of you-
their first child.
They took you everywhere
and beyond.We watched your every move,
your every facial expression..
Nothing was too small to record and keep
as a memory.You were all about Papa!
He was your lap of choice..
right after Nana, of course..
But we'll let him think he was IT!Soon you were dancing at a wedding
making us think that someday
we will be dancing at YOUR wedding..
God willing and all.... You were lucky enough to go to
Disney World..
the family favorite..
and have lunch with Pooh Bear.
You weren't even scared at all. Soon, all too soon,
you were headed off to school!
How could that be possible we wondered.And, before we knew it you were
thinking on your own..
and had your favorite foods...
even though we insisted you must still
love peas...
you chose corn.

Yep-you were getting bigger by the day..

You sat at my desk and actually used the computer.

What? When did you get so big?Yep! Our Little Lulu is growing up!

Today she turns EIGHT!

This month she starts 3rd grade!

Before you know it she will be going off to Jr.High

and be thinking about boys and big girl stuff....

But...don't tell her Dad..

cuz he's already worried about that!

But for right now--she is just eight..
and I am going to enjoy every moment
of eightness!

Happy Birthday, Sweetie Pie! We love you!
your photo name


Diana Ferguson said...

Happy Birthday to her!! She's such a cutie.

Jettie said...

Happy Birthday Lulu, and don't let NanaDiana steal the birthday cake.

Tara said...

Hi Nana! Thank you for the funny post. I liked all the pictures. But the part about the boys IS NOT true! I have to go to church now, I will see you later. And "Jettie".. I WILL NOT let her steal my cake. No way.
~Lulu bear

Lin said...

Happy 8th Birthday to a beautiful :)

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

What a super sweet birthday message to an adorable little girl. Happy 8th!! They grow up way too fast. Thanks for your comical comment about my estate sale misfortune. You always make me laugh and do keep coming back or I will have to hunt you down.

Simple Home said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet little Lulu. She's adorable. They do grow up too quickly, don't they?

Julie Harward said...

Hi there...this is so beautiful, loved it! :D

Pamela said...

Happy Birthday LuLu ...I love that name!!

Yeah we say EH around here alot Diana! That cracked me up about the school bus being used as a hunters shack? Funny we see people out here in B.C. living in things like that!!
I love the comments you leave on my blogs!
Pamela ox

Debi WeeFaerie said...

Happy Birthday to her!!! I hope her wishes come true and that her day is magical!