Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Forever Frozen Faces X

Monday, August 30, 2010
that I have missed
dig a hole for and bury.

We can coast 'er in.

You would not believe the assortment
out-of-state license plates...
Look, Papa, Look!I can see the sign now...
It is straighway ahead...off in the distance...but poor PEARL
has s-l-o-w-e-d to a stop!
MyHero to the rescue...
He & MamasBoy & TheSecretAgent
jump out and proceed to
All of a sudden..Lulu starts shouting
out the window..
Stop! Papa! Stop!
We're here! There's the Frosty Tip!But Papa keeps going!
Lulu sadly waves good-bye to
SweetCheeks uses her newest line...
I hate this wurhld!
Papa doesn't care what anyone thinks
because PEARL needs a drink
there are any ice cream treats.
Ahhhh....So Good!
Gas for one~
and finally....
Ice Cream for all.
All except Ria who was staying
overnight at a friend's house.
The next morning when she
came over she told
Lulu that she wanted to take
a ride in the
orange PLANE too!
Lulu said...it is NOT a plane, Ria..
It's a bus!
It's not a bus, Lulu..it's a PLANE
cuz Nana said that
Papa was FLYING solo
until he painted that thing!

Sunday, August 29, 2010
The Most Beautiful Bella

But....I forgot to say a proper

By the time I turned the little

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Forever Frozen Faces IX

Friday, August 27, 2010
Doing A Bit Of Research

SweetCheeks laughs so hard she

SweetCheeks-WHY are you taking

Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Fairy Godmother

Nana- Hmmm?

A few minutes later I look over and see this...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Forever Frozen Faces VIII

Robert! If I told you once..
I've told you a million times...
Don't pay the man for a race horse
Until you've seen it!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
One Lovely Blog Award-Huh?

Monday, August 23, 2010
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Could this place get any cooler?

I am especially fond of the multi-colored polka dot shirt.
However...I digress...

You will find her at Ugly People
I didn't dare take a picture of the real one..
I was afraid she might clock me with her cane.
She could have looked over and grinned and made
some casual, funny remark about
screechy kids...(which I would have probably done)
Instead she said...THAT CHILD SHOULDN'T BE IN HERE..
In kind of an under-her-breath-just-loud-enough-to-overhear-it
kind of voice.
I was a little bit embarrassed until she walked away...
Wait- Wait- What was that noise?
Mimi & I look at each other puzzled...
She says- MOM!!! I say..MOM WHAT?
Well-what's that noise, MO-OM?
Huh? Was it thunder?
Was it? No it couldn't be THAT!
As she was walking away, still muttering
about the NOISE and BEHAVIOR of a one year old,
the purr of gas escaping continued to
ripple behind her rolling cart.
I lost all sense of being embarrassed about a screechy kid...
I now realized that the two of them probably had something
in common after all. They were both wearing diapers (I hope).
There was a part of me that just felt a bit sad for her...and...
we were trying not to laugh..because getting old ain't for sissies.
I am feeling a bit bad for her-had she been a tad kinder I
would have felt really AWFUL for her...
But-shame on me-I laughed....and laughed...and laughed...
we put our heads in between the rows of hanging things (Lord, please
let me know that they were clean things) and we laughed...and laughed...
as BabyE continued to screech and she continued to complain...and "toot"..
Two different "trains" on two different life tracks.
And...the monkey riding this train
will get cuter by the day...
Eventually the screeching will stop....
he will change and start growing up....
and he will start talking like a regular little boy..
After all-he only just turned one.
And Granny? Well, God bless her...
Her train apparently has a gas engine
rather than a steamer.

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Did you say Buckingham Palace?

like smoke...all public places here
are smoke free as of July 1st..
Yeah...I'm liking that
it has granite topped booths..
So far...so good!

Oh yeah...Wisconsin has its

MyHero tells me to hurry up

A peek through the window

Ooooh...I'm loving that