It takes my daughter and family
a few days to get their house ready
for the
Hallooo Weeen Party.
TheBrawnyMan puts out orange lights.
Nana gives them a cat and pumpkin flag.
And Ria is "busy"...
Busy getting little pumpkins ready
to plop on top of the orange twinkle lights..
(that don't twinkle)

Ria very earnestly tells SweetCheeks
just how to do her job.
SweetCheeks listens carefully...

Then does exactly what she wants to do.

SweetCheeks reminds us not to
forget the pumpkin mailbox cover...
We need it for Halllooo Ween!
(I think she thinks there is someone named Ween
that we are saying Hello to)
Anyway, we got the mailbox cover.
We got it-'deed we do!

An hour before the party starts there is
a flurry of activity..
Daddy is setting out the big air-filled pumpkin...
and two of the girls friends have
come over to supervise.

to greet our other friends.

Wait...wait..just a minute...
We forgot to plug something in...
Oh My!

As their friends cars pull up into the drive
the are treated with this little Fall display.

Step inside..
C'mon, SweetCheeks tells everyone.
Doan go in there..that iss vurry,
vurry scary...
Walking into the kitchen you see a table
ready with mini-pumpkins
just waiting to be decorated..

Straight ahead is the
Haunted Beauty Parlor. looked
like that is where I had my own hair done..
I was a walking advertisement for..
The Haunted Beauty Parlor.
(and all my girls just said - Amen)

Ooooohhhh...That looks pretty scary...
Chome on in, Nana!Thisss isss not schkary at all...
Look...theres sum frog hair jelly..
and sum offther stufff to make
yoah beeyouful..
Look...doan yoah whant to be
beeyoufull like me?
Yeah...I sure do, SweetCheeks...
But it might be too late for me..
Hmmmm...assessing the situation..
Yoah jusss look old, dat's all.
Thank you SO much!
Yoah're welcume!
Now that she is "beeyoufull" she heads
cautiously down
the steps to the
Haunted RecRoom..
(or whatever they call it)
Isss kinda shpooky dohwn hereh too, Nana!Yep! Look at that jersey..
I think it's kind of spooky that
Brett Favre is still playing football.
( insert adult laughter-SweetCheeks- WHUT?)

Never Mind!
Look at that stage..
What's up with that stage?
Yoah know thass foar moovfies..An for dancin..
See..lookit Ria...Her's dancing right now!
I think she's just posing, SweetCheeks..
Noah-Her's dancin! See hers feet mooving?
Tollllldja so...hers dancin'
Well, there's the back bar area...
I'll have a Coke please...
And, because I like to live dangerously..
I'll take some ice and...oh yeah..
make sure it's a Diet Coke, okay?

I head back upstairs to
get a few more pictures...
This is my daughter & best neighborhood friend, Tina.
Tina is an idential twin..I mean IDENTICAL.
I could post two pictures of HER and tell you it was
twins...and you would never know the difference..
Neither would I..

Looks like someone stole their clothes
and left the sheets;>)
Here is a not-so-scary pirate..Little Lulu
is way too sweet to be a pirate..

And we have our little
Fall her Mom made costume..

And, last but not least
we have the
Snow Queen...
who is wondering why
Nana is leaving so early.

I scare easy...

and besides that..
I have to go home and cook dinner for Papa!