Get your coffee.
This is the longest conversation
I have ever posted I think.
I am writing it so the girls
can read it someday.
The girls don't often spend the night
at my house when they have school
the next day.
the other night was an exception
and SweetCheeks ended up
spending the night by herself.
She did her
" Kiddygarden homework"
sitting at the island.
She ate dinner, took a bubble bath
and went off to bed early.
I had to wash her clothes so she could wear
her same school uniform the next day.
She was up early, ate a good breakfast,
brushed her teeth, got dressed and
was ready to go.
As we are walking out of the house
the phone rang.
Ria: Tell SweetCheeks today is dress down day.
She's supposed to wear something besides
her uniform.
(The catch is you "buy" the right to do that
by bringing a non-perishable food item
for those in need)-great idea, huh
uh-oh-here is "the look"
after getting that news.
Too late to change now-
we are 60 steps from the car
and will be late if we stop now.
I pick up Ria & Lulu at their house to drop
all three of them off at school.
Conversation in the car as we drive away.
Ria: SCheeks- I brought you an outfit you can
change in the bathroom.
SC: R-I-A.....What outfit did you get?
Ria: A nice one-you can change in the bathroom.
SC: Did you bring me a can of food?
Ria: Yep!
Me: Did you bring one for yourself, too?
Ria: Nana! Stop- Go back-I forgot one
for myself.
We back up about a city block
(they live on a cul de sac-no traffic)
Ria runs in and gets a can of food.
Seat belt buckled we start for school again.
Lulu- SCheeks! Do have the scrip money?
SC: Yup!
Lulu-Let me see it!
SC: (scrambling madly in her back pack)
Here it is!
Lulu: That's not it, SCheeks.
SC: Wehll, Sorrhee, Lulu- I don't know what it is anyways!
Lulu: Nana- Stop- We have to go back
and get the scrip money.
This time we back up TWO city blocks.
Lulu runs in house-and can't find the
scrip envelope anywhere.
Back in the car -seat belts all buckled.
Me: Lulu- what are you going to do if
you don't have your scrip envelope?
Lulu: Nothing- we don't need it today anyway.
SC: Who's gonna help me change in the bathroom?
Ria: Lulu will. I'm supposed to see my friends.
SC: Lulu- will you help me?
Lulu: (big sigh) Yeah- I guess so.
SC: I hate this world!
We get to school.
We hold the drop off line up for
a full three minutes while we unload
three backpacks,
a bag of SCheek's clothes..
SCheek's snow pants, mittens and hat,
and the package that drops out the door
when they get out.
Me: Bye, girls-Love you-Have a good day.
SCheeks: Pffffttt....It's already a bad day!
And that folks, is why I ordered a
TRIPLE shot at Starbucks before
I headed home.