I usually beat my husband
home from work.
One of the main reasons
I like to hurry home
is to pick up the mail.
I love seeing what
the mailman has
shoved into my mailbox.
I really love it when
I get packages.
That is why I like to
beat the
"old boy"
Because sometimes..
I order something online.
What? Really? You are asking..
You can't believe that I would
Well..MyHero can't believe it
either...It goes something like this..
*heavy sigh*
WHAT is this?
What is THIS?
Right here--this package..
(heavy emphasis on ALL the words now).
I dunno..
You don't know?
You must have ordered
You don't rememeber
what it was?
The Surprise is this..
I didn't order
THIS time..
But there it was,
a wonderful package waiting for me.
Who's it from? I ask sweetly..
cuz I know I have dodged the
"how-much-did-THAT-cost" bullet now.
It says.. Donna somebody!
My heart starts a pitter patter..
Open the box..
Read the cute
Stocking Card with pom-poms..
LOOK what is just inside!
A tag that would make
Job be Jealous
(never mind if you don't get it-
that's an OLD saying)..
Can you stand it?
It is all glittery and sparkles..
that's cuz my friend, Donna,
is the
This picture does not begin to
do it justice.
SweetCheeks looked the tag over.
Do you want to hold it?
Noah- Iss all wett!
No-It's not wet-that's glitter..
Noah, Nana...iss wett..
and effen the stahr is wett too.
(that's okay- I really didn't want her
to touch it anyway!;>)
This darling tag is going
to hang right by my computer~

And then..there is a wrapped package..
Now I should have taken a picture
of the
but being a non-blogger
in a previous life..
I forgot..
cuz I was TOO excited.
Look at this picture..
Look at the detail..
This is going right next to my
vanity..and every morning
as I am getting ready for work
I will think of Donna..
making all this magic stuff
and I am at work
SweetCheeks looked this
Let me just say that the picturesCrazy New Friend
and know that I have a
wonderful Michigan friend.

darling little framed picture
all over..
Hey...hers lefted a key in there
and hers dropped a button in
there too!
Well...whatever "HERS" did-
I love it!!
I luffe it too, Nana!
Ah..Now I am happy because
it has the
SweetCheeks Seal Of Approval.
And then..
I turned it over..
and OH MY GOSH..
Look at the finsihed piece.
Can you believe the detail?

do not do these pieces justice.
Donna has a beautiful blog..
and a wonderful
Please stop over and see her.
Tell her that her
Nana Diana
sent you.
You'll be glad you stopped by!
It's gorgeous! What an awesome surprise to find in your mail!
Went over to her site, great recipe for soup too!!..
I have the same mail issues :-) Or is that "male".
Awww! You made my day Diana, and you made me laugh, too! I always like to remind hubby that I am the Queen of Everything, now I can tell him that I am the Glitter Queen as well! I am thrilled that you love your little goodies! You are so sweet! Karen mentioned having "male issues" well, I have them, too!:) Have a great day!!
What a beautiful package to receive! So much
talent! It amazes me!
Flora Doora
Imagine that, she dropped a button and a key in the picture. Sweetcheeks cracks me up! What a nice surprise to find in your mailbox.
What a beautiful tag, someone is very talented.
I love getting packages in the mail that I'm not expecting.
Mail/Male issues yes, sometimes I have those, too. Most of the time, though, if it is my name only, he leaves it on table for me, afraid it has work in it he may have to do...
Anonya Mouse ;)
So sweet! This blogging community is just the best. Thanks for sharing this with us Diana!
How beautiful Diana! Some people are just so creative! SweetCheeks has great taste too!
What a nice surprise package..the art work is awesome..a real treasure to keep and pass on to little Miss SweetCheeks..
Beautiful. Donna is so talented. So nice...and really creative too!! And - I have the same "male issues" as well...although my husband has given up after all these years. I do get into trouble on occasion. The UPS man asked him the other day - "Is any of this stuff ever for you?"...He had to laugh!!
Beautiful gift Diana and I love the back just as much as the front! Love the gift tag too. That's a present in itself.
Happy New Year!!!
Pamela xo
Ohhhh boy......YourHero best NOT meet Batman. They say the EXACT same things when boxes are seen shoved into the mailbox. Heavy sighs, emphasized words, and all.....
What a wonderful surprise from Donna, Diana! She's such a sweetie! And quite the artist!
Now, go tell YourHero to save his sighs for another time.... lol!
xoxo laurie
I alway get excited to get a package, too - but even more so when it is not expected. Don't you just love a good surprise?
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