Thursday's Post..
A Day Early..
Just Because~

passed this award on to me.
If you haven't visited her blog..
you need to do so.
you need to do so.
She is just a lovely person..
and makes
(is that the plural, Jane,
or does it become FloraDoori?)
and sells them.
Some are even in..
I am good at telling other's stories..
and not so good at my own.
You all know
what my
life is like NOW..
You know I work at a hospital..
at a job I love..
You know about my kids
and grandkids..
and MyHero.
One of the reasons I am doing this
is because my blog
is kind of a
for my grandkids
And, someday, they will
look at this and go
Look at NANA!
And they will laugh and
roll around on the ground..
and wonder
But, that's okay..
cuz I will be
(I hope)
Before I go any further..
I am apologizing in advance
for the quality of the pictures.
We lost a lot of pictures
when our basement flooded
in 1989..
so I only have a few
bits and pieces
of our early years...
including wedding photos..
Here goes...
You know that I am
basically a happy-go-lucky
kinda gal..
that I kind of roll with the punches.
I thought I would take you back.
Like WAY back..
Like back to the beginning.
1~My father was 53 when I was born.
I was his FIRST child.
My Mother was quite a bit younger.
I was the
Apple of his Eye.
My brother was born 4 years later
when he was 57.
I lost my father to
Parkinson's Disease
when I was 21..
and still miss him today.

2~I went to work for
in Fort Myers, FL.
From there I went to
TVB Advertising school
in NYCity.
I was the 2nd woman
in the Southern USA
to attend that school..
It was basically a
back then.
After that I went back to

work at WBBH
and, besides selling for them,
I did commercials.
3~I was the Lee Carpet girl
for a while...
That was the latest and
greatest in the mid 70's~
'Deed it was!

4~ I did some modeling
for Lee County College
This is one of their
shoots using a
candle to make
flames around my head.
That was before
there were any safety factors
built in..
I'm lucky my whole
head didn't go up in flames..
Try taking a lighter and candle
into a classroom today
to use in this manner....

Working in TV is a crazy world.
Too crazy for me..
5~I left there and went to work
for Georgia Pacific.
Another almost first.
I was the first woman
in the
(there was one in the North)
to be a saleswoman for
Georgia Pacific.
6~It was while working there
that I met
He had left his family business
in Wisconsin
and was working
a Fort Myers lumber company.
7~We only dated for
before we got married
on the bank of the
Caloosahatchee River
in Alva, FL
and moved to Wisconsin.
(Look at that Gunnie Sacks wedding dress)
I bought it when I wasn't dating anyone
Long before I even met
MyHero..because I loved
the dress..
and knew I would
wanted to wear it
one day.
And, Lord love a duck..
he wore a blue leisure suit..
Thirty Days
does not make for
smooth passages.
It was a lonnng process of adapting..
here we are 35 years later..
and still together...
So..there you have me..

and old-in-soul.
I still feel
and old-in-soul..
Now.. I need to pass this on..
and I am going to pass it
along to some newer bloggers.
over at
DebbieDoos Blabbing & Blogging..
or is it Blogging and Blabbing.
gave me these names.
I am going to go visit them myself too!
Please pop over and give them
a nice big shout~
Welcome to Blogworld
I just grabbed the first 7 people that
asked DebbieDoo to feature them.. they are:
1. Terri @ Beaucoup Joie de Vivre
2. Molly @ Toile In The Family
3. Rondell @ Something Nice & Pretty
4. Ginger @ Savannah Granny
5. Danielle @ My Blessed Serendipity Life
6. Kathy @ Gone North
7. Vicky @ Granny's Attic
Oh Sweetie...
What a beautiful share this evening. I love Jane over at Flora Dora. I have several in my home. They hold all sorts of things. She is the sweetest thing since sliced bread. Love my Jane.
Now I have to tell you. I love your share of your 35 years with your sweetie. Only dating 30 days, you have me beat.
Dear Husband and I will be celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary this coming Sunday on the 16th. We dated 3 months and got married. I knew the first night, yes I did. When I came home from our first date and told Momma I was going to marry him, she didn't take me serious. But 2 months later she sure did. He is my SOUL MATE too.
Happy Anniversary to you and your sweet one. I love your dress. It is gorgeous and what a darling carpet girl you made. You are still just as beautiful today as your were then sweet one.
Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry
What awesome photos, Diana! I love your wedding photo especially! Wow, 30 days?! And that flaming head shot is pretty cool (or should I say "hot"?), too! How neat that you were the first woman in so many different areas! Why does that not surprise me?! Have a great night!!
ooop! I meant to say that you were very brave for getting married after just 30 days!!!
Hi Diana, thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower, if you look I'm now a follower of yours too! Thanks you so much for the award, I got one too the other day so it looks like I better get busy and find 22 people Again thank you!
Congratulations Diana! I just received the same award from my cousin. You have to check her out ...Aw my angst! You will love her.
Love hearing your history you were a stunner!
My dad died of Parkinsons too and today is his birthday.
You have had an exciting life!!
I always come over for the stories!
Pamela ox
Well, I just knew this was going to be interesting and you didn't disappoint! Wow, Diana! That'a quite a story and I just love that you included photos. I love your wedding dress and you look so happy. What a snazzy looking groom in his blue leisure suit. And a wedding after only 30 days. Maybe it sounded crazy at the time, but you sure made it work!
Wishing you both many more years of happiness!
Hi Diana,
Well I am so glad I stopped by tonight:-)
See I knew how amazing you are, breaking ground in so many ways!! On top of that so FOXY!! No wonder your hero married you in 30 days, he knew a good thing when he found it :-))
Hugs to you,
Hi Di, Interesting stuff! So you were someone other than a wife, mom, gram? Me too, feels like a bazillion years ago. Fun to see the pictures. Your a beautiful now as you were then, especially your heart!
First thank you for finding me and passing the award along to me! I loved reading your story and seeing your pictures-the flaming one was awesome. you are such a beauty-even on fire! Also, I thought I was the only one who had ever heard (or said) the phrase "Lord, love a duck!" My mom says that all the time! It made me smile to read that! I look forward to learning more about you!
LOVE this post. So nice to learn more of your background...and you are as gorgeous as you are funny!! I can see why you were scooped up in 30 days!! MyHero is a smart man. XOXO
Di, Thank you so much for plucking me out of obscurity and giving me this award. I look forward to getting to know you better and catch up on some of your past blogs.. You are quite an accomplished young lady. I say that because I am older than anyone and don't mind. I look forward to visiting and following the others you have nominated.
Thanks again for your kindness. Ginger
So nice to get to know a little about you. Thank you so much for passing this on to me. I need to think of something to post hmmm what will I say? Better sleep on it first. Oh- and that is the first time I ever heard the phrase "Lord love a duck". -LOL!
Wow, Diana- but I'm not surprised at all. You've got more energy and drive than a cat in a hail storm.
I loved the old photos and all the fun information. I love your wedding dress. His suit, well, just thankful those days are over.
I am so sorry you lost your dad at such a young age. I know he is so proud of you.
Thanks for being one of those brave women that made the world change. I love the carpet girl photo, but I'm more impressed with just having the guts to go out there and do it.
Hugs- Tete
What a fun walk down memory lane! We married in 1970 and my dress looked almost identical...empire waist was THE trend! I do my blog with my grandkids in mind too. Sharing the memories has started the daughters being more interested in ancestry and oh how my grandma would have loved that! I always say, it's free therapy!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! You have had such an interesting life with many experiences to share and plenty more in your future!! Love those model pics! I can't believe you got married that fast....well, maybe I can! You are quite the spitfire! I am sure it was a rough road but I am so glad that it all worked out. I enjoy talking with you and look forward to more humor! Congrats on your award!
Good Job Diana, I've learned a lot about your life, because you received this award. Yes, you are a very special woman.
Hubby and I dated about 40 days before we said 'We Will' and so far, we have. His leisure suit was tan, but that was after the marriage. No pictures of wedding or Leisure Suit.
Diana, I know this post took a bit of time, and
I am so glad you wrote's wonderful. I
was so surprised to think we were only a few
miles apart years ago... I lived in Florida
earlier also. I loved your wedding picture..
perfect. It is always fun to read your column,
however, today was one of the best!
Flora Doora
Hi Diana.... Thanks for stopping by & handing me an award....
Your post just made me smile... It is nice to get to know you a little... I have been married 35 yrs. also & my sweet ones leisure suit was navy, with light blue stitching..:)
I'm really not all that new... just new to "don't know how to do all that fancy blog stuff" I am going to work on it though...this year.
Thanks again & it will be fun to get to know you better....
I applaud you and your hubby Ü My hubby left me after 38 yrs. of marriage, 2 children and 5 grandchildren for another woman ö, but that's okay. I'm happily remarried and enjoying life more now than ever Ÿ
You were/are beautiful and from the comments you leave on my blog that beauty is both inside and out Ÿ are a CUT ABOVE THE REST and I mean it. What a JOY TO ME YOU ARE!
Now...if I could I'd rip that fabulous GunnySax dress off your tiny little body! :)
You bless me. You do.
Love, Rebecca
A very interesting post! The photos are priceless ~ I just found your blog and so glad I did. Guess I'm your newest follower ~ I look forward to getting to know you better!
Stop by and say hi when you have time. I'll have a giveaway posted in the next couple of days. :-)
Oh Sweetie...
I had to pop over and tell you thanks for the comment. I am so tickled that you loved my post. I had so much fun, and our kids grew up with Star Wars, and I just couldn't resist throwing it out there. I just took a few of the lines, I remembered that I loved with the photos and took off.
Hope you have a beautiful Friday sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
I LOVE this post! You are fun and interesting and gorgeous!!! No wonder Your Hero couldn't wait more than 30 days. This post was wonderful to read. You and I have done a lot of the same things. Thank you so much for writing this fabulous post.
Hi Diana, I just want to thank you so much for passing this award to me. It was my very first award. I just love your Wedding Dress, I'm one of those 70's gal too! I am so glad you choose to follow my blog and I am so happy to follow yours. I left your blog up the whole time I was blogging about my reward so I could listen to your music. I had never heard "Faithful Friend" I can almost sing it by heart now! So beautiful, now I need to learn how to add music to my blog. Your kindness will always be very special to me! Blessings, Vicky
Aww she is adorable!! Thank you so much for coming over and visiting me and becoming a follower I am now a follower too!! Have a great weekend.
I am so glad I didn't miss this post! I loved reading your story although I think I could have guessed you'd been first at something or other and had make a splash, too! Such personality. One of the most fun bloggers I know. Your grands are going to love reading their stories one day!!!
I wore a Gunny Sac dress on my wedding day too! I think they should come back round again - I loved them. Thanks for sharing your pics and letting us get to know you better. What a beauty you were (and are). One more thing we have in common is, I worked in commercials and film in my 20's too! Will it never end? Blessings to you and yours.
Diana ~ you continually amaze me, girl. Seriously. Not only are (and were) absolutely beautiful (you looked like Meredith McCrae in that flame pic!), you made the way for women in the workplace and you are an extremely talented writer. Yes, you are -- don't argue with me....Do you realize that your wedding dress looked eerily similar to my wedding dress (the 1st time...ahem)? I so enjoyed learning even more about you today. Love to you bits, sweetie pie. To bits!!! ♥
xoxo laurie
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