It is the day after
New Year's Day..
and my daughter and son-in-law,
along with BabyE,
are in town for
The Packer Game.
That is
around Green Bay!
One little boy
doesn't care much about the game.
He is all about a sink bath..
Notice I have my
Starbucks special
on the counter?
I am just like the mailman...
Not even a Holiday
(or day after a Holiday)
nor snow, nor cold,
nor ice, nor sleet
can keep me from my
appointed rounds.
(Starbucks-being the rounds) is BabyE
getting clean.

sailing ship pjs on..
and he is pointing and
looking for something..
Ah yes...there it is!

He doesn't get a bottle very often
because he is getting to be a
and he uses a sippy cup most days.
But..Nana has a soft spot
in her heart for a baby
with a bottle.

Back at the ranch..
SweetCheeks is having
her own little
swimsuit show..
No matter that it is
less than 10ยบ outside.
Her mind is in
Sunny Florida
(or somewhere)
She lives in her own little world
and doesn't pay much attention to
BabyE's comings
and goings.

However, after getting
some warmer clothes on
she came into the kitchen
to see her
Auntie Mimi.
Mimi...whearh iss BabyEffan?
Hmmm...I thought you were watching him..
Welllll...Ih ahm..
Really? Well..where is he?
Off she goes..
And comes back with
Mimi, pretending horror..

asked her..
WHERE is Baby Ethan?
Where did MY BABY GO?
she said..ever so seriously.
This is hims~
Hims turned into fake!
We'll let you decide...
Do you want her watching
YOUR baby?
And just think -- someday she'll have babies of her own!
Isn't life grand?
Lovely grandchildren!
HAHAAHAH these stories are priceless. So nice to have them documented too, so that you can show her one day all her funny ways, and sayings. Have a great day Diana!
I love BabyE! I want him! Those big blue eyes and golden curls and just so pretty, and yes boys can be pretty- had 2 of my own.
That girl thinks on her feet- she is going to give a run for your money when she gets older, you know. She got her hair cut- looks sassy- matches her personality.
I don't think you should ever let her babysit. She might trade him for a dress or a pair of shoes or for a Starbucks! LOL
SOOO CUTE! I can't believe how big BabyE is getting. He looks SOOO much like is Mama! What a cute story. I just love the things kids come up with! Priceless! :)
Too, too funny! I can see that slightly evil look in SweetCheeks eyes:)! Hey, is that a copper sink that I spy? Lucky you! Hope you have a great day!
I gotta say, I think BabyE is waaaaaay cuter than any doll I've ever seen :)
Have to repeat everything that everyone here has said...BabyE is so beautiful..I would die for his hair..and SweetCheeks...Yup, going to give you a run for the money...We have in our lives a few carbon copies of her...look out world, the girls of today have it all over us!!
Don't worry... a little Christmas magic will make him real again. I know because I saw it on The Search for Santa Paws! But hey.... isn't a fake baby easier to care for. You might want to see what you can get done before you apply any magic, because once he's real again, he'll keep you super busy!
You have such gorgeous grands..that baby with the blond hair and baby and sweet cheeks is dreamy! You are so blessed! :D
She is just too funny -- you started that book yet?
She is very clever!!
Those curls on Baby E's head are awesome. I want his hair! Send Sweetcheeks down here, I can use a good babysitter.
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