Did you think you were
going to open my blog
and see me eating
a big bowl of
Macaroni and Cheese?
Cuz' we all know how
Wisconsinites like to
don't we?
Not today..
Remember this picture
Remember this picture
in front of the secret storage area?

Remember me hauling all these
Christmas dishes out from
Hidden Storage Area
and putting them in
my built in hutch?

and put away....
the trees are gone..
the Santas are gone..
and all the
Christmas decorations
are put away..
except for
The Dishes..
Time to lay those
babies to rest until
next year.'s a hint for you..
If you DO pack dishes
Did you know that
coffee filters make the
perfect little
cushion between
each plate, saucer
and cup?
You can use bleached filters..

or unbleached...
take your pick..
Here they are..

all packed away for next year...
My regular china is

back in place..
with a couple of little
faux mercury
baubles to
give them a bit of shine...
I am a happy camper..

well...I don't really camp.....
but that is a story for another day...
I am taking the last little lonely
Christmas towel down the steps..
I am congratulating myself
on getting all
When lo and behold..
What do I see on the
lower landing?

Maybe I'll just leave it until next year~
Maybe not!
I would love that secret space. Coffee filters are an awesome idea...very clever of you.
I wish I would have known about your coffee filter idea when I packed away my Christmas dishes. By the way, we have the same dishes. You have exquisite taste darling.
WHat a great idea using coffee filters to pack china!! Thanks I will use this idea when i move again. Which hopefully will not be for awhile!
Don't you just hate finding Christmas stuff after you put most of it away? I just found a wreath in my hubby's office!
Pamela xo
The coffee filters are such a great idea, thanks for the tip! And what an awesome idea your secret storage place is! I bet you have another one where you hide all of your family jewels:)! As for camping, when are you gonna get the pearl up and running so you can take a jaunt over to see us???
I think I do that evey year...
always some stray decorations left behind!
Coffee filters are amazing little things...used for packing dishes, making wreaths, flowers...not to mention coffee!
Loved the brides too!
xoxo~kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Love the coffee filter idea Diana! You are so super clever! And I still have some tiny Christmas trees under a little cloche that I haven't gotten around to putting away. Why? I don't know exactly...I've done a ton of other projects but for some reason those trees just look like they want to stay they do! :-) Oh, and there is a comedian we love who talks about the term "happy camper" and how you really aren't happy when you are sleeping out on the ground and having to fear for your life when you go to the bathroom at night so there really is no such thing as a "happy" camper! LOL! Hope we will be hearing your camping story soon, though...
That's a nifty little hiding place for your dishes. I know what you mean about thinking that you put it all away. I got a lot out this year. Somehow I don't think getting it out and decorating is as hard as packing it all away and I usually forget something or two. I still haven't taken the Christmas lights off outside.
Thanks for the tip on coffee filter. I have the same big snowman that you do. I'm going to leave him out till Feb. 1 or maybe just add some red hearts for him to hold. Hugs, Vicky
Thanks for the coffee filter idea, it's a GREAT tip!I really had to laugh at what you found after your Christmas decorations were all put away! I did the same thing. I have a little tree and Santa still in my small bathroom, while everything else is tucked away in the attic. So far, I'm just ignoring them! xo Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs
Morning! Thanks for the tip using coffee filters for spacers between the dishes! That's a perfect solution and you could even use them for your christmas ornaments. Too bad mine are already put up, but I will remember it for next year.
Love your dishes, both sets, and your home!
Isn't that just the way it goes? Think you are done and you turn around and find something more?
You should have had the girls helping you. I'm sure they wouldn't have missed that tree and snowman. Especially with the lights on and all. I think Nana needs and nap or glasses or maybe both...LOL!
Hugs- Tete
Wow you sure do a great job packing up your dishes. And they are so pretty. Good tip on the coffee filters.
Oh, heck. Leave Mr. Snowman and the tree there and throw some hearts on it. And then Easter eggs. Your hidden cupboard is the coolest thing. I want one of those.
That's funny. I found a few lonely Christmas items after everything was packed away, too. Love the picture over the fireplace. I did know about coffee filters, too.
I will forever be excited about this special storage place of yours. It is just so cool!
Getting lots accomplished at your home :)
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