As most of you know
and the rest of you can probably guess...
We have a dress up area
in our house.
It is tucked under the stairwell
to the basement....
and covered by a curtain
that changes with the season.
It houses dresses for
special occasions..
VERY special occasions..
Like Princesses balls,
And tea with the
Queen Mother
most importantly...

It houses a collection of wedding
dresses that makes Dior
wonder who is stocking this shop.
We have wedding dresses
(some look suspiciously like
First Communion dresses)
to suit any style of wedding
Here are the three
watching a bit of
TV whilst
waiting for
Photo Shoot.

First up is the
Beaming Bride,
Lovely Lulu.
Lulu poses so much like
her Mom used to that
it is eerie...
Isn't she beautiful?

Next we have the
Radiant Ria..
She has designed her own
wedding dress....
nothing on the rack
"quite right"
This involves an old silk
dress of mine and
an apron with lace edging.
She is quite happy with
her choice..
Partly because she scored
You know, the one
but only one can wear?
And...Last but certainly
We have the
Somber little
Whatever is the matter, SweetCheeks?
I doan't lihke my vheil cuz it hurrtses
my heahd.
Well, take it off..
No cuz then I won't be a rweal bwride.
uh..huh...I see your dilemma.
Well, SweetCheeks...I think that
you are just a
beautiful bride. Do you suppose
that someday when you get married
I can sit right up front in the first row?
Why not...
Cuz yoah haffta sitt way in the bachk.
I don't want to sit in the back.
Welllll...thenn..yoah can sit in the
(counting and pointing now)
THURD row bachk.
How come I have to sit 3 rows back?
Cuz yoah are gonna laff or sumthin'
and yoah can't sitt up front if yoah laff.
Got it?
Yep! I got it! least she didn't tell me I was
going to be dead this time..
like she did last time...
Things are looking up~
You certainly have a sweet grandaughter!!!
Thank u for sharing her wis us :)
Suzann xoxoxo
Oh my gosh - precious. Love this post. How sweet they look. And loving Sweet Cheeks haircut!
Oh, I'm not sure if I could do girls. I am so used to boys, all we ever needed was a towel, clothes pins and under roos. LOL!
I agree, 3 rows back is better than dead. We both know you will be crying like a baby. Laughter won't be a problem- well, maybe.
Hugs- Tete
LMAO! That's right, and at least you can come! I really laughed out loud on that one. Night, night.
Hi Di,
Your the best nana ever! Love all those lil brides they are soooo cute. Sweet cheeks is always the show stopper. Glad you get to attend the wedding, even if you don't get to sit in the front row!
Oh My Goodness. Your grandbabies are just too precious!!!
This reminds me so much of my sister and I when we were little. My grandma scored a wedding dress at a garage sale and we fought over that thing for hours!!! We used to walk up and down the sidewalk in front of her house. It was our isle.:)
You are making such wonderful memories for your granddaughters, Di. They are blessed.
Have a wonderful week!
Aw, cute little princesses. I love love your tutorial in your previous post.
Have a happy start to the new week! xx
I still have my grandmothers dress that I used to wear around her house - These are adorable pics. And that girl is sumthin else!
Oh Nana!! How much fun it would have been to get to dress up when I was little!! They all look so pretty and MOST of them look like they are enjoying it!! lol Glad you will be alive but sorry you have to sit 3 rows back at Sweet Cheeks wedding!! That was cute. Have a great day!
Only 3 rows back, what an improvement over dead, dear sis. May I sit beside you and we can critique the music, the groom, and any and all other members of the wedding party?
That is such a cute story! Kids say the funniest and cutest things! One of my boys told me once that I couldn't visit him in his castle he's going to live in when he grows up because I won't still be alive by then! Haha! Dear goodness, let's hope I am! What a fun idea to have the dress up closet! My boys love to dress up, but our outfits are Ninjas and Super Heroes. :) It would be nice to have just one girl. Your granddaughters are so beautiful and I just love the expressions on the little one!
Such beautiful brides! Someday... you will be laughing at their weddings, I'm sure. Love that you have a dress up area designated in your house!
Oh I loved it! loved, loved it...thank you!
Flora Doora
I think this is my favorite so far!!!
Oh, such beauty, Diana!! You are a lucky Nana! And I love your booklet on how to be a great Nana...gee, you have the most precious ideas and beautiful granddaughters!!
They are beautiful brides! All the way through the story, I thought the punch line was going to be ..... you'll be dead. You just never know what that one will come up with next, do you?
I swear, this blog should be turned into a comic strip! It's classic stuff lady! I just love it and I can hardly wait to see what sweet cheeks is going to be when she grow up! :D
Hilarious Diana!
You really know how to write so well and those little girls look so cute!
Boy, I have a lot of planning to do in the Grandma department!
You rock as a Grandma!
Hubby said it snowed nearly everyday I was gone and it started snowing again this morning.
Yikes! Enough already!
And I so hope the Packers can beat the Bears!
My son thinks the Bears should be shaking in their booties!
But my hubby is not that confidant!
Hugs Friend,
There's a huge grin on my face. :)
Oh, Diana such a cute post, they all look just beautiful! Love sweetcheeks, she reminds me of my youngest granddaughter Samantha, they are so funny aren't they? I also have two more Sydney 9 and Alexandra little women!
How adorable! What fun you must have Nana!!! ;}
m ^..^
Oh how I love your "Sweet Cheeks"....she needs to get together with our Miss B and compare grandma notes....Mine told me in the middle of me paying for something at Macy's that I was fat....I guess that's better then being dead!!
You are the best story teller, Diana. You so need to do something with that talent! lol!
xoxo laurie
Hi Diana,
I am so late for this post, but so glad I didn't miss the little brides!
They all look amazing! What fun to have real dresses to play in, we made tolite paper brides dresses:-)
Sweet cheeks has that pout down pat! One day she will find a man completely in love with her and that pout will get her ANYTHING she wants:-))
Hugs to you,
Grandmothers are so special... very,very,very special! And you are the BEST!!!
Blessings ~*~ Wendy ~*~
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