First you must hang a
So that the
will know
which Holiday
they are
Just a word of caution..
If you hang one
that looks like
the one below..
(who shall remain nameless)
will be sure to ask..
Is him's
Your reply should be
That is why he is
carrying an envelope.
This is sure to produce
a giggle from at
least 2 or the 3 grandkids..
The third one doesn't
She doesn't giggle
because she doesn't
"get it".
She is
trying to figure out where
got that BHIG of an envelope.

You must lay out supplies.
These will cost somewhere
in the neighborhood
of $500.00...
after you buy
you will realize that you have
forgotten at least one or
two crucial supplies..
Elmer's WASHABLE glue.
Lord help you
if you buy the
because it will
be pretty.
Now that you have
your supplies home
and have signed
the bank loan
to cover the expense..
you must lay out the goodies...

Lay them out nice and neatly..

Sigh over the paper-Oh So Sweetly

Hang a flag outside
your door..
A cute little cherub flag
to greet them with a smile
is perfect.
Love Mary Englebriet's flags.

Then they arrive...
bringing presents.
Bringing PRESENT?
For ME?
Yep-these are for Nana..
and they made them
all by themselves..
Inside are beautiful little
hearts made with love..
One from Ria.
Two from Lulu...
and one from SweetCheeks.
Of course I must put them all on..
I pick up SweetCheeks...
What does this say, SweetCheeks?
Dass jus' sumbuddy ehlse's name
on there...Doan't pay eny
attenshun to the name...
jus' putt it on..
Whereupon I am informed
by Lulu that
"I told SweetCheeks
NOT to give you that one".
Whereupon SweetCheeks says
an' I doan't kare cuz I is gifving
it to hers enyway. Hmmmf.
Great.. We are off
to a nice, calm start...
NowWhere were we?
Let's get started...
Who wants to make a
Everyone's hand shoots into the air.
In short order everything
looks like this.....
and this....

and this...

Little Lulu is busy..

Making this.....

And Dear Little Ria is busy making her own..
She loved the self-stick hearts...

And SweetCheeks has now changed into her third
Princess Outfit...and has busied herself..

And Oh, Dear Lord In Heaven...
Pray tell WHO left HER alone
with the glitter there?
There is glitter glitter everywhere..
On the floor and on the chair..
I could go on and on with the
rhyming thingy but I'm afraid
the Dr. Suess police would get me.

An especially nice touch was the globs of
glue that had dropped here and there
that were now shining brightly up
from the chair...and the table...
and the floor...and the countertop...
Did I say floor? Ah..yes...
Nothing like glitter on the floor
that can be tracked from
room to room..
Leave NO ROOM untouched
seems to have been the motto
of the day.
I decide I need a bathroom break
to dispose of the 3 gallons of coffee
that I have downed in an effort
to keep up with this
Lo and behold,
in the small reading nook
(where the old steps used to be)
I see
How did all these books get off the shelf and on the floor?
I ask ever-so-sweetly
between slighthly gritted teeth.
Uh-oh---Here it comes...
Welllll...says SweetCheeks..
Ria taked a few books off
the shellff and then I hulped her
and taked the rest offf..and
we jus' put 'em here for now.
Yeah? Where do you think
your gonna put them later?
Wellll...I sayed it was Ria's idea.
I dunno how they gonna
go bahck on there.
Hmmmm...I dunno where YOU'RE
gonna go either if you guys don't put
these books back.
(Let's just say that big sister, Lulu,
helped the process along).
Soon, the day is winding down.
My dear daughter-in-law,
TheSecretAgent, is going home
and taking her tags with her.
The photos do not do these justice
for coloration..

And, I just want to say...that if you ever
get a daughter-in-law...I hope you get
one just like her...cuz trust me..
you don't want a bad one...
And we made a few coffee filter roses..
and dyed a few of the white coffee filters
pink for some pink roses, too.

At the end of the day
we had this....

and this....

and a few cute tags....The button on this one was
from my Mother's sewing box...

And the bling on this one was from
the girl's great-grandmother's shoe..
I love that she saved everything and
had it neatly organized and labeled.

And, after the glue and glitter were
cleaned up...the three girls put
their new dresses on so we
could take their picture...
and remember the day..
at Nana's...
where even if you were
a little bad...
you had a pretty good day..
We took a

And then I told them we'd take
(Only MY family...would sit like this)

Well, the story isn't quite over yet...
My oldest daughter, TPot,
took a picture of her sister, Mimi,
all dressed as a ballerina at age 4
and made it into a tag that is
glitzed and glammed up
with another shoe decoration.
Mimi couldn't be here this year
for our
But we have decided to make
it an Annual Valentine's Day
Maybe next year she will
be able to join us..
Just to finish up
the weekend...
MyHero and I drove down
to Milwaukee today
and delivered her tag to her...

And because this little guy
missed out on all the fun
with his cousins...

I made a special
Valentine just for

Cuz he is just
THAT kid!

Now I will tell you
that this tutorial
is NOT for the
and please do
not attempt this
at your own home..
or...if you do...
proceed with caution!