Monday, February 25, 2013

SweetCheeks The Critic-American Idol

I have learned to never ask
anything where I don't want
 an honest answer.
Sometimes, I don't even
Take the case of American Idol.

I don't know what ANY of 
their real names are.
Because we have our own
set of names.
We have:
SweetCheeks:  Thass a boy.
Me: Nope-That's a girl
SC:  Nana-Put your glasses on-that's a boy!
Me:  Her name is Kez.
SC: See~I told you that was a boy-
Kez is a BOY NAME.

Okay- giving up on that one.
Next up:
SC:  Thatss a boy?
Me:  Yes! That's a boy.
SC:  Well, he sings kinda like a gurhl and he has gurhly hair.
Me:  HIS name is Rickey.
SC:  See? hahahaha  Ricki is a gurhl's name, Nana.

Okay-giving up on that one, too.
Next up:
SC:  Is that a boy or a girl?
Me:  I honestly don't know anything anymore.
SC: They (him/her?) is Stoopid
Me:  SweetCheeks it is NOT nice to call
someone stupid!
SC:  Ohkay!  I'm sorry, Ohkay?  Do I  hafta take a time out?
Me:  No , because you said you were sorry you don't have to take a time out-
just don't say someone is stupid.
SC:  How come?
Me:  Because it's not nice.
SC:  No!  I mean how come I dohn't hafta take a time out.
Yesterday I hadda take a time out when I was home
cuz I was REALLY sassy.
Me:  What did you do?
SC:  I said YOU were stoopid.
Can't win here-I just can't win.
If  you are interested in more 
SweetCheeks opinions just text in her
I'm sure you will get an earful.
As for me-
I am going to watch something 
that doesn't require an opinion....
like the weather.

Bear with me~ I am away every day
this week but will try to catch up
at night when I get home.
your photo name


Tete said...

I am amazed at this child. LOL
I have no idea if they are boys or girls or anything, either. I don't watch this. I youtube it for the best ones. The other ones, I can live without.
Praying you through today...Stoopid.

Chenille Cottage said...

From the mouths of babes...You've got one sharp little cookie, Nana Diana! I loved this post!
Carolynn xoxo

Maria Elena said...

LOL Too funny! She is too smart for her own good!

DearHelenHartman said...

Love it - I'm with Sweet Cheeks on those folks.

Anonymous said...

always entertaining sweet cheeks is, take care,

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

My morning chuckle!!! She is such a cutie and I don't watch the show, but I would be confused too! Boy, girl?

Karen said...

I don't watch the show anymore, the judges annoy me... but wow, those contestants look very gender-disoriented. Not that there is anything wrong with that!...

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Your grandaughter stories always crack me up and this one is no exception! Thanks for the smile this Monday morning!! Jane

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Too funny. Glad I haven't been watching.

Beth said...

I love your conversations/discussions with Sweet Cheeks! She is so cute!

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

I'm telling you Diana we need to get our girls together, they sound identical!! We watch Idol too, and I had the same questions asked to me last week on the first contestant and the last one, Victoria through in a few eeeeewwww!!! LOL

Donna@anangloinquébec said...

So glad I was not part of that conversation, because at times I get confused. :)

Donna said...

I bet SweetCheeks would even have her own oppinions of the weather forecasters, Diana! So yes, I'm afraid she just can't win! Hope you are having a good day! big hugs:)

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Diana, SC is such a delight and I'm sure she keeps you on your toe's.
Those blue eye's could just melt your heart.

Patty Patterson said...

I haven't kept up with American Idol the last few years. I used to love the show. Then it went from what seemed to be wholesome young people to trashy ones getting all of the raving reviews. And idol to me is more than someone who has talent. I want character as well. I think the Adam Lambert season is when I quit watching. Yes - he was very talented - but talent is supposed to be used for God's glory, not for perversion.
And yeah, I know. I'm old fashioned. But then, aren't Grandma's supposed to be?

Unknown said...

I can't tell either Sweet Cheeks so don't worry. I'm sure if I asked she will have picked the winner already-and she'd be right
(there wouldn't be any other

Lucille said...

I can see there is never a boring moment when she is around! Have a nice trip!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Oh my gosh....that was too funny! I love reading about your conversations, so cute! XO ~Liz

Mindy said...


Nellie said...

SweetCheeks - what a riot! Doesn't sound like she is too impressed with those American Idol contestants, though. Can't say that I don't agree with her on these!

xo Nellie

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

you just can't win, can you? I'll be watching the weather too...

Debbie @ MeandMyDIY said...

Did you hear me laughing out loud? Because I was. What a hilariously adorable conversation! Thanks for sharing! Oh, and I completely agree with the opinions expressed! :)


Susan said...

What a funny post. I'm silently laughing and shaking my head. I get it.

thistlewoodfarm said...

LOL! She is hilarious! I do really like that Rickey! I hope he does well!


Petie said...

I can't quit laughing...she is so brutally honest and funny. Love it!

This N That said...

Cute have to be on your toes every minute..

Robyn said...

Oh how funny!.. She's a riot!.. I am a new reader and follower to your blog. Can't wait to go back into your archives and read more.. Loved this post! :)

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Diana, This is so cute I am LOL~~and SC sure keeps you on your toes!!
Like a brain workout in your conversations. She is funny and takes after her grandmother I believe!!
Thanks for sharing.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

I haven't watched this season. I'm sure she knows what she's talking about, though. She always does. ;)
xxx, Tina

Jo said...

Too funny! I don't watch the show but do love that she calls them as she seem them! :)


Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Oh she is a character Diana! And you are a good writer who brings it to life!
Mona's daughter at Whispering Sweetly of Cottages passed away.
I am just sick about it.
Just wanted to let you know,

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

If you ask me Sweet Cheeks has all of them pegged correctly. I was thinking the same thing. lol!

Meredith @ The Laundry Can Wait said...

I think SC is onto something with the whole boy/girl and name thing. Goodness gracious!

Looking forward to more of your hilarious conversations. :)


Gayla said...

Sweet Cheeks is wise! And cute.

Maureen Wyatt said...

Well, we can't blame her for being a little confused on this one. If they are really stupid, what are we allowed to call them, Nanna?

Sew a Fine Seam said...

She is so cute and so funny! Gotta love that girl - but she is wrong about ONE thing - you are NOT stupid!!

Stephanie said...

Well, I certainly got may laughter dose for the day :) Sweet Cheeks sounds adorable! Thanks for sharing.


jewels in the garden +: ) said...

She tells it like it is!! lol


Your grand is the smartest ever!! Amazing! I can see you just plain, enjoying this child..God bless her, hope she doesn't grow too fast!!!

Carolyn@Sweet Chaos Home said...

That is hysterical! SweetCheeks should be an American Idol judge. Maybe I'd start watching again. I think she'd do better than the rest of that crew :)

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

I think they should just rename it American Freakshow and get it over with LOL!

Delena said...

Came to your blog through Debby at Cozy Blanket. Glad I did. I enjoyed this post. Out of the mouths of babes. Love it!