Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sweet Cheeks Birthday Party Girl

comes the call.
Do you want to see
me (SweetCheekss) all dressed
up for a birthday party 
being held at 

Well, of course I do!
Ria is along for the ride, too.
Can you guess by the 
WHERE we met?
Can you?
If you guessed Starbucks you
are smart.....or addicted like me.
She informs everyone 
that will listen there
where she is going and what
she is doing.

And you can see
SweetCheeks loves her sister, Ria,
and likes to get up close and personal.
She also loves her 
Korker hair bows.
You look beautiful, I tell her.
Well, I knohw that, Nana
and so does my sister, Ria.
But do yohu knohw whut, Nana?
My sister, Lulu, dohes NOT
look beyoutiful!
SweetCheeks! That is NOT a nice
thing to say.
Wehll, Issss true!
She stihll has her pajhamas on
and she doesn't look beautiful
until she gets drehssed 
and combs her hair!

Nothing will do but take a
drive to her house to see
for myself.
Well, let's just take a
little look-see,
shall we?
Hi Lulu-
Open the door~
Ah...I see you hair
Well, aren't YOU pretty?
Maybe SweetCheeks was right after all.....
Oh...don't it make a
Nana proud?;>)
You will ALWAYS be beautiful
to me!

I will be gone for the day
for our friend's memorial
service and then
down to Milwaukee to
habysit my grandsons for
the evening.
I will see you all tomorrow.

Does ANYONE know
why some comments
are not being processed
through our email addresses
like most are?
I am having a hard time
replying to some comments.
Thanks to anyone that knows
how to FIX this problem!
your photo name


Patty Patterson said...

Hey.... she's not totally undone! She has on eye shadow!
And she looks pretty cute to me.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I can see by her sense of humor that LuLu has some Nana Diana genes on the surface! : ) They are so cute and I can't wait until my granddaughter comes out with the things your Sweet Cheeks says. Right now we deal with, "uh oh", "oh no", "ooooh", with some drama queen motions that go along with these. She's 20 months old and already a drama queen! I took something away from her the other day that I didn't want her to play with and I got a "No!" with the finger pointing at me! Yes, fun times ahead.

Debbiedoos said...

Green is totally her color if nothing else!

Anonymous said...

You have to love this kid! What a great personality! I see a future blogger! Happy Birthday to Sweet Cheeks!

If SHE can figure it out.......... said...

I'm going to disagree with SC - Lulu ALWAYS looks beautiful. She gets prettier every time I see her.

Pam Kessler said...

Lulu and I are twins today. I must get off the computer at some point so I can take a shower and brush my hair. Have fun with the boys. I'm sure the service will be hard, but a great way to honor your friend.

Anonymous said...

she looks great to me!sweet child, take care Diana,

Susie said...

Diana, Those girls are so cute even with tangly hair LOL. I just took Emma home after two days. This trip she was more antsy, it seemed. She did not want me to comb her hair this morning, but oh yes, I did. I always check for lice too.haha. Her school has had it so many times.I just do not want to take a chance. Hope your weekend is fun filled. Smiles, Susie (She Junks)

Nellie said...

Another wonderful post about three darling little girls!
Thinking about you and the family, Diana. This will not be an easy day.

Bring Pretty Back said...

Happy Happy Birthday to Sweetcheeks!!! How sweet!!!
Have a pretty day!

Maureen Wyatt said...

There's a certain kind of beauty in the simple wisdom in Sweet Cheeks. You could fill a book with her memorable quotes! ~ Maureen

Japolina said...

If I knew sweet cheeks in person, I'm certain she would be one of my good friends!

Donna said...

I do believe those little girls have plenty of NanaD's DNA! haha! Safe travels to you.

Blondie's Journal said...

She looks like me in the morning! Ha!

A big Happy Birthday to Sweet Cheeks and you have a safe trip.


Traditions By The Seasons said...

Ha, too funny! all the girl's are adorable. Happy Birthday to Sweet Cheeks! Safe travels, as well! ((Hugs)) ~Liz

Jettie said...

I'm having trouble commenting on your blog on some days.

Of course SC is cute, beautiful, and amazing. Ria is just as cute and beautiful, and so is big sis....just don't tell her that I said Lulu was beautiful.l

Oh, the bow was worn to school yesterday, she was so excited about them.

Craftberry Bush said...

Adorable...all of them and their unique personalities...:) I'm taking Bella to a pottery party next weekend...I'm so jealous it's not an invite for me...ha.
See you soon...xo

outjunking said...

She must be having a bum day. You know were you just hang a round the house expecting no one to show up, let alone with a camera. I have those once in a while. :)

Elaine said...

Another busy day for you and the sweet girls.. Take care Elaine

Donna said...

Well Happy Birthday to Sweet Cheeks. And, the girls do look beautiful - even big sis with her messy - she comfy! She's feeling beautiful! That's what matters for us gals!

Remember Keys and the joy he brought to everyone. Have fun with your grandbabies. And, try to take it a bit easy, my dear friend!

By the way - if you get anything figured out about the emails, let me know. Ever since the so called switch that wasn't really supposed to bother us, bothered us, my email sometimes takes a couple of hours to over night. But, it you ask anyone, it's just our computers! Or user error. Oh yea, tell me that one again - - -!!

Gentle hugs, my friend,

Sweet Tea said...

Happy Birthday to Sweet Cheeks.
I'm loving the funny photos!

Savannah Granny said...

I think all the firls look absolutely beautiful. Hugs, Ginger