Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lulu Lays It On The Line

My Little Lulu
called me the other day
to see if I could go to their
4:40 pm  church service.

I don't usually attend their church
but she told me that she was
going to get up in front and say
a little something.

She is 9 years old in Earth years.
She is an "old soul"
in Heavenly years.

She was just a tad nervous sitting
in the pew next to me
waiting for her
"cue" to get up and speak.
She was doing a promo for
the schools upcoming
fund raiser.
It's a silent and oral auction
and includes
 raffles and games.

Lulu took a deep breath
and walked with great confidence
to the altar.
The church was packed.
I am guessing 300+ people.
She adjusted the microphone
and began to read
of words.
She got a few laughs
as she slipped in 
a couple of jokes.
She paused in all the proper places.
She did a bang up job.
The priest was smiling over at her.
When she finished,
the church broke into applause
(something that rarely happens
in this type of church).
She came back to the
pew beaming.

As we were leaving
a man handed her a little
"roll" of money because
"you did such a good job".
$6 in brand new bills.
A small fortune to a 9 year old.
She was so excited.

I overheard two different men
talking to the priest.
They asked him how it felt to
be "upstaged" by a 4th grader.
He just smiled.
I have a feeling he

It is so wonderful to
see God working in
the lives of our kids
and grandkids,
isn't it?

And then, sitting in the
pew on my other side
I can only imagine
what SweetCheeks will do
if she ever gets the opportunity
to get up in front of a whole
congregation like that.

I think the Devil will be
working overtime to egg her on..
and I'm pretty
 sure God will be laughing
while trying to squelch her...
just like the rest of us~

Hard to believe those
two are sisters, isn't it?
Miss Serious and Miss Sassyl!
your photo name


Tracey@Breathing English Air said...

Well done Lulu! There's not many adults who would be brave enough to do that. I bet she made her Nana very proud.

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Kudos to Lulu!!
Just enjoyed catching up with you this morning, I knew I would miss lots of fun here!!
Just back from a week at WDW and need a day to sleep!

Japolina said...

Yeah for

Tete said...

So proud of Lulu! What a kid! I would think anything would be a breeze after having a sister like SC!
Sweetcheeks in the pulpit? Seriously? Now that's an accident waiting to happen. She'll be telling everyone not to let anyone touch their boobies!
They are so different, aren't they? Like night and day.
Lulu will grow up to be the president and SC will be a stand up comedian/tap dancer/therapist/nana to a crazy bunch of kiddos!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

If you have more than one child there is always the chance of that. Got some in my gang too. The cut up and the sober sides.

I could hear the pride in your voice..and yes, it's just great watching our Grands grow into wonderful people that we can be so proud of. Your little Granddaughters are adorable! What a neat post!! I loved it!
My little Grands are all grown up and out on their own now. It's the Greats that are making my heart go pitty pat with pride!
Hugs to you!! :)

Gina said...

Oh that is so awesome for Lulu! Being that she was so well received, maybe she won't be as nervous the next time. You must be very proud!

Debby said...

Wow, Lu Lu you are amazing. Got some good genes in your family. That is really wonderful she was able to ahhhhhh the crowd. I bet your Grammy was so proud.

Gert said...

Oh I can just imagine your pride! I have done this too...and us grandmas just swell with pride and love! Lulu needs a big atta Girl!


Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Confidence - so glad to see so much of it in a little girl these days.
What a great experience for her.
I'm clapping for LuLu, too!

outjunking said...

Children can speak to the heart when no one else can. I am sure they will raise lots of money. Lulu maybe on her way to her future career. Sounds like she a natural speaker.

Jettie said...

WTG Lulu..
Hope your school raises lots of money.
and SweetCheeks, hang in there, you'll get your chance to upstage everyone. Just like your Nana.

Mark said...

Applause? In a Catholic church? Which one is it? I'm reporting them for enjoying themselves!
I was so nervous for Lulu. I've seen kids do that myself and I'm always nervous for them. Good for her!
Now about Sweetcheeks, they may send in the nuns to handle her!

Susie said...

Diana, I have four sisters . We are similar in ways and oh so different in others. But we always have a blast together. Lulu looks so pretty and older than 9. They are growing too fast..squeeze her down Nana. Smiles, xo, Susie(She Junks)

Maureen Wyatt said...

They say the #1 fear is public speaking and Lulu has conquered that. She can march fearlessly into her future! She must have cared very much about the fundraiser to do it and I'm sure have Grandma there gave her extra courage! ~ Maureen

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

How sweet she is, Diana! I'm sure she was nervous, but it sounds like she did a great job. Going by what you tell us, I would expect Sweetcheeks to do the whole Broadway performance of Oklahoma. : )

Kelly said...

That's so exciting to get to see her do that. I bet your were nervous for her. Glad that she got through it with flying colors. That was probably a big confidence builder.

Suzanne said...

Hi Diana,
How adorable are those sweet little girls. And apparently, they must be quite charming. Why do I think they might have gotten that from you? In one quick read, I can tell you are a very lovely, charming lady:) it sounds as if the auction will be a big hit!

Cristina Garay said...

Well done Lulu!! That's so nerve racking and you nailed it!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Sounds like Sydney/LuLu and Samantha/Sweetcheeks I love how they are so different from each other but yet the same♥

Petie said...

Oh how I wish I could have been sitting in one of those pews. Your granddaughter has a lot of courage. Kuddos to her and her brave little self.

Unknown said...

So sweet. That was big for Lulu if she is more shy than Sweet Cheeks. She must have really felt deeply about something to get up there!
Yay for Lulu! Who knows....perhaps she will like the pulpit someday! (Coming from a former woman pastor who used to be very shy).....

Nellie said...

Lovely grandchildren, Diana! I know you are proud of them! Well done!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Way to go, LuLu!! She is so sweet and courageous. I was so shy at that age and to get up in front of that many people, all I can say is, BRAVO!! =)
Thanks for sharing, great story! xo ~Liz

Simple Pleasures said...

Hi Di, Thats so sweet, good job LuLu! Love your family!

Patty Patterson said...

Sounds like Lulu might take after her Papa and Sweet Cheeks might take after YOU!

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

Don't you feel honored she wanted you there with her for such a great occassion...there is a future leader!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Good job! I think it is wonderful to be able to get up in front of people and speak...don't ever let it go LULU!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Good job! I think it is wonderful to be able to get up in front of people and speak...don't ever let it go LULU!

Blondie's Journal said...

Oh...this gave me a little lump in my throat! She is such a doll! I hope she enjoys speaking in public for a long time, it's so hard to do, at least for me. You are a good grandmother to go! She loved having you there, I'm sure!


SImple and Serene Living said...

They are both adorable. I am a new follower.
Laura from ImSoVintage

jessica said...

How sweet!! I would be a hot mess! I do not have an easy time speaking in front of people!! Go Lulu!!

camp and cottage living said...

It sounds like Lulu did a bang up job! If she is already comfortable speaking in front of that many people, I csan only imagine what the future can hold for her!

KimMalk said...

How cute! Most 9 yr. old's wouldn't be that brave. Hey, Diana, does Sweet Cheeks take after you at all :D?

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

How sweet is that! Isn't it funny how two children from the same parents can be so different. It was the same with my own children. I bet Nana was beaming as well ;) Have a wonderful Thursday!
Maura :)

Donna said...

Wow, that is so impressive! I think I would pass out if I had to talk in front of that many people! Bravo to LuLu!

Low Tide High Style said...

I can hear the pride in your word! Your granddaughters are both so cute, and I'm sure your Little Lulu will remember that moment for the rest of her life!

Kat :)

Anonymous said...

Oh how sweet! So brave to get up in front of the entire church. Such blessings.

Rebecca Nelson said...

Our son Brandon is a brainiac.
Our daughter Adrienne had a learning disability as a child.

Brandon, tho smart, goofed his way off through school but made A's on all his tests. Hated homework and rarely did it. She of gotten a full ride to OU.

Adrienne struggled through school academically. She excelled in music, especially choir. Testing was difficult...she always turned in her homework and got good grades.

Brandon went into the military and is now a computer programmer at OU. (God got him there one way or the other!).

Adrienne went to college. She will finally graduate this fall with a degree in Spanish.

Night and day my kids. Nothing alike.

Except...they both have huge hearts! For this I'm the most proud.



Donna said...

I completely missed this one, but I had to come back and say congratulations to this sweet little girl!

Diana, she did a marvelous job, but the comments overheard.

Blessings to you and your family!

Gypsy Heart said...

Aren't you just so proud of Miss Lulu? I applaud her! That takes a lot for a 4th grader and she evidently had the whole Church in her hand. I love stories like this! I also love when our young folks are in Church and active. My daughter still says how much it meant to her...she didn't want to do anything wrong.
