Monday, October 5, 2015


Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you for playing along!!

WHO voted for WHAT?
First off, let me just say that I am
that have a hard time picking 
You did good!
Very, very good!

Here we go:
The TOP winner had almost double the 
votes of #2 and #3.

goes to 
It won hands down!
I think there is character and charm and a 
sense of solid home-place here.
Plain and simple with a bit of glitz with the
goes to

I thought this one looked like someone
might actually live there.
Corn stalks are just a little wonky
like the wind blew them around,
urns are tipsy-tilt a bit
and it looks family-friendly, doesn't it?
source unknown
Coming in a 
It is fun for me to see 
what you all pick...
a lot of times 
I know you well enough from your blog
to know which one will strike your fancy.
Sometimes, though, you fool me.

speaking of fool...
How about the someone that made these for
a place like 
Personally, I have always thought
ASIA  should look like AFRICA...
but that is just my personal opinion.

Looks like someone slept through 
to me!
Have a great Monday.

Come back tomorrow-
I might have a sweet little giveaway for you!
Maybe---if you are good----maybe

your photo name


Kay G. said...

Oh yes, I didn't have ttime to comment but the stone one was my favorite too! Too many years walking over my stone mountains makes me partial to stone!
HA HA on the ASIA t shirt...too funny! xx

Anonymous said...

I loved all the porches! Old Stony is pretty! It's always fun to see what the favorites are. Love the shirt! Sad, but true!

Bethany Carson said...

Oooh, so happy to hear I helped pick a winner this time! My fellow readers have good taste! Looking forward to the giveaway--if we're good...

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Diana, love the old stone porch too but all were inviting and fall gorgeous. The shirt is too funny. Have a great day.Hugs, cm

Sylvia said...

I like them all but glad I picked a winner! Thanks Diana, I enjoy picking favorites!

Junkchiccottage said...

Diana love when you find these pretty pics for all of us. I loved them all so they are all winners. OMG about the shirt. Only you find these wacky things. Tooooo funny. Have a great start to the new week my friend.

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

Didn't play... but I like "Old Stony" too.

It looks like it could be an old cottage/house doorway. And I am really, really, really into old cottages/houses these days. :-)

Old, but loved and taken care of. Hey, sounds like me!!!! ,-))))

Anonymous said...

beautiful choices to pick from and a lovely winner,, that map, where do you find these things lol,

Barbara @ 21 Rosemary Lane said...

I would be thrilled with any one of those porches Diana!!! And I have to tell you what a kick I get out of your Walmart pics! ( Although Walmart does owe me a few laughs since they do have most of our money!!!)
Wishing you a wonderful Monday!
XO Barbara

Laura @ duke manor farm said...

ha. walmart...and the people who go there( not you and me thought) surprise me too. loved all those choices.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

I hope you have a nice day and that is funny about the t-shirt!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I guess I'm in the minority about the porches. Old stoney did remind me of England. That t-shirt is a riot! Sure hope kids don't fall for that one! I can always count on a laugh from you! xo ♥

Adam said...

they made a million shirts before anyone ever realized

but honestly half the wally world people think Africa is a country

Denise said...

Sorry I missed playing along,and being late to the party. I do love the first photo .Thanks for showing Us that weird t-shirt,I was just at walmart last night.Hugs and blessings Denise

Denise said...

Sorry I missed playing along,and being late to the party. I do love the first photo .Thanks for showing Us that weird t-shirt,I was just at walmart last night.Hugs and blessings Denise

Vee said...

Gosh, I am way out of the loop. What else is new?!

Vee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Down On The Farm said...

Hooray!!!! I picked #4. Yes, it does just look substantial and inviting. Blessings to you my sweet friend! Robbin

Kim said...

I have a stone front house, I picked #3, because I love that white and black classic look. I guess the grass is always greener isn't it! Gotta love Walmart! ;)

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

I live the third place, the best, but it's a good thing we all have different tastes or all our porches would look the same. I always have grand ideas to decorate the porch for Fall, but usually I end up with a few pumpkins and a wreath! LOL!

Nice post.


Stephanie said...

I can't belive I missed out on picking a porch :( Oh well, you know me....I have a hard time picking just one! :) I love the three that were featured - each one is unique and truly beautiful.

Happy Monday, my friend. Love to you!

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

sorry I missed the vote! But yes the stone entry is beautiful!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

I missed the vote too! Lots of fun porches to look at. I love how creative people get. Trying to get caught up on visiting blogs. Thanks for your sweet visit Diana. xo

LV said...

Just goes to show that I do have a rare taste. Mine probably did not even get an honorable mention. O, well, all in fun.

cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

Boo!!! #4 would have been my 2nd choice...but oh well...better luck next time...HA!! My decorating skills will just consist of a pumpkin on the front porch and then that pumpkin will head into the kitchen after halloween to be made into a pie. Yep, I can taste it right now.

Gypsy Heart said...

Always interesting to see the results! :)


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

HA for a change my pick was the winner! I never pick the winner so I am going to have to celebrate ! :)

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

HA for a change my pick was the winner! I never pick the winner so I am going to have to celebrate ! :)

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Sure do love # 4 (my personal pick) also besides the stone and gold pumpkins how about that gorgeous Lavender hued painted door?

Chatty Crone said...

I liked the first two as well - sure is a lot of fun doing this. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I won! Well, the porch I liked best did! This is a fun thing and I know you have to go searching for things for us to pick! Now that Tshirt is a hoot! Can you believe it? :)
Glad you're back, I've missed you.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi! Congratulations to the winners! Afraid no geography stuck with me either! I didn't get around to commenting on yesterday's blog but you sure have an energetic granddaughter! Does she take after you? Did they win the game?? Nancy

Pom Pom said...

Yay! The one I picked won! (I think I'm of the age where I've seen it all before and now I'm seeing it again, ie: cornstalks, too many wreaths, too much unkjay on the orchpay)

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Must have missed that fun post picking the porches but I would have gone for the first one anyways!! All gorgeous! Walmart is too funny, and sometimes my second home for how many times I am there!

Terri Steffes said...

Missed the porch vote but those would have been my choices, too! It is all in the details, isn't it? Glad to see you back!

Cranberry Morning said...

Ha-ha on the shirt!! Not surprising, though. I would have chosen Old Stony also. One of the reasons I'm so fond of Yorkshire. Of course, I'm not the one who had to pick all that rock!

Beemie said...

I'm stumped...many of the products at Walmart state made in China....really?

Lorrie said...

Oh. That. Shirt. ... Words fail me.

So glad Old Stony won - it was my favorite!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Love the post - I liked the Orange door for Halloween, would have to re-paint it after. Fun fun fun.
You never know what your going to find at that store.
Have a great week.

This N That said...

I can always count on you for a laugh ..I love these! Always very hard to pick just one. I hope you are having a good evening .

Donna said...

Well, darn! Looks like my favorite wasn't even close, oh, well! I have a feeling that t-shirt will be going on clearance at Walmart. Reminds me of a t-shirt I saw years ago in Copper Harbor. Seems like the makers of the shirts liked the name "Cooper Harbor" better! They were on clearance, don't think they sold any!!

God's Grace Overflows said...

I did like #4, but I still liked the one I picked. The ly were all pretty and if someone would have came over and decorated my front porch, I'd would have been thrilled with any theme. :)
That shirt....there are no words...just wow! It amazes me how dumb people are. Only at Wal-Mart! Sheesh!

Have a delightful week, Diana!
Hugs, Amy

God's Grace Overflows said...

I did like #4, but I still liked the one I picked. The ly were all pretty and if someone would have came over and decorated my front porch, I'd would have been thrilled with any theme. :)
That shirt....there are no words...just wow! It amazes me how dumb people are. Only at Wal-Mart! Sheesh!

Have a delightful week, Diana!
Hugs, Amy

Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

I really had a hard time picking this time around. They were all so pretty! Oh man...Walmart...goodness. Lol!

Carla from The River said...

Out of the top three, I pick number two as my favorite.
HA, HA about the shirt. :-))

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

That was my vote, too! I think I need that shirt just so I can hear people's reaction :)

tammy j said...

SO happy it's old stony!
and the shirt...
the um...
ugly shirt... even if it were geographically correct?
thank you for the smiles! :) ♥

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Dang, I missed that contest! Gotta agree with the winner, though. And that shirt! omg, that is just crazy (but hilarious and sad at the same time)!

Forest Mother said...

I missed the vote but I do like the first because of it's simplicity.

Feral Turtle said...

Ahhhh I missed this one. I know I will finally get to it as I go through my emails though. I love that T-Shirt...haha It will become a collectors item.