Saturday, December 3, 2022



        I guess cakes don't lie!
you are

Many bloggers have watched you 
grow up here!

then I am.....
forty, fifty, sixty, seventy 

Your birthday was a few days ago
but I am a bit slow...
so, today, this is for you, 
Sweet Cheeks!

My Little Girl is Growing Up!

Look how cute you were at age 3!

Let me take you on a short journey

that started SIXTEEN YEARS ago..

The angels sang the day you were born.

You were so small when you were born-

You came early and 

spent 15 days in the NICU.

Nana visited you everyday 

and held you close to her heart.


When you got home your sisters loved on you

and you grew strong and healthy.

You were a cute toddler-

even when your mom 

thought you were a chicken.

You were such a happy little girl..

Sometimes though you were just 

And one time at the 

Christmas Tree Farm

a bush jumped out and grabbed you.

Instead of rushing to rescue you 

your mom had the 

presence of mind to take a  picture 

so that we could all laugh!

One day you ran away from your 

pretty princess outfits

and showed up

dressed for a magazine cover

for downtown Green Bay.

We were so proud of you!

You loved the Packers!

You loved to dance!

And you danced for years!

And you have always loved school!


Happy Birthday, Honey!

I hope I live long enough to see you 

wearing something like this someday!

Even though you told me I can't 


because I might


Seriously?  Me?!!!!

Okay- Okay-you have me pegged 

but just remember



Sweet Cheeks

aka Julia Diana!

Love you to the moon and back!

PS-If you show up as 

Anonymous-please type your name in

after you comment so I know who you 

are!  Thanks so much.

your photo name


Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh what a beautiful young woman she is becoming!! Of course, she is your granddaughter, so how could she miss? Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks! May God bless you with joy and beauty and health all the days of your life! And may Jesus be your very best friend of all. Amen.

Musings of a Vintage Junkie said...

What a sweet(cheeks) post!! Both of you are blessed to have each other in your lives. The memories and pictures are precious! xo AnnMarie

vivian said...

Oh my gosh.. time sure flies.. always adorable and turning into a beauty! Happy birthday to your sweet cheeks!


Happy Birthday! I love this post! Sweet Cheeks we have seen you grow up! Always beautiful! Thanks for sharing this Diana! xoxo Dolly

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

A very happy birthday to your beautiful granddaughter. Sixteen! Wow, I've been reading your blog for a long time! -Jenn

Debbie W said...

Remember that cute little girl and now a beautiful young woman! Happy birthday to Sweet Cheeks!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

She was beautiful from birth and still is I enjoyed every photo and it shows how she grew and grew into the beautiful young lady she is today. Happy birthday

Tom said...

...Lovely! Our 10 year old granddaughter thinks that she is 16 or 18! They sure grow up quickly.

John's Island said...

Hi Diana, What a sweet, wonderful tribute to Julia Diana. Thanks for sharing the story of this young lady! Wishes for a happy day to you and Julia! 😊 John

Anonymous said...

(Michelle D) I’ll never forget that picture of her in the wedding dress from back in the day, Happily 16th Birthday !!!

Tamara said...

Oh my goodness! Where do the years go? Such a sweet girl so grown up now into a lovely young lady.... I love your story in pictures. Blessings and a Happy Birthday to the special girl today!


Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

I’ve been watching her for years and she’s grown into a beautiful young lady! Happy 16th Birthday Julia!

Mevely317 said...

What a beauty! Love the comment about acting out in church. Talk about 'acting out'! There's a gal in our congregation I dare not sit next to without Depends ... and she just turned 86!

PS - I've got a birthday grand girl (today) of my own, but she's 25 stinkin' years old already. HOW did that happen?

Junkchiccottage said...

Oh my gosh now I feel old! She was such a cutie when little and now beautiful inside and out as a young women in this world. I know this makes me sound old but where has the time gone?!! Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks. Hope your day was as beautiful as you. xoxo Kris

Jan said...

Oh my, what a beautiful young lady! I feel like I've watched her grow up on your blog. The time has flown by!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Sweet cheeks has grown into a beauty. Watching her grow up before our very eyes is priceless. Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks.

Gert said...

Happy Birthday “Sweet Cheeks”! It’s been so much fun watching you grow up! What a lovely, beautiful girl you are! Diana, I know you are so proud of her :-)


Shelia said...

oh, my! I do remember Sweetcheeks when she was so little and we watched her grow up! What a beautiful young lady. Happy Birthday, Sweetcheeks!

Polly said...

Oh Diana, what a beautiful post for a beautiful young lady. I can feel how proud of her you are :-) x

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful young lady. The bond and love you share with your lovely granddaughter is priceless. Happy sweet sixteen SweetCheeks.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a beautiful and fun retrospective! Happy Sweet 16th Birthday, Julia Diana! Wishing you a wonderful life!

jack69 said...

What wonderful comments on a STERLING blog entry. Love the pictures of life. WE smiled all over at the running barefoot in the grass. All the rest were great. Trying to get over this DOWN TIME an cough.
Love from here and wishing you and yours a great December!!!
Sherry & jack smiling thru a hankie...

bobbie said...

Happy Birthday, Julia Diana! Your Nana is right ~ we have watched you grow up ~ and now you are a beautiful young woman! Wishing you all the best in your life ~

Terri D said...

Your Sweet Cheeks is a beauty!! Happy belated birthday to her! I loved seeing the photos!! Happy weekend!

Shari Burke said...

Happy birthday to Sweet Cheeks!

Chatty Crone said...

I remember Sweet Cakes growing up - she has ALWAYS been beautiful. 16 oh my. Happy Birthday!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I've been here watching her grow up too. What a stunner she is. And that precious dimple!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I just loved reading and seeing her biography!! She is gorgeous, and OH, those eyes!! You are so blessed to have her. Is she driving yet? Our granddaughter is 16 as well!!

Bless said...

Happy birthday to your granddaughter! This was such a wonderful blog post with all the photos of her growing up!

Anonymous said...

I so enjoyed watching your grands grow.I really remember Sweet Cheeks. She is a beauty for sure.

Bill said...

Happy birthday to Sweet Cheeks and may she have many many more.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

How can our little beauties grow up so quickly??!! Happy 16th Birthday to your darling Sweet Cheeks!

Hootin Anni said...

Priceless!!! I see how much she is adored. Lovely young lady. My favorite is her dancing ( in that "you danced for years"!!
Happy sweet 16.

Rita C at Panoply said...

What a gorgeous girl and blessing! Happy birthday to Julia!

Lowcarb team member said...

A lovely post.
Happy birthday to your beautiful granddaughter.

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

Happy Birthday to your granddaughter. A lovely tribute. They sure grow up fast.

Susie said...

Happy birthday to that adorable girl. Gosh Diana, I remember meeting her when you came to Horton's. I can not believe how fast the years have gone. She is a beauty. All your girls are pretty. Blessings to all. love you, Susie

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday sweet cheeks. You are a beautiful young lady. Wishing you happiness and blessings. God Bless.
Joan,Marion and Marilyn

Kay G. said...

Sweet Cheeks is 16? I can't believe it!! Happy birthday to her. I've said before but is it a requirement that all your relatives be gorgeous? Beauty galore! X

Renee said...

Happy birthday to your beautiful girl.

Wanda said...

Thanks for the picture journey. So beautiful from birth to now!!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

O my gosh, Diana. I had no idea SC was that old. I do remember( meeting) her when she was just a wee little thing. Always so cute and so smart too. They all grow up so fast and to see her in her wedding gown would be wonderful. I say that about my grandson but seeing him in a wedding dress would be a sight to behold. But I will see his fiance in hers next July..xxoJudy

Kim said...

Oh boy that went by fast!! 16 my goodness, I started blogging almost a decade ago and I remember a lot of these pictures and so many fun tales! She was a super cute kid, with a magazine cover to prove and has grown in a gorgeous young lady. I hope she had a wonderful birthday and year filled with all the fun and fabulous things that 16 should be!! xoxxo

Ann said...

And what a beautiful young lady she is. Happy Birthday

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! 16, how can that be? Love all the photos. It’s been fun watching her grown up on your blog. Such a cutie who has grown into a beautiful young woman. I know you are so proud of her! Many birthday wishes!
Hugs, Cecilia

Katie Isabella said...

I loved every single picture and what you wrote. We have had the pleasure of reading about her and seeing her activities for quite a while. Happy Birthday, dear, and many more.

Jo said...

Happy birthday to your beautiful granddaughter. A wonderful post, those years fly by, don't they.

Yvonne said...

What a lovely tribute to what I presume is one of your granddadughters. She is a lucky lady to have so much love in her life. May she have many more birthdays to come.

Rose L said...

It cannot be! Time goes by way, way too fast. She is so lovely. Soon off to college! You are blessed.

Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Birthday SweetCheeks! I didn't even recognize her in that first photo. She has grown up so beautifully, Diana. Many of these photos are familiar to me, as I watched her grow up along the way. I always loved that one with her in the woods with the red and white striped hat and scarf. That cake for her special day looks fantastic! And Yummy! I hope she has many more fun and dear birthdays, and I have to say, I really like her long dark hair now, lovely as ever.


Pam said...

So beautiful. Happiest 16 bday.

This N That said...

Thanks for making me feel old. Happy birthday sweet cheeks. It’s hard to believe that you were 16. It has been fun watching you grow up. Here’s to many more!

Theresa said...

Oh my, 16? I am one of the ones watching Sweet Cheeks grow up! What a beautiful collection and stories to celebrate her birthday. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Jeanie said...

What a wonderful photo journey through time. She's lovely, Diana, and every photo is a bit of joy and glorious memory.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

My goodness, I can't believe it either Diana, have we known each other that long? I remember all these photos of Sweet Cheeks! What a precious girl, and I've no doubt she has got a lot of her Nana in her! Happy birthday Sweet Cheeks!

Carla from The River said...

Oh, such a sweet post. I enjoyed your taking us down memory lane.
Happy Birthday to your Sweet Cheeks!!

Far Ago Farm said...

Oh my goodness! Where did that time go? It seems like yesterday you were sharing her little girl antics and hilarious quips & quotes. What a beautiful young lady she has become. Such a blessing she is to your family! Jane

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Wow Diana, I can't believe Sweet Cheeks is 16 years old and how time goes by so fast. Happy birthday to Sweet Cheeks.

Anonymous said...

It’s been fun to watch your grands grow up through your eyes. Thank you for your blog and perspective! 🥰 Terra Hartman

BeachGypsy said...

happy Sweet Sixteen! Her cake is real pretty, but not as pretty AS HER!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Sweet Cheeks a a beautiful young woman. Happy Birthday to you "sweet 16" granddaughter!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Happy Birthday to Sweet Cheeks!! I can not beleive that she is 16 years old!! where did the time go!! Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend!!

Anonymous said...

This the best post I have ever encountered! So thoughtful! Well done Diana

Sally said...

Such a precious little, and now so beautiful. I know that love you have for her (and all). Why doesn't time stand still for a minute. My oldest great grand will be l7 in February. I said GREAT GRAND LOL

Love this post.
